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Module 6 The Olympic adventure

Module 6 The Olympic adventure

module 6 the olympic adventure

一. 教学内容:

module 6 the olympic adventure


二. 重点、难点

1. 形容词比较级(2)

2. 副词


三. 具体内容

1. 形容词比较级(2)



table tennis is more popular than gymnastics. 乒乓球比体操更普及。

gymnastics is more exciting than swimming.  体操比游泳更刺激。

nothing is more exciting than basketball.   没有什么比篮球比赛更刺激的了。

可以看出,从句式上讲more…than形式的比较级与bigger than形式的比较级没有太大的差别,句式要求一样,只是形容词比较级的形式不同而已。使用时同学们要分清形容词的类别,以便采取适当的比较级构成形式。

2. 副词


① 时间副词 如:ago, before, already, just, now, early, late, finally, tomorrow等

② 地点副词 如:here, there, near, around, in, out, up, down, back, away, outside等。

③ 方式副词 如:carefully, angrily, badly, calmly, loudly, quickly, politely, nervously等。

④ 程度副词 如:almost, nearly, much, greatly, a bit, a little, hardly, so, very等。




of the two boys he sings more beautifully.

we must work harder. 



she plays the piano badly. 她钢琴弹得很糟。

    she speaks english well. 她英语讲得很好。

    she gets up early.  她起床很早。

the teacher speaks slowly and carefully.  老师讲话既慢又认真。


the teacher speaks carefully.老师讲得认真。

    the teacher is careful.  老师很细心。

    the teacher is a very careful speaker.   老师讲话很认真。

3. text:

(1)chinese people are very good at gymnastics. 中国人非常擅长体操。

    be good at + n./doing sth. 表示“擅长……”。如:

    tony is good at maths.   托尼擅长数学。

linda is good at playing the piano.   琳达钢琴弹得特别好。

(2)it’s saturday morning and zhang xiuyun from dongsi neighhbourhood committee in bejing is leaving for school. 这是周六的早晨,北京东四居民委员会的张秀云正要去上课。

(3)lots of visitors to the olympic games will speak english,so the people from dongsi need

to learn english quickly.  


Module 6 The Olympic adventure




i’m hungry so i’m going to buy some food.  我饿了,所以想去买点吃的。

i don’t like swimming so i won’t go with you.   我不喜欢游泳,所以我就不和你一起去。

(4)the olympic visitors are going to do some sightseeing and she’s going to take them around a beijing siheyuan. 来观看奥运会的游客将会观光游玩,她准备带着他们游览北京的一个四合院。

本句中的siheyuan是汉语“四合院”的拼音。有些具有中国特色的词可用汉语拼音的形式表达,如:chang jiang(即the yangtze river)长江

(5)it’s more difficult for old people to learn english, but i ... 对老年人来说,学英语更难,但是it’s ...for sb. to do... 这一句型表示“某人做某事怎样”。it’s之后跟形容词或名词,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后边的不定式。


it’s difficult to learn a foreign language . 学会一门外语很难。

it’s a good idea for you to walk after supper.  对你来说,晚饭后散散步是个好主意。

(6)zhang xiuyun... is leaving for school.

leave for表示“动身去某地”,注意介词用for,不用to. 另外,在leave与for之间可跟地点名词,表示“离开某地去另外某地”。


dianna is leaving for london tomorrow. 戴安娜明天将动身去伦敦。

dad will leave tianjin for sydney next week. 爸爸下星期将离开天津去悉尼。

(7)these popular lessons will continue until . 这些普及课将一直持续到XX年。



i’m free until l0:00pm. 我一直到晚上10点都有空。

    i will not go to see him until he comes to see me. 直到他来看我,我才会去看他。




一. phonetics:(find the word which has a different sound from the others)

1. a. horse       b. transport       c. short       d. work

2. a. hot         b. post           c. home       d. open

3. a. start        b. far            c. quarter     d. hard

4. a. tuesday     b. true            c. continue    d. fuel3页,当前第2123

Module 6 The Olympic adventure

5. a. food          b. foot           c. school      d. smooth


二. vocabulary

1. he gets up______________(early)than she.

2. she plays the piano ____________(good)than he.

3. cycling is ___________(tiring)than running.

4. they are working __________(hard)to learn english.

5. running is very _____________(easy).

6. she works ______________ (quick) and ______________ (quiet)


1. earlier  2. better  3. more tiring  4. hard  5. easy   6. quickly; quietly


三. fill in the blanks according to the first given letter


(一)this is wang xiaoya, a f____________1 hostess in cctv. she is b____________2 and clever. she is my f____________3 tv presenter. i like w____________4 her programme. i want to be a person l____________5 her.


(二)i think everybody knows h____________6. he is very p____________7.he is a famous host for cctv. we all love him. he is humorous (幽默的). he isn’t handsome. he h____________8 big eyes. he is not very tall. b____________9 his voice is attractive. he can m____________10 us laugh.


1. famous   2. bright / beautiful   3. favorite   4. watching  5. like

  6. him      7. popular          8. hasn’t     9. but      10. make


四. find out and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

   1. what is your brother look like?  __________

2. are you like volleyball?  __________

3. i will go there on next monday. __________

4. playing football is much interesting than running. __________

5. what’s language does billy speak? __________

6. he is going to home.  __________

7. sue writing to her teacher in the room now. __________

8. they need learning english quickly. __________


1. is —does  2. are—do  3.去掉on  4. much—more 或much more interesting

5. what’s—what  6. 去掉to  7. 在sue 和writing 中间加is   8. learning—to learn

