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The Olympics教案

The Olympics教案

                    unit 1 the olympics讲学稿

                       lesson 1: higher, faster, stronger:


1. 奥运会是世界性的体育盛会,你知道多少奥运会运动项目?把它们的英文名字写下来,看谁写得多。

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


2. 你知道奥运会的口号、会徽吗?北京奥运会的会徽和吉祥物是什么?把它们写下来或者画下来。

_ ___________________________________________________________________



3. XX年奥运会在中国举办成功,给你留下深刻印象的人和事是什么?把它们写下来。



4. 你还了解关于奥运会的事吗?把它们写下来,越多越好吆。



1. 知识目标

1) 掌握下列词汇及短语。

modern,  gold,   record,  event,   twentieth,        win a gold medal,

break one’s record


   ancient,  medal,  shooting,  athlete,  silver,  bronze,  sprint

2. 情感目标







1. when and where did the olympics begin?


2. when and where did the modern olympics start?


3. can you say something about xu haifeng?


4. did athletes compete for medals at the olympics?20页,当前第11234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案


5. can you say something about american bob beamon?



1. “ancient” means very, very old.    ancient的意思是非常非常久远。   mean 在本句中用作动词,意为“意思是”。例如:

what does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?

mean to do sth的意思是“打算,意欲做某事。”例如:

i didn’t mean to hurt you.我不是故意伤害你的。

2.  he jumped an amazing 8.8 metres. 他跳了令人吃惊的8.8米。

amazing 8.8 metres 是个名词词组表示数量或程度,用来修饰动词,作状语。例如:the baby weighs 5 kilos这个婴儿重10斤。

the book costs 5 dollars.这本书5美元。

3.  nobody broke his record for twenty-three years.  23年中没有人打破他的纪录。

break a record 的意思是“打破纪录”。  for +一段时间 通常与延续性动词连用。但是,在否定句中,或句中有表示频度的词语时,非延续性动词也可和其连用。例如:

 i haven’t met her for three weeks.我已3周没见到她了

i have known him for 5 years.我认识他五年了。

4. at the olympics, athletes compete for medals.在奥运会上,运动员们为奖牌而战。


  compete for\to do sth意为“为做某事而竞争”。例如:

 the three students are competing for the monitor of class5.这三个学生正在竞争5班班长。

 all the athletes compete to win gold medals.所有的运动员都为金牌而竞争。


一. 翻译下列短语。

1. 打破某人纪录_______________ 2. 在29届北京奥运会上________________ 3.在跳高项目中_____________ 4.古代奥运会__________________5. 现代奥运会_________________

二. 完形填空

once there lived a bear and a fox near a river. one  1  morning the bear met the fox 2  a lot of fish. the bear  3  the box how he caught so  4  fish, and the fox said, “i don’t tell people how i caught them. but you are a friend of        5   i’ll tell you the  6   .” so the fox led the bear to the river covered with  7. there was a small   8  in the ice. “now comes the secret,” said the fox. “sit here and put your  9  through the hole into the water. wait  10  a lot of fish caught your tail and then pull hard.”

the bear 11  there for about two hours. he thought that it was time to pull his tail. he pulled and pulled. 12  his tail was pulled out. but when he looked at his tail, there wasn’t any  13  on it. and worse than that, his tail was  14 than before. ever  15  then the bear’s tail has been short.20页,当前第21234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案

1. a. warm     b.hot     c. cold     d. cool

2. a. to eat     b. with    c. carry    d. has

3. a. said      b. asked   c.ordered   d. told

4. a. few      b.a few    c. much    d. many

5. a.mine      b. my     c. yours    d. your

6. a.secret     b. news    c. matter   d. story

7. a. grass     b. ice      c. snow    d. water

8. a. line     b. land    c. hole    d. fish

9. a.feet     b.foot     c. head    d.tail

10. a.for      b.until    c.to     d. and

11. a.sat     b.laid    c. lay    d.slept

12. a. so     b.at last  c.but    d.at first

13. a.bear  b. feet      c. fish    d. tail

14. a. more shorter  b. much shorter  c. more short d. much short

15. a. before   b. ago   c. since   d. for

16. 找出短文中不认识的单词,写下来。


17. 找出短文中重点的固定搭配,写下来.







