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Module 2 Education

Module 2 Education

i. teaching goals 模块教学目标


focus听listen to people talking about the school and the school life说talk about your own school and school life 读 read articles about the school and the school life写make an education questionnaire; write a leaflet about your school.



句式talking about the school:it isn’t as big as ours. p10there are a few science laboratories. p10and they have a hall for concerts. p10which school is better, our school or park school? p10both schools are very nice. p10and neither school has anything the other hasn’t got. p10everyday english:what’s it like? p10let’s have a look. p10but what…? p10词汇1.  重点词汇 geography, physical, pe, neither, present, absent, speech, safely, drug, society, 2.认读词汇secondary, fortunately, spanish, french, involve, athletics, disco, really3. 短语 either…or…,  neither…nor…,  语法the usage of different pronouns重点句子1.       it was great to see her.   p102.       did you visit her school? p103.       did you do anything interesting while you were there? p104.       she took me there herself. p105.       it isn’t as big as ours. p106.       there are a few science laboratories. p107.       and they have a hall for concerts. p108.       which school is better? p109.       both schools are very nice. p1010.   and neither school has anything the other hasn’t got. p10ii. teaching material analyzing 教材分析     本模块以“school life”为话题,学习谈论自己或他人的学校生活、学习状况,介绍了sally maxwell 的学校生活。通过本模块学习,学生将重点掌握一般过去式、人称代词、不定代词的用法,并能运用所学知识介绍自己或询问他人的学习状况。unit 3 对代词及“谈论学校生活”的功能项目进行综合训练:activity 1选词填空,掌握这些代词的用法。activity 2用所给的词改写句子。activity 3利用给出的词汇和短语的正确形式完成句子,要求学生既要理解句子又要注意代词的主格、宾格形式。activity 4要求学生看图标出图例的名称。activity 5 听录音,根据录音的内容给五个主题排序。activity 6 阅读关于学校的文章,判断它的来源。activity 7 再次阅读短文,给每段选择一个正确的标题。activity 8 仔细阅读短文,尤其是细节的把握,从而选出正确的答案。 5页,当前第112345

Module 2 Education

around the world介绍了世界上存在的一种不送孩子去学校而是在家教育的情况。module task要求学生学习制作关于学校生活的小册子。

unit 3 language in useteaching goals 教学目标1. language goals 语言目标a.       key words & phrases重点生词和短语either…or…, neither , none , a few, few, every, each , at the beginning of the day, b. grammar points:  the usage of pronouns.2. ability goals能力目标enable students to master the usage of pronouns and write about a leaflet about their school. 3. learning ability goals 学能目标  help the students learn how to use different pronouns correctly and write about a leaflet about their school.teaching important/difficult points教学重难点learn to write about schools and master the usage of different pronouns.teaching methods 教学方法writing and speaking. teaching aids教具准备a computer and a projector.teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step 1 greetingstep 2 revisionask some students to retell the story in unit 2.t: who can retell the story in front of the class? be brave!ss:…t: you are excellent!step 3 language practicet: please turn to page 14 and read the sentences in language practice. while you are reading, pay attention to the black words.first let the students read and then let them read after the teacher. at this time, the teacher should stress the black words.t: we can notice that the black words are pronouns. right?ss: yes.t: so in this class, we will learn the usage of different pronouns. please look at the screen.the teacher show the table to the students.



人称代词主格:i, you, she, he, it we, they宾格:me, you, her, him, it, us, them

指示代词this, these, that, those

物主代词形容词性:my, your, her, his, its, our, their名词性:mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs

反身代词myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

疑问代词what, which, who, whom, whose

不定代词some, any, both, either, neither, all, none, each, every, many, much, few, a few, little, a little, other, another, one, nobody, somebody, anybody, everyone, everything, something, anything, nothing.t: so many pronouns and their own examples. we are very familiar with人称代词, 指示代词,物主代词,疑问代词 and 反身代词。today, we mainly explain 不定代词,because it’s a little difficult to understand and use.1) some and any a. some and any 是单数还是复数,要看其所代替的是什么。some and any 都既可以指人,也可以指物,可以表示可数的事物和人,也可以表示不可数的概念。如:some(any) books, some(any) money, some people, some water5页,当前第212345

