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Unit 7 You’re supposed to shake hands.

Unit 7 You’re supposed to shake hands.

unit 7 you’re supposed to shake hands.

i.learning goals

1.to learn to use the structure supposed to+ infinitive

    2.to listen and talk about what people are    supposed to d


    warming up by learning about the structure supposed to+ infinitive 

turn to page 51 first. look at the sentences. do you see how the structure supposed to + infinitive is used?

   1a looking, listening and matching

    hello, class. what are we supposed to do next? yes, you are right. we are going to look, listen and match. now turn to page 94. look at the picture and listen to the recording for what people do when they meet for the first time.

      now you can turn to page 52 to read the tapescript. while

    reading. circle the connectives and underline the expressions.

    1c doing pairwork

    what do people do when they meet for the first time? now in pairs tell.

       2a listening and checking

    maria, an exchange student from india, went to her american friend dan’s place and had dinner there.

now listen to the tape for the mistakes maria made there.

       2b listening and filling

    to fill in the blanks on page 95 you are supposed to listen to the tape one more time.

       2c doing pairwork

    you are supposed to role play the conversation between maria  and dan. and you are supposed to use the information from activities 2a and 2b.

closing down by competing

    to end this english class you are supposed to take a

    competition. you are supposed to say as many sentences with

    the structure: supposed to+ infinitive as possible. now go ahead in pairs. the winner will be given a big, wonderful gift.

v summing up________________________________

vi homework_________________________________


vii notes for teaching
