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Module 12 A holiday journey

Module 12 A holiday journey


unit1 i went to los angeles two years ago .

ⅰteaching model

listening and speaking ⅱteaching method bottom-up approach ⅲteaching aims1. to understand conversations about holiday journeys . 2. to process main information of holiday experience . 3. to talk about holiday journeys . ⅳteaching objectives key vocabulary : on holiday , journey , have a great time , meet , spend key structures : past simple irregular verbs ⅴteaching aids ohp , tape recorder , handout ⅶteaching stepsstep1  warming-up find these places on the map in activity 1 .1. read out the names of the places and have the students repeat them after you .2. ask them to find the places on the map .step 2  listen and follow betty's journey .1. show some pictures . 2. play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully . 3. play the recording again for them to check . 4. collect the answers from the class in order . step 3  listen and read .1. ask the students to listen to the text while they follow it in their books .2. read through the dialogue .step 4 do exercises 1. answer the questions in activity 4 .1) when did betty go to los angeles on holiday ?2) how long did it take her ?3) where did she go ?4) who met her at the airport ?5) how long did they spend in los angeles ?6) what did they see ?7) where did they go swimming ?2. match these words with the words in the passage in activity 5 .go ― went  get ― got   have ― had  leave ― had  meet ― met            see  ― saw    spend ― spent    swim  ― swam   take ― took  step 5 pronunciation 1. listen and repeat your answers to activity 5 .2. listen and underline the stressed words in activity 7 . step 6 speakingwork in pairs . talk about a special holiday . ask and answer :1. where did you go ?2. when did you go ?3. how did you get there ?4. how long did you spend there ?5. what did you do or see ?6. what was it like ?step 7 exercisefinish the exercise in the workbook ex. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4&5