The Olympics教案

                       lesson 2 swimming for gold


1. 你喜欢运动吗?你最喜欢的运动是什么?写出他们的英文名字?并说明理由。


2. 你喜欢游泳吗?你知道哪几个游泳冠军?用英语描述一下你喜欢的游泳冠军?


3. 你知道我国首枚奥运会游泳金牌是谁赢得的吗?说一说她的情况。





close, race, seem, tie, beat, up and down, the others, set a world record。


   freestyle, swimmer, spectator

2. 情感目标





it seems\ seemed that句型的用法。


1. who won china’s first gold medal in swimming?


2. in which olympics did zhuang yong win the medal in swimming?


3. who are the four chinese women swimmers?


4. why did zhuang yong surprise everyone?


5. when did zhuang yong behin swimming?



1. it was a very close race.那是一场势均力敌的比赛。

close 是形容词,意思是“(指比赛、游戏等)参赛者几乎平手的,势均力敌的,旗鼓相当的”。例如: a close match 势均力敌得比赛

 close 作形容词还有“接近的、亲近的、亲密的”的意思。例如:

our school is close to a hospital。我们学校离一个医院很近。

she is my close friend.她是我的密友。

2. it seemed that zhuang yong and jenny thompon, an american swimmer, had finished at the same time. was it a tie? 庄泳和詹妮 汤姆森似乎同时到达终点。这是一个平局吗?

(1) it seemed\seems that…意思是“看上去像。”例如:

  it seems that she is right. 似乎她做得对。

(2) tie此处是名词,意思是“平局、平手”。 tie  作名词还有“领带、纽20页,当前第41234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案


the match ended in a tie.这场比赛以平局告终。

there is a beautiful tie on the bed. 在床上有一条漂亮的领带。

(3)tie 还可以作动词,意思是“系、捆、扎、栓”的意思。例如:

he tied his horse to the tree. 他把他的马拴在了树上。

3…the chinese spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering.


cheering作伴随状语,相当于 and cheered。例如:

the little boy sat in the corner, crying loudly. 那个男孩坐在角落里大哭。

4. but today zhuang yong beat the american swimmer. 但是今天庄泳战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。

beat动词,意思是“战胜、击败”。 beat  还有“打、敲”的意思。例如:

we beat class 6 in the school sports meeting. 在学校运动会上我们战胜了6班。

your father will give you a good beating.你爸爸会狠狠揍你一顿的。



1. 上上下下____________ 2. 其他的人和物_____________ 3.创造了一项世界纪录________________ 4.女子100 米自由泳____________ 5. 似乎、好像______________ 6. 在同时_______________ 7. 在游泳池里_________________

8.擅长于_____________ 9. 对…有好处 _____________ 10. 和…一样快___________________


  thomas edison lost the first job. for the next five years he went around the country from job to job. at last edison went to new york. he had little money. he could not buy enough food to eat. he had no place to sleep.

  for many days edison looked for work. he was hungry. at last he found work fixing machines. he could fix the old machines. he also made new ones. the headman liked edison’s new machines. he was going to give edison $40,000 for them. edison would have money to do what he wanted.

  thomas edison was 23 then. he used the money to build a shop in new jersey. he had many people working for him. but he worked more than any of them did. he rested very little. soon he could make more than 40 new things once.

  in 1876 alexander graham bell made a telephone. but it could carry voices only a short way. edison wanted to make a better telephone. he soon made one. it could carry voices a long way.

1. after he lost his job, edison ___________.

a. found no job in the next five years

b. lived in new york for the next five years

c. had a bad time in the next five years.

d. had no food and no sleep during the next five years

2. in new york _________

a. he was always hungry

b. he began to have good luck after he found the work, fixing machines

c. edison got $40,000 by fixing old machines

d. edison made more money by fixing old machines20页,当前第51234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案

3. the headman was interested in ____________.

a. thomas edison himself

b. the old machines

c. the new machines

d. edison’s telephone

4. edison made a telephone. it _______________.

a. was the first one in the world

b. carried more voices

c. carried voices more clearly

d. carried voices much further

5. the best title for this passage might be ____________.

a. the first telephone

b. thomas edison’s shop

c. thomas edison’s new job

d. thomas edsion is an inventor

6. 找出短文中不认识的单词,写下来。


7. 找出短文中重点的固定搭配,写下来.








                      lesson 3 are you an athlete?


