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Unit 2 Body Language 学案

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

unit 2 body language

-10-06 20:49



1.mrs. smith was so _______about everything that no servants could please her.

a. particular    b. peculiar     c. special     d .specific

2.you will not be _________ about your food in time of great hunger.

a. particular    b. peculiar     c. special      d .specific

3. as you can see, the prices of vegetables ____ according to the seasons.  

a. fall        b. vary        c. rise          d. drop

4. a terrible accident _____ on no. 16 street yesterday, where a newly-married couple were killed by a truck.  

a. occurred       b. happens        c. broke         d. parted

5. we tried to phone him about it, but we couldn’t _____.  

a. get touched      b. pass         c. ring off       d. get through

6. dark clouds are a _____ of rain while a smile is a(n) ____ of friendship.  

a. gesture…sign     b. expression…sign    c. sign…gesture      d. signal…expression

7. when she had finished she waited _____ waiting for a reply.  

a. even if       b. and        c. as though       d. though

8. he ________to pass the driving test, which made him pleased.  

a. managed       b. tried           c. succeeded      d. operated

9. tom was a quick walker and soon got ______the others, so people found it hard to follow him.   a. along with       b. tired of          c. ahead of         d. interested in

10.a person who is interested in what you are saying will __________.  

a. lean back       b. lean forward      c. lean to the left      d. lean to the right

11.how can you avoid mistakes when you’re_____________?   7页,当前第11234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

a. in a such hurry     b. in such a hurry     c. in that way      d. too quick

12.his mind was busy all day, all night on how to re-establish ______with the outer world.  

a. touch           b. tie            c. contact           d. relation

13..—i wonder if i could use your phone? —_____.  

a. sure.go ahead                b. i’m sorry but go ahead

c. no,it’s a pleasure           d. yes,you would

14. the girl is _____ about dancing. she believes she can make a good dancer some day.   a.crazy    b.fond     c.interested     d.devoted

15. i _____ the written papers but failed in the oral examination.  

a.got across    b.got on      c.got over     d.got through

16. they _____ that old house and built a new apartment in its place.  

a.put down    b.tore down     c.turned down    d.took down

17. in his report he described the event _____ detail so that his manager could make a correct decision.  

a.on      b.at      c.with      d.in

18. both chinese and english people _____ these gestures as having the same meaning.   a.think     b.want      c.share      d.accept

19. i looked _____ the boy"s eyes and asked, “do you want any more books?”  

a.over     b.at      c.into      d.onto

20. i feel _____ today.there is so much bad news coming from all parts of the country.  

a.up      b.down      c.over      d.off

21.._____ i admit that the problems are difficult,i don"t agree that they cannot be solved.   a.unless     b.until      c.while      d.since

22. ------would you mind my telling him the news?       --------_____________.   7页,当前第21234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

a. yes, please        b. never mind    c. it doesn’t matter     d. no, go ahead

23. after a long discussion, both sides agreed ______ the price of the products.  

a.with     b. for      c. on      d. to  

24. i wonder if you will____ what she said.

a. agree about    b. agree with    c. be agree on    d. be agree with

25. he was _____ head when his grandma saw him .   

a. patted on the    b. patted on his   c. patted in the    d. patted in his

26._______ i understand your opinion,i don’t agree with you.

a. while    b. although    c.when     d. a,b and c

27. the city is going to ________ those old houses and put up a new shopping center.

a. tear down     b. turn away     c. tear off     d. tear up

28.---- what do you think of the book? ---- _____.

a.you are worth to read    b.you are worth reading

c.it is worth reading the book   d.the book is worth reading

29. how much _____?

a.the book is worth     b.the book is

c.does the book cost     d.the book costs

30. when he ran down the stairs, he tried to avoid ____ by the teacher.

a. being seen      b. seeing       c. to be seen      d. to see

31. he didn't join us in playing the game because he was _____climbing the hill.

a. tired of       b. tired from     c. tiring of       d. tiring from

32. ---how many bridges can you see____ the river? --________

a. on, none      b. over, none     c. on , no one     d. over, no one

b: 技能、技巧及拓展思维题

1. we thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to ______it. it might be valuable. a. hold on to    b. keep up with   c. turn to     d. look after

2. ---how do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

---the key _______the problem is to meet the demand ______ by the customers.

a. to solving; making   b. to solving; made   c. to solve; making   d. to solve; made7页,当前第31234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

3. would you ____ do me a favor when i move to the new house?

a.be kind      b.be so kind      c.be so kind as to    d.be as kind as

4. we have not decided _____ there by bus or on foot.  

a. to get       b. getting       c. if to get       d. whether to get

5. lucy spent as much time as she _____ over her lessons.  

a. could going      b. went         c. could go       d. could to go

6. while shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____ into buying something unwanted.  

a. to persuade      b. persuading       c. being persuaded     d. be persuaded

7. i would love______ to the party last night but i have to work extra hours to finish a report.

a. to go       b. having gone      c. going         d. to have gone

8. ------what do you think of the meal?  

