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中考英语复习学案Starter 1(unit 1—unit 6)

中考英语复习学案Starter 1(unit 1—unit 6)

九年级英语复习学案starter 1(unit 1—unit 6)


早上好 good morning    下午好good afternoon

 晚上好 good evening   晚安 good night    再见goodbye .

初次见面:--how do you do ?  -- how do you do ?

你好吗? how are you ? 回答:fine , thank you / i am fine

你叫什么名字? what’s your name ? 回答: my name is …..

介绍两个不认识的人时用:-- tom, this is helen. – helen  , this is tom .

问是谁:who is /are…? 如: who is he ? he is tom .

who are the boys ? they are my friends , tom , helen and jack .

问是什么:what  is this /that/it (in english) ? it’s a/an …

          what are those/these / they ?  they are +名次复数。

问职业:what is he ? = what is his job ? =what does he do ? ---he is a doctor.

        what are you ? =what is your job? = what do you  do ? i am a st udent.

问年龄: how old is /are …? 如: how old are you ? i am 12.

         how is your father ? he is 36.

表达“有”:i /you /we /they have ….   she /he it has …


开门 open the door 关门 close the door  起立 stand up

坐下 sit down  去上学go to school  不要迟到 don’t be late

祈使句的否定在句首加:don’t .

there be 句型:

肯定句:there is /are …  there is a book . there is some water .

                       there are some books .

一般疑问句: is  /are there …    is there a book ? yes , there is / no , there isn’t .

                       is there any water ? yes , there is / no , there isn’t .

                       are there any books ? yes ,there are . no , there aren’t .

否定句:there is /are not …

将来时:there is going to be …/ there will be …

        there is going to be/ will be  a film this saturday.

反义疑问句: there is /are…., isn’t  /aren’t  there?

             there is / are not …, is/are there ?

过去时: there was /were ….

现在完成时: there have/ has bee n …..


there are 12 books in the room .(提问)_________________________?2页,当前第112

中考英语复习学案Starter 1(unit 1—unit 6)

there is a glass of water .________________________________________?

there is a glass of water .________________________________________?

there is little juice in the bottle , ____________?

备注:be 动词的选择就近原则。

问多少: how many +复数….?   ho w many students are there in your class?

                              there are ….

         how much + 不可数….? ther e is ….

问哪里:where  is /are …?  如:where is your  school ? it’s next to the post office.

        where do /does …?  where do you live ? i live in shu yang .

                       where does he come from ? he comes from the usa.




 be动词的 一般现在时:i am …  she /he / it is … they /we / you are …

 句型变换: i am a doctor . --- i am not doctor .

--- are you a doctor ? yes , i am . no , i am not

he is a superstar . ---he is not / isn’t a superstar .

is he a super star ?  yes , he is  . no , he isn’t .

he is never late for s chool , is he ?


he gets up at six . –-- he doesn’t get up at six .

does he get up at s ix ? yes , he does . no, he doesn’t .

you always do my homework after school , don’t you .

提问:what time does he get up ?