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 b. 作为代词,它们在句中可以做主语和宾语。如:    there are many people in the park. some are dancing, others are playing taijiquan.c. some 用于肯定句中,而any 用于疑问句、否定句和条件句。  --i am thirsty. can you give me some water?  --sorry, i don’t have any. if i have any, i will give you some.2) none and neither   a. none and neither 都表示否定的意思,两者的区别在于,neither 用于两者,而none 用于两者以上。如:     yes, i saw two boys at the door, but neither(of them) is my brother.     none(of the students) in my class want to take part in this trip.   b. none 除指可数的人和物外,还可以表示不可数的东西,可以指与one, two, three一样的数字概念。 如:     i have a lot of money in my bag, but none is mine.     ---how many postcards have you sent?     ---none. 3) (a)little and (a) few    a. a little and a few 表示肯定的概念,而little and few 却表示否定的概念。如:--do you have any water?--yes, but only a little.--sorry, i have little myself. i can’t give you any.he has many friends, but few are true friends/ but only a few are true friends.    b. (a) little 用于不可数名词,而(a)few 用于可数名词。如以上例句所示。 4)all and both    a. all 表示“所有的,全体,一切”的 概念,both 表示“两个都”,而all指两者以上,同时还可以指不可数的东西。如:      all of the boys went to the cinema yesterday evening.      all of the money is mine.      --which of the two shirts do you like?     --i like both.    b. all and both 可用于主语之后,如:      we all/both passed the exam. 5) each and either      each and either 都可以表示“每一个”,each 可以表示两者、也可以表示两者以上的“每一个”,而either只能表示两者中的“每一个”。如:      each of us/we each got a nice card on that special day.      --which of the two shirts do you want?      --either will do.      注意:either 表示一种选择,如上面一例,表示“哪个都可以”,说明购物者要买一件衬衣而不是两件都要。如表示两件都要,则用both。each 也可用于句末。如:       the old man gave the boys two apples each.t: after the explanation, please do activities 1-3 5页,当前第312345

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then check the answers. the answers to activity 1:1. either   2. both         3. something   4. neither    5. a few    6. all     7. ourselves      8. none       9. some     10. many the answers to activity 2:1. of mine    2. myself     3. each other  4. whose is   5. his        6. who is     7. eitherthe answers to activity 3:1. their,  they,  they,  themselves2. he, himself, him,  his  3. she,  her,  ourselves,  we,  ours,  our step 4 listening and speakingt: do activity 5: listen and number the subjects in the order you hear them.then check the answer with the whole class. after checking, let the students listen again.t: in activity 4, there are some pictures about the different parts of the school and their english names. now, please label the different parts of the school.the answers to activity 41—hall    2—classroom       3—library      4—sports ground    5—gym   6—swimming pool   7. dining roomt: after finishing the exercise, please practice speaking in pairs like this:   a: what’ it in picture 1?   b: it’s a hall.   a: what can you do in it?   b: we can have the concerts, have parties and discos.then ask some pairs to practice speaking about the rest of pictures.step 5 reading ask students to read the passage and say where you think it comes from.t: here is a passage about the school life. please read it and say where you think it comes from. there are three sources for you to choose.  a: a dictionary  b: a website  c: a newspaper advertisementgive the students two minutes to read the passage.t: have you finished reading? can you give me the answer?ss: b.t: right. read the passage again and match the headings with the paragraphs. before you read, please read the headings first in activity 7.give the students two minutes again and let them read it carefully this time.t: now, i begin to check your answer. would you please?s1: the 1st paragraph----school hourss2: the 2nd paragraph---subjectss3: the 3rd paragraph--- after school activities    5页,当前第412345

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s4: the 4th paragraph--- sports t: well done. now, another task in activity 8: read the passage again and check the correct answer. while you are reading and writing, you can discuss in groups.the sample answers to activity 8:


no1. do students have to come to lessons on saturdays?2. is the lunch break longer than one hour?3. does the school offer team and individual sports

√4. can students join more than one club?

√5. do students take exams in all the subjects they study?t: so much for this passage. now, another passage about “home schooling” in “around the world”. have you heard of home schooling?ss: a little.t: what’s your opinion?s5: i think it’s good. children can study freely and work at their own pace.s6: i also like it. children can receive more attention.s7: but i think the children studying at home are easy to be lonely.s8: i agree with you. such children may have some difficulties to socialize with others.t: you have different views about home schooling. now, let’s learn the passage together to know why some parents want to educate their children at home.t: please read the first paragraph and tell me how many children are home educated in uk and how old they are?ss: 150,000 and they are between the ages of five and 16.t: read the second paragraph and say out the reason: “why do some parents educate their children at home?”s9: they feel their children will benefit from a more individual, flexible form of education.s9: they think their children can receive more attention and work at their own pace.s10: some children have a negative experience of school.t: just now, someone said that they may be lonely. then how do the parents solve the problem? please read the third paragraph.ss: in some areas, home-schooling families get together so that their children can socialize with others.step 6 module task ask students to write a leaflet and then present the result to the class. t: school is the place where we study and take part in some activities and we have read many articles about the school life, so i think it’s easy for you to write a leaflet  about school.the sample:students and teachers: there are students and 80 teachers in our school.subjects: at our school students can study chinese, maths, english, politics, physics, chemistry, history, geography and so on. after-school activities: sports clubs, english clubs and art clubshomework1. ask students to do the rest activities in the workbook.2. ask students to summarize what they have learnt in this module and preview the next.5页,当前第512345