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(   )l.—michacl likes flying around the world.

—i think being a        is just right for him.

      a.pilot      b.policeman     c.cook    d.doctor

(   )2.—what a hot day!

      —the weather report says it will be even        tomorrow.

      a.cooler      b.hotter      c.wetter    d.colder

(   )3.—must i go to the shop with you,mum?

      —err... i can make it myself,mike. you         go with me.

      a.mustn’t      b.shouldn’t     c.wouldn’t      d.needn’t

(   )4.—would you like to watch the movie with me tonight?

      —         ,but i have too much homework to do.

      a.i’d love to     b.that’s all right  c.it doesn’t matter   d.not at all

(   )5.—can i help you,dear?

      —yeah,i don’t know          a banana milk shake. maybe you can teach me.

   a.what to do      b.when to make   c.how to make     d.why to do

(   )6.—it seems that peter has nothing to do at the moment. —let me give him     to read.

       a.anything     b.something     c.everything   d.nothing

(   )7. which sign means “save water”?


(   )8.—did you sleep well last night?

      —far from that! one of my neighbors        music pretty loud.

       a.plays      b.is playing     c.was playing   d.would play

(   )9.—where can i keep these books?

      —here is a box full of bananas. you can          it and put the books in.33页,当前第1123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


a.throw      b.empty     c.sell       d.bring

(   )10.—i saw you come to school by bus this morning.

      —oh,i        come to school by bus,but it is raining today.

     a.hardly     b.always     c.sometimes   d.usually

(   )11.—hurry up! the bus is coming.

        —wait a minute. don’t cross the street        the traffic lights are green.

     a.until      b.after      c.while       d.since

(   )12.—tv and computer are so popular these days.

       —yes,they can         our eyes to the outside world.

      a.call up      b.open up     c.turn up    d.take up

(   )13.—could you tell me        at the meeting?

       —sorry,i don’t know. i didn’t go to the meeting that day.

      a.what does he say b.what he says    c.what he said   d.what did he say

(   )14.—why is the classroom so dirty?

—sorry,sir. it        yesterday we forgot to do it.

    a.doesn’t clean    b.didn’t clean    c.isn’t cleaned     d.wasn’t cleaned

(   )15.—how about raising money for the people in yushu,qinghai?   —           .

       a.good idea     b.enjoy yourself    c.never mind    d.you’re welcome


(   )1.—is the woman a teacher?

—yes. she teaches ________ english.

a.you    b.us   c.our        d.your

(   )2. —do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult?

—yes. i could ________ work it out.

       a.hardly      b.easily   c.finally    d.nearly

(   )3. —which province is the ________ one in winter? 33页,当前第2123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


—it should be hainan province, i think.

a.coldest    b.hotter     c.warmest   d.cooler

(   )4. —are you going to tibet for vacation?

—yes. i want you to ________ me with some information about it.

a.offer    b.give   c.show       d.provide

(   )5. —where’s her second son? i haven’t seen him for a long time.

—he _______ the south looking for a place to work.

a.will go to      b.has gone to      c.had gone to     d.goes to

(   )6. —peter, what if your parents go out?

—they ask me to _______ myself.

a.look after   b.look up        c.look for     d.look through

(   )7. —meat isn’t really dangerous, is it?

—oh! _________! it’s not at all good for our health.

a.yes, it isn’t   b.no, it is        c.yes, it is      d.no; it isn’t

(   )8. —can you come to my party on saturday afternoon?

—___________. i’ll have to help my parents.

a.sorry, i can’t    b.yes, i’d love to   c.let’s go   d.no, i don’t think so

(   )9. —why didn’t betty come to school yesterday?

—_________ she was ill.

a.but            b.though    c.if       d.because

(   )10. —when did the world expo(世博会) come to a close?

—it’s close at the end of _______.

a.september    b.october     c.november       d.december

(   )11. —do you have this kind of mp5? —sorry, we ___ yesterday. you can come next week.

a. tried them on    b. took them off     c. given them out    d. sold them out

(   )12. —there is ______ with my leg.  —don’t worry. let me help you.

a. nothing wrong   b. something wrong  c. wrong something  d.nothing

(   )13. —i want to know ______.  —let me show you the way.

a. where i can buy books b. where can i buy books 

c. where books can i buy       d. what they are going to do

(   )14. —when did the old man die?  —in . he ______ for nearly three years.

a. died         b. has died       c. has been dead      d. is dead33页,当前第3123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


(   )15. —do you know when the 29th olympic games ______?  —yes, in .

a. hold        b. is held         c. was held           d. has held


(   )1. —what’s ______ most useful invention in the 20th century?

     —______ computer, i think.

a. the, a    b. a, a    c. the, the  d. /, the

(   )2.  —lucy, do you like ______?

