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Module 6 Save our world

Module 6 Save our world

module  6  save our world







写:能在写作中就环境问题用should/shouldn’t, do/don’t等句型提出建议,并能用because, so, so that句型简要说明理由。能简单介绍环保举措,劝说人们增强环保意识。运用情景,详略得当。

unit1 it’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.

knowledge aims:

1. students will learn and master some new words and phrases, such as waste, wasteful, throw away, metal, save energy, pollution, recycle, environmental, hopeless, enjoyable, be careful about, waste electricity, turn lights off ,  stop… from doing

2. students will learn some rules of word formation, especially                       about prefix (re-, un-, im-,in-, dis-…) and suffix( -al, -able, -ful, -less, -ly…)

ability aims:

students will be able to

1. understand the conversation about the environment.

2. talk  about how to protect the environment with sentence structure like “we should/shouldn’t…and don’t…”.

3. know the rules of word formation, such as wasteful, hopeless, reusable, and environmental.

moral education:

students will know some environmental problems, and will realize how serious they are.

1. students will learn the new words and phrases.

2. students will get information from the listening material.

3. students will learn and know some rules of word formation, such as wasteful, hopeless, reusable, and environmental .

teaching procedure:

i. lead in

environment  n.        environmental   adj.

we all want to live in a beautiful_____________. there are so many __________ problems .

pollute  v.       pollution n.

the water is                          .  water ___________ is very serious now.

waste     n. v.         wasteful   adj.8页,当前第112345678

Module 6 Save our world

don’t _________ water.   it’s ________________ to throw away the food.

recycle  v.

the machine can _____________ the bottles.   the bottles can __________ by the machine.

electricity        electric       adj.      electrical     adj. 

we use ____________ when we turn on lights.

energy  n.            energetic  adj.

electricity is a type of  (一种)_______. my little brother is _______, and he never feels tired.

ii. word study













iii. complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1.turn off that tap(水龙头)! you shouldn’t __________ water.

2. every class collects   __________ waste.

3. we should __________ the old books.

4. _____________  pollution is serious now.

5. it’s wasteful to ______________ paper and metal.

iv. listen and fill in the chart.

what can you see in the photo? it’s a ______, and it’s causing a lot of ________.

 where does the pollution go? it goes into the ______ and the _________.

 what can we do about it? there should be some _______ against(反对)that.

 what about the other photo? it’s a place where you can  _______  waste products.

 why do we need to do that? to ________  _______.

v. listen and answer

1. whose email have they got?

2. what is a green school?

vi. answer the questions

1. how did zhao ming feel when he read the article?

2. what does a green school do? give one example.

3. why is it wasteful to throw away glass and paper?

4. what happens if we don’t turn off lights?

vii.complete the sentences according to the passage.

1. zhao ming first saw new standard while ____________________________

2. zhao ming wants to know when _________________________________

3. in a green school everyone _______________________________________

4. we can save our world if _________________________________________

viii. read a3&a4, then work in pairs. say what you should do about these problems.

--we should stop the factories from polluting the river.

--i agree. and we should stop them from polluting  the air as well.

stop sb/sth from doing…  阻止……做……

ix. language points:

1. environment   n. 环境 8页,当前第212345678

Module 6 Save our world

     environmental adj. 环境的

     environmentally adv. 环境地

2. waste  n. & v.   浪费                use    v. 使用

wasteful  adj.    浪费的             reuse  v. 重新利用

wastefully adv.  浪费                 reusable  adj. 可再利用的

3. hope   n. & v. 希望

hopeless  adj.  希望渺茫的

hopelessly adv. 希望渺茫地

hopeful     adj.  充满希望的

hopefully  adv.  充满希望地

4. be careful about /of  谨慎对待     throw away 扔掉     raise money 集资

save energy 节约能源       collect reusable waste  收集可再用的废品

such as 例如          turn off关闭    waste electricity 浪费电

stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

x. complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

enjoy    environment    care    waste    reuse    hope 

1. cycling to school is both ____________ and environmentally friendly.

2. you really need to be _________ with things bad for the environment.

3. everybody can do a little bit to help with ________________ problem.

4. it is _________ to throw away the ___________ shopping bags.

5. scientists are ________ about new ways to save energy.

xi. grammar:

1.-al  由名词转换成形容词的后缀。

2. -ful     由名词转换成形容词的后缀。表示:full of

3.-less  由名词转换成形容词的后缀。与-ful相反,表示“少的,不足的”

4. -ly  由形容词转换成副词的后缀。

5. -able  由动词转换成形容词的后缀。表示: “can be… 可能、易于、适合于”

  6. re-  前缀。表示:…again

xii. consolidation

1. 人人都认为我们必须谨慎地对待环境。

    everyone agrees we must _____ _____ _____ the environment.

