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Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.

Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.

unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.


1 充分认识身体的各位

2 让学生谈论事故和健康问题。


词汇 broken  injury  first aim  knee  bandage  allergy   forehead  sunburned

 bitten  attack  eyesight 


1 what’s the matter?

2 how did you do that? i feel off my bike.

 3 what happened to you?




  1. my grandmother fainted suddenly. i called for an a___________ at once.

  2. the baby c_________ on some rice. he couldn’t breathe. it’s very dangerous.

  3. he has a weak e_____________. he can’t see the blackboard clearly.

  4. he got lost in the forest. but his will to s__________ saved him.

  5. his father had an a__________ yesterday. he is now in hospital.

  6. if you cut your finger, you can clean it and put a ______________(绷带) on it.

  7. the sign says, “ ________________ (安全) first.”

  8. there is a _________(诊所) near our school. the nurses in it are very friendly.

  9. his bike is ___________ (坏了) and he has to walk to school.

  10. he came home _______________ (马上) after work.



step 1: free talk

----- good morning, doctor!

------morning. what’s wrong with you?


step 2 1a

i  do exercises

ii tell them some phrases that the students aren’t familiar.

step 3 listening


i . read the instructions to students. listen and draw

iii  check the answers.

2a / 2b 

i pay attention to the phrases.

ii do exercises

iii  check the answers.

step 4  work in pairs.

a: what’s the matter?

b: i’ve broken my arm.

a: how did you do that?

b: i fell off my bike this morning



1.    what’s the matter with sb.? 问某人怎么啦?

类似的提问还有: what’s wrong ? what’s wrong with sb.? what’s sb’s trouble?

他怎么啦? 1)what’s the matter with him? 2) what’s wrong with him? 3) what’s his trouble?

2. what happened? 发生什么了?


1 fall  asleep 入睡 off 跌落 behind 落后 over 跌倒 ill 患病 to pieces 崩溃 in love with 爱上 into 落入 back 后退 out 争吵

2 accident   by accident 偶然 without accident 安全地

3 break  away突然离开 off拆断 down 打破 up拆散 into破门而入 with绝交



【课前检测】break(过去分词) ___________bite(过去分词_______________

从---掉下来___________   摔倒_______________

呼吸困难_____________   摔断胳膊___________



Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.

step 1:free talk 

have you ever burned by yourself?/ cut yourself badly?/broken an arm or leg?

step 2 3a 3b

a read and fill in the blanks

b  check true or false,if it is false,please correct it.







d 知识点回顾

in order to

e  translation

1 the aim was to ................among the sentenses

2 40%of these are.....................long-term

3 the study shows that................record

4 the school is .........................good work





【课堂教学】step 1: free talk

describe the accident like this:

i fell over and hurt my knee badly today. first the cut was cleaned . next the doctor gave me some medicine and put a bandage on it . after that i was told to rest and not to walk around too much.

step 2 1a

i  put the treatments in order

ii check the answers

step 3 section b 2a 2b

i check the accidents you hear

ii do exercises 2b




1.the sky is dark. it ______ (rain).

2. look out! the car ______ (come).

3. if paul comes this evening, we ______ (give) the letter to him.

4.i___already____(see)the film.i___(see)it last week.

5.__ he ____(finish) his work today ? not yet .

6.i ____ (work) here since i ____ (move) here in 1999.

7.shanghai ___(be) a small town hundreds of years ago. now it ____ (become) a large city.

8.where's li ming? he____(go)to the teacher's office.




i read and answer the questions

1. what die the nurse give to xie gang?

2. what happened beforewang miao’s mother was called?

3. what did jia ming do after the fishbone was removed?

4. what treatment did han xue get just before a bandage was put on her arm?








1. run it under water. 在水中冲洗一下.

 run 冲洗,流动例如: the child nose is running. 这个孩子在流鼻涕。 the river rnns clear. 水流清澈。

2. as it wasn’t very serious, i cleaned it up.由于伤口不严重,我自己清洗了以下。

as 由于,因为 例如:as he was ill, i got there alone.因为他病了,所以我自己去了。

3. a fishbone got stuck in jia ming’s throat during lunch. 吃午饭时,一根鱼刺卡住了家明的喉咙。 3页,当前第2123

Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.

get stuck in 阻住,塞住 get 是系动词,stuck是过去分词作形容词用,类似的词组还有: get sunburned 晒伤 get excited 激动 get hit in the head 头部受到撞击 get frozen 结冰 get trapped 受困

4. wang miao chocked on a peanut 王秒被一粒花生噎住了。.

 choke 噎住,塞住 例如: the smoke almost choked me. 烟呛的我几乎透不过气。 he choked with anger. 他气地说不出话来

【课后作业】selkcheck 1



after ,first, next, bandage, around ,rest, medicine, badly

lily fell over and hurt her knee       yesterday .       , the cut was cleaned .       ,the doctor gave her some       and put a        on it .

        that she was told to       and not to walk        too much.


step  1  section 1 before you read

by doing this practice ,students can think creatively. divide the students into pairs. discuss how to finish these blanks. then check the answers in class.

step 2 section 2 text study

1.students read the text themselves, find out the answers to the questions:

what happened to aron in april ?

what did he do to save his life after he lay for five days ?

how did he stop the bleeding after he cut off his right arm?

has he had many accidents in his life ?

what should we learn from aron ?

step 3  section3 after you read

1.students read the text again, find out the new words and the information on physics to fill in the form in3a.

students exchange the ideas of the information .

3b,students doing it and exchanging the ideas, then check the answers in the class.


1 keep的短语  away 使离开 in 抑制 back 留在后边 off 让开 down 卧下 on 继续 from 阻止 up维持

2 call的短语  back 叫回来 for 要求,提倡 down 找来 in 召集 off 叫走 on 号召 over点名 up召唤

3 have的用法总结 1)有 2)了解,have your idea 3)吃喝 4)拿 5)接受 i can’t have it. 6)have to 7)have a +名词 表示得病 bad cold, sore back, cough, headache

4 immedicately =at once= right now

5 make 常搭配短语 after追赶 against 和……相违背 away 离去,逃走 down改小衣服 up弥补 from由……制造 into 把……制成 fun of 取笑

6 put常搭配短语 put aside 放在一边 away 收好 back 放在原处 up 句首 off推迟

7 run out of =use up

 第六、七课时(selfcheck )


1 掌握重点单词短语

2 熟练语法点并会做题


step 1:

review the importances together

step 2

