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2020年九上英语 unit 8 section A-1(人教新目标)

2020年九上英语 unit 8 section A-1(人教新目标)

unit 8 section a-1  class typelistening, reading and speakingobjectives1.     to understand the relationship between things and persons by listening.2.     to read and understand the dialogues.3.     to practice talking about the conversations.

key structure1. whose book is this?— it must be mary’s. j.k. rowling id her favorite writer.2. look! there’s a schoolbag here.— what’s inside?— there is … 3. what’s wrong?4. i can’t remember. difficultieshow to practice talking about the conversation about persons and their things by using “must, might, could, can’t”.vocabularywhose, truck, picnic, rabbit, attend, valuable, pink, anybodygo to the picnic, at the picnic, belong to, pick up


procedurelead-inshow ss some pictures with sentences.e.g.: i’m lily. i like dancing. lily may be a dancer when she grows up.step 1enjoy a flash.step 2activity 1a.ask ss to look at the picture and write the things in the correct columns in the chart.step 3activity 1b. let ss to listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.step 4pair work.ask ss to practice making conversations.e.g.:a: whose … is it?b: it must/might be ...step 5activity 2a. listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.step 6activity 2b. listen again and fill in the blanks.step 7brainstorm.1. use “must” to show that you think something is probably true.2. use “might” or “could” to show that you think something is possibly true.3. use “can’t” to show that you are almost sure something is not true.step 8show ss the knowledge about the modal verbs.step 9exercises about the modal verbs,step 10activity 2d.read the passage and answer the questions.step 11pair work.ask ss to have a role-play conversation by reading after the tape.step 12pair work.ask ss to have a role-play conversation by using the information in 2d as a model.e.g.:a: where is/are my ...?b: it/ they ...step 16language points: explain the key words and phrases in section a-1.step 17let ss do some exercises about the language points.