1. 平时你喜欢怎样锻炼身体?英语来描述一下。


2. 平时学生们在学校都做什么运动来锻炼身体?写出他们的英文名字。


3. 如果我们学校举行运动会,你准备参加什么项目?为什么?


4. 本课提到几种室内运动项目,写出他们的英文名字。


5. 假设你的好朋友要参加比赛,你对他|她说什么来预祝成功?





   volley, table tennis,  luck, tennis


The Olympics教案

  design, rope, jump rope,  sit-up, push-up,  good luck , thank you!  the same to you .

2. 情感目标





try to more time \  as fast as 的用法。


1. what’s jenny’s good idea for an event?


2. what's danny’s good idea for an event?


3. what does danny say to brian and jenny?


4.  how many sit-ups and push-ups can you do in one minute?


5. how far can you jump?



1.star by standing still.  先静止站立。   still  是形容词,意思是“(几乎)不动或无声的。静止的、寂静的。例如:

 please stay still while i am taking your picture.  我在给你拍照时,请别动

 still 还用作副词,意思是“仍然,依旧”。例如:     

 she is still beautiful. 她仍然那么漂亮。

i still can’t understand you. 我还是不懂你的意思。

2.then jump as far as you can . 然后尽量往远处跳。

as far as you can相当于   as far as possible 意思是“尽可能。。。。”

 a cat comes. the mouse runs as fast as it can. 猫来了,老鼠尽可能快的跑了。

li ming will jump as far as he can. 李明会尽可能往远处跳的。

3.try two more times。再试两次。 two more times = another two times 即:

基数词+more + 名词 =  another  + 基数词 +名词。表示“再。。。” 例如:

please give me three more books. = please give me another three books.



一. 翻译下列短语。

 1.跳绳 _____________  2.跳远 ____________   3.仰卧起坐 ___________  4. 俯卧撑 _______________    5.滑冰_______________ 6. 打篮球_______    7. 打网球_____________   8. 跳水 ____________  9. 再试两次 ________________ 10.尽可能快的。。。 _____________________


      it was a cold winter morning. the wind was blowing. there were only a few people in the street.

    there was a young girl in hospital. she was ill. she lay in bed and looked out of the window. she could see the people clearly. they were all taking or runing, and most of them were happy. the girl cried, “why am i in hospital? i know i am dying, my god!”20页,当前第71234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案

    her mother wanted to speak, but suddenly the girl shouted, “ look, mum, there were some leaves!”  her mother looked out. there were some green leaves on a tree. the tree was in front of the wall. the girl said, “ mum, if there were no leaves on the tree, i will die.” “ no, you won’t,” her mother was too sad to say a word. the wind was blowing harder and harder, and two leaves fell down. there were two big tears in her mother’s eyes.

    the next morning there were no leaves on the tree. a man in hospital heard the girl’s words yesterday.he quickly got up before the girl woke up and stuck one leaf, so that it looked like a real leaf. when the girl woke up, she laughed and laughed. she didn’t think she would die any more. but the man died that morning.

1. the girl’s bad illness made her mother very ____________.

a. sad  b. mad   c.lazy   d. imaginary

  2.  the girl was surprised to find _________ outside.

     a.a tree with no leaves on  b..a tree with some leaves on

     c.a kind-hearted man  d. a fierce man

  3.  after the man heared the girl’s words he __________.

     a.gave her some good food  b. told her a strang story

     c. stuck a leaf in the tree     d. drew some leaf in the tree

4.  which of the following is true?

     a. the man came back to life at last  b. a real leaf made the girl happy

     c. the leaf on the tree gave the girl a hope to live on

 d.many people thanked the man for her saving the girl   

5. the best title of the story is ___________.

