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How do you study for a test教案2

How do you study for a test教案2

unit 1  how do you study for a test?

 section a  (总第一课时)


1. 熟记并灵活运用本课的单词,并按词性归类。

2. 掌握语言结构:verb + by/with gerund

3. 熟练运用以下句型进行交际:

how do you study for a test?

i study (for a test) by working with a group.

[学习重点] 用verb + by/with gerund造句。


i. 热身



 t:  we often have a test. before a test, how do you study? i often study by doing lots of exercises. what about you? 小组讨论,然后回答问题,看哪个组说的句子多。

ii. 知识呈现  


1、check the ways and add other ways.

2、用本课时的new words和target language口头组织简短的小对话,利用小组之间的合作形式完成并展示。


1、介绍图片和人物, 为听力做铺垫。

2、listen and check.






1、介绍短语:watch english-language videos, practice conversations with friends, study with a group.

2、listen to the tape and check the questions.

3、listen again. match each question above with an answer below.

4、跟读2a的听力材料, 学生大声朗读。注意短语improve one’s speaking skills和句型it’s too hard to understand the voices.的用法。

2c    pairwork

1、 make conversations using the information from 2a-2b.


iii. 总结反馈





a) 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1、 你通常是怎么为了考试而学习的?


2、 你通过看英文电影来学习英语吗?


3、 你曾经和朋友用英语练习过对话吗?


4、 把书法练好很难吗?


5、 大多数时间我都是通过做大量习题来准备考试的。




b) 阅读理解。

you may learn english for some years. it’s only natural that all of you want to be able to read some english books or magazines without the teacher’s help. just think of what fun it will give you to finish reading an english story or a whole book by yourself, and how great you will feel if you read even more.

but it is common that many people begin hopefully to read in a foreign language, but stop half way in disappointment because of some difficulties.2页,当前第112

How do you study for a test教案2

it is important to choose books that are suitable(适合)for the reader. then what books are suitable for you to choose?

well, i think you should first choose books neither too difficult nor too easy but suitable for you. then when you are reading, you should never let new words take too much of your attention from the main idea of the story. just do the job as you often do in your own language. while you are reading, try to guess the meaning of the new words, and to decide which of the key words you could guess and which you have to look up in your dictionary.

if you follow the suggestion above, you will be successful in reading any foreign languages.

what fun it will give you to finish reading an english

  1   or a book by yourself.

you should first choose books neither too difficult nor too

   2   but suitable for you.

 while you are reading, try to guess the  3   of the

new words, and to decide which of the key words you could

guess and which you have to    4   in your dictionary.

in the passage, the writer teaches us   5   by ourselves.

iv. 作业布置

1、 完成《同步》。

2、 预习3a-4,划出重难点,完成3a的表格。


canners can can what they can can, but can not can things can’t be canned.
