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Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

一. 教学内容:

unit 4 wang wei’s dream. lesson 2 and lesson 3

二. 重点、难点: (一)单词:

engineer  n. 工程师;技师

take sth. apart  将……拆开,拆卸

faith  n. 信任;信念

perfectly  adv. 完美地,极佳地

scholarship  n. 奖学金;学问;学识

tuition  n. 学费;指导;教导

doubtful  adj. 有疑问的;感到怀疑的

uncertain  adj. 不确定的;未决定的

extra  adv. 特别地;非常

apply for   申请

pat  v. 轻拍;爱抚

engineering   n. 工程(学)

overcome   v. 战胜;克服

solution  n. 解决办法(方案)



take a trip 旅行

have fun in doing 快乐地做某事

the fireworks show 烟花展

with confidence 有信心地

a five-minute walk 步行五分钟

turn right/ left 向右/左走

take a ride on the train 乘火车旅行

take a two-day bicycle trip 两天的自行车行程

hand sb. sth. 交给某人某物

take sth. apart 把……分开

ever since 自从

have faith in sb. 信任某人

be excited about 对……感到兴奋

pay for one’s tuition 支付学费

feel a bit uncertain感到有点不确定

apply for the scholarships 申请奖学金

be proud of 以……为自豪

come true (梦想)成真

pat one’s back 拍……的背

be upset about sth. 为……而忧愁

be angry with sb. 和……生气

study engineering 学习建筑学

dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事

face the problems 面对问题

be accepted to the university on a full scholarship 被大学全额奖学金接受

hug sb. with tears in one’s eyes 面带泪水拥抱某人

think about solutions to the problems 想关于问题的解决方法

●重点句型 1. could you tell me how to get to the library? 你能告诉我去图书馆的路吗? 2. go along this road as far as the traffic light. then turn right and it’ll be on your left.   沿着这条路一直走到交通灯处,然后右转,它就在你的左手边。 3. which is your favorite way to travel by car, by train, or by bus?   你喜欢那种交通方式?汽车?火车?还是公交车?   三. 具体内容: 课文讲解:

lesson 2

read and think  

wang wei’s dream

wang wei’s parents were waiting for him when he got home. his dad handed him a letter. it was from the university. his hands were shaking as he took the letter-his future was inside.

ever since wang wei was little, he wanted to be an engineer. he often took his toys apart and put them back together. one day, mom was upset to see that wang wei had taken apart the television! dad told her to have faith in wang wei, and sure enough he put the television back together perfectly.

wang wei’s teachers all noticed his talent. they told his parents that wang wei should go to the university. wang wei was very excited about this. no one in wang wei’s family had ever been to the university before. mom was not sure if it was a good idea. but dad said, “have faith in wang wei and his dream.” wang wei studied hard every day. 4页,当前第11234

Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

his family did not have enough money to pay for university, but wang wei found out about scholarships that would pay for his tuition. mom was doubtful, and this time even dad felt a bit uncertain. but he said, “we must have faith in wand wei and his dream.” so wang wei studied extra hard every day, and applied for the scholarships.

now wang wei had the letter in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university. he took a deep breath and opened the envelope. his parents looked over his shoulder. wang wei smiled. “it says, ‘congratulations. you have been accepted to the university on a full scholarship!’” mom hugged him with tears in her eyes. “i am so proud of you!” she said.

dad patted his back. “i always had faith in wang wei and his dream, ’ he said.   reading comprehension

circle the best answer for each question. 1. when wang wei got a letter from the university, why were his hands shaking? (b)   a. because he was sick.   b. because his future was inside the envelope.   c. because he was angry with his father. 2. why was mom upset about the television? (b)   a. because she didn’t want wang wei to watch it so much.   b. because she didn’t think wang wei could put it back together.   c. because wang wei wanted her to buy a new one. 3. why did wang wei’s teachers think he should go to the university? (c)   a. because he had lots of money.   b. because the university is easy.   c. because he had talent. 4. why did wang wei need to apply for a scholarship? (a)   a. because his family didn’t have enough money for tuition.   b. because every student has to have a scholarship.   c. because if he has a scholarship he won’t have to study. 5. why did mom have tears in her eyes? (c)   a. because she was angry with wang wei.   b. because she has to pay for wang wei’s tuition.   c. because she was proud of wang wei.   forming opinions: guided writing (a)a student is writing a paragraph about wang wei, and why he was so successful in achieving his dream. look at the outline.

wang wei’s dream: to study engineering at university.

why was he successful? 1. wang wei dreamed of doing something that he loved and that he was good at. (a)(b)   (a)he wanted to be an engineer.   (b)he liked to see how things worked. 2. wang wei faced his problems. (a)(b)   (a)nobody in his family had been to the university before.   (b)his family didn’t have enough money for tuition. 4页,当前第21234

Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

3. wang wei worked hard to overcome these problems. (b)   (a)he studied very hard every day.   (b)he applied for a scholarship to pay for his tuition.   (b)now help the student write a well-organized paragraph. describe wang wei’s dream and how he was successful in achieving it. wang wei wanted to study (1)engineering at university. he was able to achieve his dream because of three things. first, his dream was doing something (2)that he loved and that he was good at. even when he was little, he wanted (3)to be an engineer. he always took things apart because he (4)liked to see how things worked. secondly, (5)wang wei faced his problems. nobody (6)in his family had been to the university before and his family (7)didn’t have enough for tuition. but wang wei though about solutions to these problems. then he worked (8)hard to overcome these problems. he studied (9)very hard every day and he (10)applied for a scholarship to pay for his tuition. because of these things, wang wei’s dream of going to university came true.   【典型例题】 (   )1. oh, it’s raining very hard! our sports meeting has to be ___________till next sunday.   a. put off                    b. put down                        c. put away   解析:选a。本题考查put的词组。上面三项的汉语意思分别是:推迟,放下,收好。 (   )2. i like to live in a house __________is big and bright.   a. that                         b. who                               c. where   解析:选a。本题考查的是定语从句。我们不仅要看先行词,还要看后面从句的句子缺少的成分,从而来确定引导词。 (   )3. —can i park my car here? —yes. you can park on ____________side of the street. a. either                      b. neither                            c. both 4页,当前第31234

Unit 4 Wang Wei’s Dream

解析:选a。side 是单数,且street 是单数,这样的话应该选择either,如果是复数,应该选择both。 (   )4. —____________important tool the computer is! —i think so. a. what a                    b. how                               c. what an 解析:选c。本题考查的是感叹句。修饰名词用what,修饰形容词或副词用how。  4页,当前第41234