     a.the girl in hospital     b. the last leaf  

c. a kind man           d. helping others

6. 找出短文中不认识的单词,写下来。







The Olympics教案






lesson 4 good luck to you


1. 你喜欢唱歌吗?为什么? 用简单的英语说一下。


2. 如果你英语成绩不好,你会怎样鼓励自己?用英语简单说一下。


3. 如果你的朋友要参加奥运会,你该怎么鼓励她| 他 呢?用英语说一下。





      believe, do one’s best , give up,  take part in, cheer team

2)接触下列词汇及短语。 无

2. 情感目标



 sing the song


do one’s best \ give up 的用法。


1. do your best!  全力以赴!  do one’s best 意为“尽力、尽量”。如果要表达“尽力做。。。。”,其后要接动词不定式,即:   do one’s best to do …. 例如:

  i must do my best to help you. 我一定要尽全力帮助你。

  you should do your best to learn english well. 你应当尽全力学好英语。

2. don’t give up ! 不要放弃! give up 意为“放弃,停止”。如果要表达放弃做某事 ,其后接动名词,即:  give up doing sth. 例如:

  i have giving up smoking。我已经戒烟了。

  don’t give up learning english.  不要放弃学英语。

3. we believe in you! 我们信任你。   believe in  意为“信任、信赖”。其后接     sb \ sth \ doing sth 

the teacher believes in all her students.  这位老师信任她所有的学生。

i believe in doing morning exercises. 我坚信做早操有益处。


一. 翻译下列短语。

1. do one’s best __________ 2. give up ___________ 3. as fast as _____________

4. believe in ______________5. take part in __________ 6. cheer team __________

6. try two more times __________________ 8. catch up with ___________________20页,当前第91234567891011121314151617181920

The Olympics教案


scientists are trying to make deserts into good land again. they want to bring water to deserts, so people can live and grow food. they are learning a lot about the deserts. but more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. scientists may not be able to change the desert. scientists think that people make deserts. people are doing bad things to the earth.

some places on the earth don’t get very much rain. but then still don’t become desert. this is because some green plants are growing there. small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places. plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier. plants don't let the wind blow the earth aways. when a little bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water. without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.

1.why can the land become a desert?

a. some places don’t get very much rain.

b. plants don’t let the hot sun make the earth even drier

c. people don’t keep the earth well.

d. scientists have learnt enough about the deserts.

2.scientists _______ to make the deserts into good land again.

a. carry water  b. grow food   c. doing nothing  d. study a lot

3. which is not true?

a. the land never stops becoming deserts.

b. scientists ask the people to live in the deserts and grow food there.

c.people do bad things to the earth.

d. scientists may not be able to change the deserts.

4. why are green plants and grass helpful?

a. they can hold the water.

b. they can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.

c.they can keep the earth wet.

d. all the above.

5. which is the best title for the passage?

a. the desert problem  b. people make deserts

c.green plants and grass  d. the desert, the plants and the earth

6. 找出短文中不认识的单词,写下来。







The Olympics教案





             lesson 5 danny’s very special guest


1.谁是你最喜欢的体育明星?为什么喜欢他| 她?











     guest,  such,  able, great, practise,  be able to , play …for… ,at the end,

 some day

2)接触下列词汇及短语。 无。

2. 情感目标







1. who is danny’s special guest? what does he do?


2. did canada win the gold medal in basketball in the last olympics?


3.what advice did jeff johnson give danny?


4.did danny have such an interesting day at school?



1.we had such an interesting day at school today. 今天我们在学校度过了如此有趣的一天。  such 是一个形容词,本课中such 的句型结构是 such + a\ an + 形容词+ 可数名词单数,与 so +形容词+ a\an +可数名词单数 可以互换,意思是“如此(那么)….的…”例如:   he is such a good man .= he is so good a man. 他是那么好的一个人。

2.if i don’t, i won’t be able to sleep tonoght! 如果不这样, 今晚我将不能入睡。

   can\ could \be able to 都表示能力。   can 只有一般现在时和一般过去时   (could)两种时态。 be able to  可以用于各种时态。例如:20页,当前第111234567891011121314151617181920