2.  扔掉玻璃、纸张和金属是很浪费的。

    it’s _____    to  ______ ______ glass, paper and metal.

3. 我们应该阻止工厂污染河流。

     we should ____ the factories _____  _______   the river.

4. 每个班都收集可再利用的废品,卖掉他们以便再循环利用。

    every class ______ _______   waste, sells them for _________.8页,当前第312345678

Module 6 Save our world

5. 你们打算什么时候写关于环境教育的文章?

    when are you going to ______ ______ ____________ education?

6. 如果每个人都考虑污染和回收问题,那么我们就能拯救我们的世界.

we can ______ our world ____ everyone thinks about ________ and recycling.

xiii. homework

1. do exercises of unit1,module4 in target exercise book.

2. read the conversation on page42 and try to recite the sentences in activity6.

unit 2 remember three words:reduce, reuse, recycle

knowledge aims:

students will learn

1.the new words and phrases, such as reduce, reuse, necessary, plastic, repair, care, instead, instead of, cloth, sort, harm, do harm to, difference, make difference to , product, material, bottle ,as … as possible , take part in

2. consolidate the rules of word formation: prefix (re-, ) and suffix ( -al, -able, -ful, -less, -ly)

3.read and understand about the passage about the environment.

ability aims:

1.students will be able to get the main idea of  each paragraph .

2.students will be able to make suggestions about environmental protection with using should/shouldn’t, so, because and so that.

3.students will be able to write a short passage about protecting environment.

moral education:

students will know that they can do something to protect environment, although they are young.

students will learn to  make suggestions with should /shouldn’t, do and don’t  and give reasons using because, so, and so that.

the grammar: prefix and suffix

teaching procedure

i. to try to write a short passage about the environment.

careful,  careless,  hopeful,  hopeless, usable,   reuse,    reusable,   useless, wasteful,  impossible,  unlike,  dislike, likable,  unusual

it’s better for chinese people to buy chinese products than products from abroad. in my                                                                                                                                                                                               opinion, we can save money, save the expenses(费用)of transportation and so on.                                                               8页,当前第412345678

Module 6 Save our world

i think it’s better to use a plastic lunch box and a china cup because you can use them again/reuse.

it’s much better to recycle used things than burn them. in this way, we can use less energy; also, burning pollutes the air.

ii. word study:


1. reduce 减小,减少

2. reuse重新利用

  3. care在意,关心;担心

  4. abroad在国外,到国外

  5. fashion风尚,时尚

  6. last最后的,最近的,最新的;持续

  7. necessary必要的

  8. plastic塑料的;塑料

  9. produce生产

10. pollute污染

11. repair修理

12. instead of代替,而不是

13. china陶瓷

14. air conditioning空调

15. cloth布

16. sort挑拣,分类;n.类别

17. do harm to对… 造成伤害

18 make a difference to对…产生重大影响

19. material材料

20. bottle瓶


iii. try to answer these questions:

1. do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?

2. do you buy new clothes just because they are latest fashions?

3. do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning?

4. do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad?

5. do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?

6. do you sort the waste before throwing it away?

iv. match the main ideas with the paragraphs.

a. questions about how green you are

b.  three ideas

c.  facts about reducing

d.  facts about recycling

e.  environment facts and what our young people should do

f. facts about reusing

v. read and answer :

1. what is “reduce”?   2. why should we reduce?     3. what should we do to reduce?

vi.read the passage again give reasons for what you should or shouldn’t do.

1.you shouldn’t buy the latest fashion because_____________________________

2.you should choose local products because______________________

3. you shouldn’t waste energy because __________________________

4. you shouldn’t buy things from abroad because_______________________

5.you should repair things because ___________________________

6. you shouldn’t use paper bags and cups because__________________

7. you shouldn’t throw things away because_____________________.

8. you shouldn’t burn things because __________________________

vii. language points:

1. care about 表示“关心,介意,在乎”

care for sb 表示“照顾; 喜欢”的意思

she’s never cared very much about her clothes.

eg:  (1) she moved back home to care for her parents.

         (2) he cared for her very much.

2. do harm to  “ 对------有害处”         do good to  “ 对 ------有好处”8页,当前第512345678

Module 6 Save our world

eg. 我们应该保护动物,永远不伤害它们。   

       we should protect animals and should never  ______ _____ ____  them.


       eating lots of vegetables will _____ ____ ___ you.

3. everyday adj. “每日的,每天的”,用来修饰名词。eg:  everyday english

every day “每天”,在句中做时间状语。

4. make a difference to “对------产生重大影响”

eg:  这项发明对我们的生活将会产生很大的影响。

this great invention will ______ _____ __________ _______ our life.

