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7A 英语第三单元知识点(2020新版新译林英语)

7A 英语第三单元知识点(2020新版新译林英语)

book 7a

unit 3


哪一个_________ 因此_________  生物_________  地理_________  历史_________

日期_________  想_________  会议_________  。。。点钟_________  好,对_________  如此_________  引,带,出示_________  到处_________  建筑物_________ 

前面 _________ 地面_________  明亮的_________  现代的_________  礼堂_________  大厅_________  墙_________   电话_________  上午_________  下午 _________

只有_________   当然_________  种类 _________ 借用_________  信函_________   不多的,少数的_________  离开_________  大门_________  什么,在说一遍_________


想,愿意___________________  领某人参观__________________  在。。。前面_________ 底层___________________ 看一看__________________ 让我想想__________________  下课后__________________ 通电话__________________ 阅览室__________________

各种各样的__________________  向。。。借。。。__________________

一些__________________ 远离 __________________ 去上学 __________________

走路__________________  步行__________________  在校门口 __________________

在墙上__________________ 在那里__________________








1  日期的表达方式   what's the date today? 答句:it's .....

例句: -__________________?- it's october the first.

做一做:1) it's december 25 today.(划线部分提问)______________________________


2   would like 的用法 意思为“想要,愿意"

例如: -would you like to attend china's got talent?

-___________but i am busy revising for my test.


1)-would you like ____ a movie with us tonight?

   _sorry, i have to help my mother do some works.

   a see ,b to see c seeing

2) -would you like to go to see beijing opera with us now?


  - that's all right.maybe next time. 

a  sure, i 'd love to

b.  sounds like a great idea,

c  i can't wait. let's go.

d  i'd love to ,but i am busy.

3) -would you like some orange juice, linda?

  -________. it's my favourite.

a yes,please   b no, thanks  c is going  d goes

3  what time is it 表示的是几点 = what' the time?


1) - excuse me! what's the time,please ?-_______________

a ,i want to watch tv  b i must go home now  c it's about twelve  d let's go and play football3页,当前第1123

7A 英语第三单元知识点(2020新版新译林英语)

2) my birthday is june 10. (对划线部分提问)


4 show 的用法 let me show you around. 

show 做动词,表示”展示,出示“,show sb around 意思为 领某人参观,show sb sth 或 show sth to sb


1) can you show me your photos next time?(同一句转换)


2) i'll show you collection of stamps to you. (同上)


3) 他把图片给我看.____________________________

5  tell 的用法  let me tell you about it. tell 后面跟双宾语,构成 tell sb to do sth

say 强调说话的内容,是及物动词

speak 强调说的动作,也可以指说某种语言

tell 指告诉某人某事,也可以指让某人做某事

talk 指“谈论,谈话” 有短语:talk to sb 指对某人说, talk with sb 指和某人说

talk about sth  指谈论某事


when i was ypung, my father used to _____ me some interesting stories.

a  say    b   tell     c talk

6  help  的用法  help sb do sth 或者help sb to do sth, 指帮助某人做了某事

 如果后面跟了名词,要用介词with 构成短语 help sb with sth.

翻译: mike 经常帮助我学数学______________________________

7  say hello to  指向某人问好,say goodbye to 指向某人告别 say thanks to____________

say sorry to sb__________________


1) -look , that's mike , your classmate.- yes ,let's go and say hello to _______.

a , him    b he    c  her    d  hers

2) we should say _____ to him because he helped us ________  the heavy desk.

a  goodbye; move     b thank you;  to move  

c  good luck ; moving   d best wishes ; moved

8  listen 和hear 都表示 听 ,listen 是由意识的听,侧重于听的过程,而hear 是无意地听,侧重于听的结果 。hear sb do sth 听见某人做某事,hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事

i often hear her_____(sing) this song .listen! can't you hear her ________ in the next room?

9  take 的用法  take 在本文中做动词,意思为“花费,占有”指花费时间,一般用物做主语。常用 it takes sb some time to do sth ,表示某人做某事花费多长时间

pay 做主语时,后面用介词 for

cost 表示 花费,做主语的是物

spend 表示 花费,做主语的是人


1) i bought a new sweater last weekend , it _____me 120 yuan.

a  paid  b  take    c  cost   d  spend

2) it ______(take) him two hours to play computer games every day.

10  ▲borrow的意思是“跟……(人)借……(物)”,指“借进”,后面可接介词from。表示“把

……(物)借给……(人);’应该用lend,指“借出”,后面通常接to, 如:3页,当前第2123

7A 英语第三单元知识点(2020新版新译林英语)

(a)can i borrow your bike?(can i borrow a bike from you?)


(b)you can borrow the book from the school library.你可以在学校图书馆借到这本书。

(c) i have no money.i can't lend ¥10 to you.我没有钱,不能借十块钱给你。