-----although some dishes don’t agree _______me, it’s really a nice meal.  

a. on             b. to             c. with              d. for

9. my father was so glad to meet his old friend again. you see, they ______with each other for   nearly years.  

a. lost contact     b. had lost contact   c. had been out of contact d. has been out of contact

10. if you _______when he is in trouble, he will always appreciate you.

a. give him a hand                  b. tear him down

c. make fun of him                  d. take possession of him

11.he managed to make himself _____ with his ______ english .  

a. understood , breaking     b. understand , broken  

c. understand , breaking     d. understood , broken

12. take your own , don’t take anyone ______ by mistake .  

a. more    b. else’s     d. else’     d. else 7页,当前第41234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

13. she ____ her boyfriend goodbye when she was on the ship .  

a. waved   b. kissed     c. said     d. gave

14. i will spend as much time as i can ______ you with your english .  

a. help    b. for help    c. helping    d. to helping

15.he can't help ______ his brother's homework, for he is busy preparing for the exam.

a. doing      b. to do       c. to doing       d. for doing

16. as i _____ him my thanks, he held my hand firmly, ______ my eyes and smiled.

a. showed to , looked into        b. expressed , looking into    

c. showed,    looking at          d. expressed to , looked into

17. such a person______.

a. is not worth being known       b. doesn't worth being known

c. doesn't worth knowing       d. is not worth knowing

18. i can't think of ____ alone any longer.

a. you living    b. you live      

c. you to live       d. you are living

19. he teacher praised him for the way ____ he thought of ____ the problem.

a. in which, to settle     b. in which, settling     c. which , to settle    d. which , settling

20. he is so ____ that his parents are very ____.

a. disappointing. worried      b. disappointed, worried   

c. disappointing, worrying      d. disappointed, worrying

21. helen is always the first _____ and the last _____.

a. to come , leave      b. comes , leaves    

c. come, leave    d. to come , to leave

22. do let your mother know all the truth. she appears _______ everything.

a. to tell         b. to be told        c. to be telling         d. to have been told

23. china has a ____ population than____ in africa.

a. more, any other country      b. more, any country    

c. larger, any country        d. larger, all the other countries

24. suddenly they found a light ____ .   so they _____   to walk on. 7页,当前第51234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案

a. ahead of, were encouraged     b. ahead of , had been encouraged    

c. ahead , were encouraged       d. ahead, had been encouraged

25. i ______ the written papers but failed in the oral examination.

a. got across    b. got on       c. got over       d. got through

26. he is now at college and on the way to _________a doctor.  

a. become      b. becoming        c. be           d. being

27. i have lost one of my gloves. i _______ it somewhere.    

a. must drop           b. must have dropped   

c. must be dropping         d. must have been dropped

28. he ______have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by seaside.      a. should       b. must        c. wouldn’t      d. can’t


1.a.we use words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions.

b.we express _____ _____ _____ words and body language.

2.a.he folded his arms in front of his chest and stood next to his daughter.

b.he stood next to his daughter _____ his arms _____ in front of his chest.

3.a.looking into someone’s eyes is a way to show that one is interested.

b._____ _____ _____ is a way to show that one is interested.

4.a.in russia,a visiting friend is often greeted with a kiss on the cheek.

b.in russia,a friend who come _____ _____ _____ is often greeted with a kiss on the cheek. 5.a.i"d like to take a rest.i am too tired to walk further.

b.i _____ _____ _____ a rest.i am too tired to walk further.

6.they will try to get it for you.

b: they will ________ ________ ________ to get it for you.

7.about 2,000 people worked on the project, many of them came from europe   

b:2,000 people ________ ________, many ______ ______were ________, worked on the project.

8.it's better for you to leave now.

b:you ________ ________ ________ now .

9.i don't want to have a walk there tonight.

b: i don't ________ ________ ________ a walk there tonight.

10.now the girl doesn't want to watch tv. she wants to read newspapers instead.

b:the girl ________ ________ read newspapers ________ ________ watch tv now. 7页,当前第61234567

Unit 2 Body Language 学案


ourselves by using , with; folded , making eye contact , for a visit ,feel like taking, make every effort, or so, of whom, europeans, had better leave ,feel like having, prefers to, rather than


1.it suddenly o_______ to me that joe was afraid of being alone . did you forget it ?

2.in some asian countries s ________ the head means “agreement”.

3.people now c ________ over long distances by means of telephone, telegraph, radio, television and e-mail as well.

4.the g ________ people use for “yes” and “no” are different around the world.

5.as is known to all, love and hate are opposite e ________.

6.the young lady went over to the window and l ________ against it.

7.i can still remember every d ________(详情)in my old dormitory room at school.

8.from this time on the man  a________(避开)fruitless discussions with such kind of people.

9.it is d ________ to talk of your headmaster as “the old man”.

10.it was c ________ of you to go skating on such thin ice.

11.war destroys everything and should be a_______ at any cost .

12. whenever i have an appointment , i like to arrive a little a_______ of time .

13. he m________ the supermarket when the owner was away .

14. a s________ is enough to take your clothes with you on holiday .

1.occured  2.shaking   3.communicate    4.gestures   5.emotions  6.leaned   7.detail    8.avoided   9.disrespectful    10.crazy

11. avoided ,   12 ahead,      13.managed ,    14. suitcase 