5. as + adj./adv.原形+as possible “ 尽可能---的 /地 ----”

eg: 尽可能地早到校。  get to school as early as possible.

你尽可能多读一些英语故事书。you should read story books _____ ____ ____ ______.

6. change… into… “把… 变成…” “把… 换成…”

eg: they changed the waste yard(垃圾场) into a beautiful garden.

7. although "虽然…但是…"

eg: although he didn't feel well this morning, he still went to work .

8. so that  " 以便, 为了”

eg: turn off lights when you don't need them so that we can save energy.

9. instead of “代替, 而不是”后面接名词、代词和动名词。

eg: 我代你去开会。 i will take part in (参加)the meeting ________ ______ ______.

viii. give more suggestions about how to be green.

don’t throw bottles away because it’s better to recycle them.

do turn out lights so that you use less energy.

try to use recycled paper because it saves energy.

don’t use the plastic bags because they are hard to recycle.

ix. consolidation:

1. 你关心环保和节能吗____ ____ ___ ___ protecting the environment and saving energy?

2. 用塑料午餐盒和杯子更好,因为我们可以再次利用。

     ____ ____ ____ ___ a plastic lunch box and a cup because we ______ _____ them ______.

3. 我们每天制造着垃圾, 它对环境产生危害。   

we produce waste every day and it ____ ____ ___ our environment.

4. 没有人能把石头变成金子。     no one can __________  ______ _______ gold.

5. 它们将参加今年的运动会。they will ____ _____ __ _____ _____ _____     this year.

6. 我们尽量不要买太多的国外产品。we should__ ___ __ ___too many things from abroad.

7. 我们应该开窗通风来代替打开空调。

we should open a window ______ _____ _____ __air conditioning.

8. 即使是最简单的日常小事也能对环境产生很大的影响。

even the simplest everyday activities can ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ the environment.

x. homework

1.read the text three times.

2.copy the new words and phases.

3.finish the exercise in unit2 (the target exercise book)8页,当前第612345678

Module 6 Save our world

unit 3  language in use

i. complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1. when are you going to write about ____________(environment) education?

2. if we don’t, the future is ___________. (hope)

3. it’s ____________(waste) to throw away paper and metal.

4. __________(use) means “use again”.

5. every class collects ___________(use) waste.

ii. grammar:


1. re- 表示 “再(again)” write—rewrite;

2. 表示否定的前缀:in- ,im- ,un- ,dis- 等。注:im- 用于b,m,p前。

   correct—incorrect; possible—impossible; healthy—unhealthy; agree—disagree; like—dislike

常见的后缀有:-er, -ful, -able, -less, -ly, -al, -ness…

   1. 构成名词的后缀有:动词—名词:后加 -er/-or; -ion

                      read—reader;  visit—visitor  invent—invention; 

                      形容词—名词:后加 -ness;-ty;

                      serious—seriousness;  electric—electricity

常见的后缀有:-er, -ful, -able, -less, -ly, -al, -ness…

  2. 构成形容词的后缀有:名词—形容词:后加-al;  -ful; -less; -ern;  -ive; -y….

    environment—environmental;  care—careful ; care—careless, south—southern;      collect—collective;  cloud--cloudy

常见的后缀有:-er, -ful, -able, -less, -ly, -al, -ness… 

-able: 表示可以,能够的(can be)  enjoy—enjoyable

3. 构成副词的后缀:-ly: 在形容词后加-ly构成副词。careful—carefully

iii. practice


1. can be collected_____

2. not done____________

3. full of hope__________

4. without any hope______

5. not possible___________

6. not usual______________

7. not used______________

8. used again_____________

9. not wanted_____________

10. making a lot of waste_____

iv. complete the table.












noun verb adjective adverb

 electricity --- electric ---

 energy ---  energetic energetically

environment ---  environmental  environmentally

 hope  hope  hopless hopelessly

 nation --- national  nationally

 pollution pollute  polluting ---8页,当前第712345678

Module 6 Save our world

seriousness ---  serious  seriously

unusualness ---  unusual unusually

waste  waste  wasteful  wastefully

 worry worry  worried  worriedly

v. fill in the blanks with the words in the table.

1. they are working very _____________ to reduce waste.

2. the situation is ___________ .we can’t do anything to make it better.

3. the factory ________ the river, and the fish died.

4. we don’t often walk in the country. it’s a(n)_______activity for us.

5. don’t __________. everything will be all right.

6. don’t use so much water. it’s very __________.

vi. discussing what you can do about pollution.

 choose something that is very important to you. the topic could be water pollution, air pollution, waste, cutting down forests, global warming etc.

 find out a bit more information about your subject.

 discuss your topic with your partners.

 make a summary of what you have said and write down.

vi. homework   finish the composition.8页,当前第812345678