      —yes. most of my clothes are ______.

a. an orange, an orange         b. orange, orange

c. oranges, oranges           d. orange, an orange

(   )3.  —jim, tom is looking for his english book. is this ______?

—no, that is ______. i don’t know where his is.

a. his, mine    b. he, mine    c. him, mine   d. his, my

(   )4.  —why do you always watch channel 10 instead of channel 5, grandpa?

      —the programs on channel 10 are ______ better.

a. more much    b. much more  c. more   d. much

(   )5. —i can’t decide ______.

     —you mean the purple sweater or the blue one?

a. how to go there  b. who to go with  c. where to visit   d. which to choose

(   )6.  —where is mr. lee? i have something important to tell him.

      —you ______ find him. he ______ japan.

a. won’t, has gone to       b. may not, has been to

c. may, has gone to        d. can’t, has been to

(   )7. —which of these two english books will you borrow?

     —i’ll borrow ______ of them. because they are very interesting.

a. either     b. all     c. neither    d. both

(   )8.  —lots of trees and flowers ______ on both sides of huanshan road last year.

       —oh, that’s beautiful.

a. are planted  b. were planting  c. were planted d. have planted

(   )9. —hi, daming. it’s said the famous singer will come to nanning. do you know ______?         

—next month.33页,当前第4123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


a. when does he come      b. when he comes

c. when will he come       d. when he will come

(   )10.  —tom, your books should be in right order.

—ok. i’ll ______ right now.

a. put them down  b. put them away c. put them up   d. put them on

(   )11. —how about going shopping this weekend, peter?

      —sorry. i prefer ______ rather than ______.

a. to stay at home, go out      b. to go out, stay at home

c. staying at home, go out      d. going out, stay at home

(   )12. —______ will you come back, mum?   —in ten minutes.

a. how long  b. how soon   c. how often   d. how far

(   )13. —______ kind girl nancy is!  —yes, she is always ready to help others.

a. what        b. what a    c. how    d. how a 

(   )14. —hello! is that kate speaking?     —yes, ______.

    a. it’s kate      b. i’m kate   c. this is kate   d. kate is me

(   )15.  —my mother and i will go to shanghai this summer.

—______. shall we go together?

      a. so do i      b. so can i     c. so am i    d. so will i


(   )1.my best friend neil is ________ honest boy. you can believe him.                      

       a. a          b. an        c.the       d./

(   )2. —i like red best. what about___________?                                    

—my favourite colour is orange. it represents joy.

       a. you        b.her          c.him         d.it

(   )3. —__________ i have a ticket , please?                                           33页,当前第5123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


—sorry,sir. all the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.

a. may        b.need       c.must          d.should

(   )4. — have you seen the film alice in wonderful?                                     

—yes. ____________ wonderful film it is!

       a. what       b.what a       c.how       d.how a

(   )5.liu xiang came third ______ the 110-meter-hurdle race last month in shanghai.          

       a.in           b.from        c.across   d.through

(   )6. —let’s go hiking ___________ staying at home , shall we?                           

—a good idea.

       a. as well as    b.in order to    c.instead of    d.in addition to

(   )7.to _________ nature is to help ourselves , or we will be punished.                      

       a.protect         b.prevent      c.provide    d.pollute

(   )8.maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but_______can destroy the love in our people.

      a.something       b.everything     c.anything        d.nothing

(   )9.the fire was completely ________ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen.         

     a.cut down        b.put out        c.give out      d.floated away

(   )10. — mum, i’m really ________ about the result of the exam.                             33页,当前第6123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


—cheer up. i believe you can be successful.

       a.patient      b.satisfied         c.unhappy   d.pleased

(   )11. — we can use qq to communicate with each other online.                            

—good. will you you please show me ____________.

       a.which to use     b. how to use it      c.what to use   d.where to use it

(   )12. —would you like to have ___________ cake ?                                 

—no, thanks. i’ve had two. that’s enough.

       a.other          b.others         c.another      d.the other

(   )13. — what’s the news about ?                                                   

—________ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for yushu.

       a.a member of    b.a kind of           c.a packet of      d.a number of

(   )14. —i seem to be lost. could you tell me ___________?                                  

—sure. you can take the no.3 bus to get there.

        a. where is the nearest hospital          b.how long it will take me to the airport

       c.how far is my trip to the olympic village   d.how i can get to the national museum

(   )15. —sorry, frank. i’m busy today. i can’t go swimming with you.                       33页,当前第7123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


— _________.

       a. no problem     b.you’re welcome    c.that’s all     d.never mind


(   )1.come on,children! help _____to some_____.

      a.yourself;meat          b.yourselves;chicken 

   c.yourselves;beefs       d. themselves; meat

(   )2.what a pity! liu xiang didn’t win the_____hurdles(跨栏).

      a.110-meter  b.110-meters       c.110 meter   d. 110 meter’s

(   )3.— what is the____of the world expo(世博会)?

