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Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.

unit 8 i’d like some noodles.


1. i’d like some noodles. (’d like = would like )

2. what kind of noodles would you like? beef and tomato noodles.

3. what size bowl of noodles would he like?

he’d like a small /medium/large bowl of noodles.

4. what size of pizza would you like?

5. can i help you? = what can i do for you?

6. special 1 has beef and onion, and is just rmb10 for 15.

7. we have some great specials.



1. would like = want  想要

would like sth. 想要某物  he would like a bowl of noodles.

would like to do 想要做某事 she would like to make dinner for us.

例题 1) i’d like tomato noodles . ( 对划线部分提问)

    2) i want to go shopping . (同义句)

    3)——what would you like _____? —— a cup of tea.

    a. drink     b. to drink    c. drinking   d. drinks

    4) —— would you like to have another cup of tea? —— yes, ______.

    a. please   b. i want to   c. i love   d. i love to 

2. potato ------potatoes    tomato-----tomatoes

3. a bowl of 一碗   a glass of 一杯 (玻璃杯)  a box of 一箱/一盒

    a bag of  一袋   a cup of  一杯(瓷杯)

two bowls of noodles 两碗面条   three bags of apples 三袋子苹果

    5) —— what would you like , sir? 

——_______ glass of orange juice, please. thank you.

a. an      b. a   c. the   d. /

    6) —— how many _____ would you like?  —— two, please.

    a. cup of tea    b. cups of tea   c. cup of teas    d. cups of teas

4. 多数情况下,名词作定语时(即名词修饰名词),定语不用复数。

    an apple tree -five apple trees      beef and tomato noodles

    7) i would like to eat some _______ for lunch. ( tomato)

    i would like _____ noodles.

5. a kind of  this kind of   what kind of   three kinds of   all kinds of

8) lucy likes noodles with beef and onions. ( 对划线部分提问)

9) she’d like a large bowl of noodles. ( 对划线部分提问)

6. beef  mutton  broccoli 不可数名词

    chicken ,salad, ice cream, cabbage, onion  既可作不可数名词又可作可数名词

10) ______ green tea is there in the glass?

    a. how many  b. how much    c. too many    d. too much  2页,当前第112

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.

7. give sb. sth. =give sth to sb

    he gave me much money. =he gave much money to me.

8. rmb10 for 15

11)——how much is this kind of dumplings? —— it’s 10 rmb ___ 20.

    a. for   b. of   c. in    d. at  

12) these apples are rmb 5 for 7. ( 对划线部分提问)
