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Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness


一. 教学内容:

unit 7 the rewards of kindness lesson 1 and lesson 2


二. 重点、难点:







come along 出现;到达

help others 帮助其他人

be pleased to do sth. 高兴地做某事

take a message for sb. 替……捎口信

in case 以防万一


call sb. back 给……回电话

answer a phone call 接电话

join sb. 加入……中

make plans to do sth. 制订计划做……

think of oneself 考虑自己

fairy tales 神话传说

once upon a time 从前

be cruel to sb. 对……残忍

a tiny piece of bread 一小块面包

turn to gold 变成金子

demand to know 要求知道

search for 搜寻;搜查

get away from 走开

selfish women 自私的女人

in contrast 与……成对比

even if 即使

pretend to so sth. 假装做……

the rewards of kindness 对善意的报答

some more 更多一些

a bit dark 有点儿黑



  1. is it okay if my friend, xiaohong comes along? 如果我的朋友小红出现(一起来),行吗?

  2. your kindness will be rewarded. 你的善良将得到酬谢。

  3. everything you touch will turn to stone. 你触摸到的一切都将变成石头 。

  4. in contrast, people who are generous are rewarded with more happiness. 与此相比,慷慨的人被酬以更多的快乐。

  5. generous people have better relationships. 慷慨的人有更好的人际关系。



adverbs 副词




三. 语法讲解

lesson 4 revise and improve


a use &form

       use adverbs:

to say how something happens: the family walk (how?)quickly

to say where or when something happens: i met him (when?) yesterday.

to say how often something happens: she gets the bus (how often?) daily.

to make an adjective, adverb or verb stronger or weaker: dave eats (degree?) more slowly than his wife.

b some adverbs

always √      very       yesterday        quickly          home      anywhere              really

never      tomorrow              often              sometimes      frequently       regularly         loudly

sharply    daily               extremely              badly       fast         southwards√        today6页,当前第1123456

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

upstairs   angrily     recently   tonight    next        morning  now        too          enough√

last night√     just         quietly     almost     slowly     beautifully√   every day              monthly

sort the adverbs in your notebook

manner          time              frequency             place                     degree

beautifully       last night        always                  southwards            enough

       complete the story using adverbs with your own idea. then share with your classmates.

sally (1)_____ visits her grandmother every sunday. today she is (2)_____happy because her uncle and aunt will join her family. they were supposed to get to her grandmother’s house at 2:00 p.m., but (3)_____it is 1:30. her father drove (4)_____so that they could get there in time. when they arrived, her grandmother welcomed sally and her parents. when grandmother saw sally’s uncle and aunt, she was (5)_____surprised and smiled (6)_____.

c practice it

  1. complete the word bank table.

  2. check your answers with your partner.

  3. work as a class.

       clap your hands and chant the words.


  4. answer each question with an adverb. use the adverbs in the word bank to help you.

       how did jenny skate?                         she skated cheerfully.

       how did the sun shine?                       (1)6页,当前第2123456

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

       how did the rabbit move?                    (2)


invent some more adverb bubbles of your own.

  5. can you make the following sentences more exciting?

       “i’m going out!”                  rebecca angrily.

(1) “what time are we going to the movies?” asked jane _________.

(2) “it’s such a lovely day today!” exclaimed janet _________.

(3) “i love the spring festival time!” said peter_________.

(4) “i can’t come out today i’m afraid,” said liu chang_________.

(5) “wow, it’s a bit dark in that cave, i don’t think i want to go there alone, “ stated lucy_________.

  6. work in pairs. complete the following sentence.

       “ are you going to the christmas concert?” asked jane.


word bank

adjective                            adverb

sad                                     sadly

quiet                                    quietly


soft                                     softly


happy                                  happily


terrible                                terribly6页,当前第3123456

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

heavy                                  heavily


friendly                               friendly


early                                          early


good                                   well


long                                    long


late                                     late


四. 具体内容:


listen and speak conversations in context

       warm—up let’s suppose that you answer a phone call from a foreign friend. what would you say when your friend says, “hello, may i speak to △△?”

  1. xiaohai calls jennifer.

       jennifer: hello?

xiaohai: hello. is this jennifer?

jennifer: yes, it is. who’s calling, please?6页,当前第4123456

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

xiaohai: this is xiaohai. how are you doing?

jennifer: oh, hi! i’m doing great. it’s nice to hear from you.

       who made the call?

  2. xiaohai and jennifer decide where to go.

xiaohai: where would you like to go shopping?

jennifer: any place where they have many different stores.

xiaohai: a new shopping center just opened downtown.

jennifer: that sounds great.

xiaohai: is it okay if my friend xiaohong comes along?

jennifer: sure. does she like shopping?

xiaohai: yes. she loves shopping.

what are they talking about?

who is going to join them?

  3. xiaohai and jennifer make plans to meet.

xiaohai: what time would be good for you?

jennifer: how about 2:30?

xiaohai: sure, that would be fine.

jennifer: where should we meet, then?

xiaohai: let’s meet just outside the shopping mall.

jennifer: that sounds great!

on your own

what do we need to decide on for an appointment?




  1. the baby was born ________monday evening.

       a. in                            b. on                            c. /

       解析:选b。在晚上in the evening在具体某一天的晚上要用介词on。另外,在一个寒冷的晚上,介词也要用on,即on a cold evening在寒冷的傍晚。

  2. it’s important _________ us__________ english.

       a. of, to study                     b. for, to study                     c. for, studying

       解析:选b。it’s+ adj. + for/ of sb. + to do sth. 是一个固定句型。逻辑主语由for引出的形容词有important,useful,necessary,interesting等。逻辑主语由of引出的形容词有kind,nice,friendly clever,stupid,foolish,right,wrong等。

  3. yesterday i _________ a letter from jim.

       a. heard                       b. received                          c. get6页,当前第5123456

Unit 7 The Rewards of Kindness

       解析:选b。c答案时态不对。收到某人的来信有三种表示法:①hear from sb. (短语中不出现letter);②receive a letter from sb. ;③get a letter from sb.。

  4. who _____________ my phone call just now?

       a. answered                 b. replied                             c. answered to