      — it is “better city, better life”.

      a.song          b. sign          c.custom    d. theme

(   )4.the boy found______hard to get along with the other classmates.

      a.this           b.that             c.it      d.one

(   )5.let’s search the internet for some information about famous people,______?

     a.will you        b.won’t you      c.shall we   d.are you

(   )6._____the afternoon of april 30th,many foreign visitors arrived___shanghai.

     a.in;at           b.on;in        c.on;to    d.on, for

(   )7.you______be tired after playing sports for a long time without a rest.

      a.must          b.need           c.can’t    d.needn’t

(   )8.they preferred_____ rather than_____a bike.

      a.to walk; to ride   b.walking;riding    c.to walk;ride   d.walking; to ride

(  )9.in our school libray,there____a number of books on science and the number of them_____growing larger and larger.

      a.is;are        b. has;are       c.have;is   d. are;is 33页,当前第8123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


(   )10.several days has passed_______the air crash(空难) happened.

  a.since        b.after           c.as    d. if

(   )11.my e-mail______to you last night. have you received it____?

       a.sent;yet      b.is sent;already       c.was sent;yet  d.sent; ever

(   )12. — ____can we board our plane? — in twenty minutes.

       a.how soon     b.how long        c.how often   d.how much

(   )13. — would you mind my taking this seat? — ______.

       a.sorry, i can’t   b.no,not at all         c.it’s a pleasure   d.yes,it can.

(   )14.we had to _____our discussion because one of us suddenly got ill.

       a.take off      b.turn off         c. look up   d. break off

(   )15. — could you tell me _____?

— yes. he _____to australia.

a.where is he;has gone    b.where he is;has gone 

 c.where he is;has been   d.what was he doing; went


(   )1. — i need something for cutting the paper.

       — oh, you want a knife? ok, i'll get ______ for you.

       a. it           b. that        c. this        d. one

(   )2. it's nice of you to ______ so much time showing me around your school.

       a. take         b. spend          c. cost       d. have

(   )3. — what time do you expect me back, mum?

      — say, ______half an hour.

       a. at           b. before           c. in           d. for

(   )4. — did you find the small village yesterday?

      — yes, without any difficulty, for it has ______ changed over years.33页,当前第9123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


       a. hardly        b. greatly        c. clearly     d. nearly

(   )5. bob promises to join in the football match ______ he has to help his parents on the farm.

      a. if           b. as            c. unless      d. when

(   )6. — i hope you don't mind my opening the window.

      — ______ it's much too hot in here.

      a. certainly      b. of course not  c. all right    d. never mind

(   )7. — how can i ______ well with my lessons, dad?

      — practice makes perfect.

     a. work on       b. hold on        c. get on      d. keep on

(   )8. there are so many kinds of computers in the shop. i really don't know ______ to choose.

      a. what        b. which        c. how     d. where

(   )9. — could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?

      — sorry, i know nothing about him. we are______.

       a. friends       b. neighbors     c. classmates    d. strangers

(   )10. — do you often watch man and nature on tv?

       — sometimes. it's an interesting program, but i______ sports news.

      a. prefer       b. want     c. enjoy       d. miss

(   )11. —have you ever been to shanghai ,mary?

       — yes. i _______ there for three clays with my parents last' month.

       a. have gone      b. have been       c. went        d. was

(   )12. — please bring little tom next time you come to anhui.

       — ______, thank you.

       a. i will    b. i hope so      c. that's right   d. my pleasure33页,当前第10123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


(   )13.  —what will the weather be like tomorrow?

       — it ______ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. who knows?

       a. must        b. might          c. shall        d. should

(   )14. —are you going to the party?

       — no, because i ______.

      a. have asked          b. haven't asked

      c. have been asked     d. haven't been asked

(   )15. the teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered ______ of them.

       a. some         b. lots           c. each       d. few

(   )16. — it seems that alice never wants to do anything except draw pictures.

       — right. that's what she likes to do ______.

       a. more      b. less            c. most        d. least

(   )17. —why didn't you go to the cinema with us this afternoon?

        —i ______ at the station for my uncle from beijing.

       a. was waiting     b. have waited   c. am waiting   d. will wait

(   )18. — dad, it's such a long way from our home to the park!

       — you mean it's ______ to take a taxi?

      a. popular       b. necessary         c. possible       d. important

(   )19. —excuse me. may i use your eraser, please?

       — sure. ______

      a. watch out!      b. well done!       c. go ahead.   d. follow me.

(   )20. i couldn't get through the door because there was a big box ______.

       a. by the way   b. on the way       c. out of the way  d. in the way33页,当前第11123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233