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仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

仁爱英语七年级unit 3 topic 3学案


unit 3 topic 3



help yourself/yourselves to…请随便用…… would like to do sth.想做某事

good idea !好主意!     take sb’s order记下某人点的饭菜

wait a moment, please.请稍等。   something to drink 喝的东西     

something to eat吃的东西    have dinner吃饭;吃正餐   

have breakfast吃早饭      have lunch吃午饭              

have supper吃晚饭     a bowl of … 一碗……

two kilos of …  两公斤……   give sb. sth.

= give sth.to sb. 把某物给某人   wait a moment, please.请稍等片刻.

be friendly /kind to sb.对某人友好


1.why not+动词原形…?= why don’t you +动词原形…?“为什么不?”

2.what about(doing)sth. = how about(doing)sth.? 表示征求意见。

3. what would you like to drink? = what do you want to drink?

4. let's do sth.表示提建议,“咱们…”。

5. what do you think of …? = how do you like…? 你觉得…怎么样?

6. may i take your order? = may i help you?(限于用餐)

7. would you like to have dinner with me? ok. i'd love to.我愿意

8.i'm very glad to be here.我非常乐意呆在这儿




个体名词                         ①.个体名词:都是可数名词,从

                                可数名词                  而有单复数形式。

          普通名词   集体名词                         ②.集体名词:视集体为整体时,

教学重点       用于单数形式;指整体各成

⒈分类             物质名词                            员时,用于复数形式。如:

                        抽象名词   不可数名词                class team  police等。10页,当前第112345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

 专有名词                                    ③.物质名词:大都是不可数名

提    供    依    据                    词,当词义发生变化时,又是


④.抽象名词: 大都是不可数名词,当词义发生变化时,又是可数名词。如:experience→作“经验”解,为不可数名词;作“经历”解,是可数名词。复数:experiences.

     ⑤.专有名词:通常无复数形式,除非其本身带有复数词缀。如:the united states;或专有名词普通名词化。如:某姓一家人﹝例the browns﹞或同姓、同名的若干人﹝例two                   miss smiths﹞



      ①.一般规则:a.直接加“s”;        b.以“s”、“x”、“ch”、“sh”结尾加“es”;





        a.单复数不一致:child---children  man---men  woman---women   mouse---mice

                           tooth---teeth   foot---feet

        b.单复数一致:chinese---chinese  japanese___ japanese  deer---deer sheep---sheep


           c.只有复数形式:people   trousers  clothes  glasses﹙眼镜﹚

     ⑵.动词→名词  work---worker……

    ⑶.形容词→名词 happy---happiness……    分门别类地进行归纳和总结。

    ⑷.名词→名词 japan___ japanese……     


   ⑴. ’﹙s﹚所有格


仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案


          a.单数名词或非以“s”结尾的复数名词后加’s 如:liping’s  children’s

          b.以“s”结尾的复数名词后只加 ’ 如:the students’


如:my mother-in-law’s death    an hour and a half’s talk

          d.并列结构的所有格,表示各自所有分别加’﹙s﹚;表示共同所有,在后者词尾加’﹙s﹚ 如:mary’s and tom’s book﹙各自所有﹚;mary and tom’s book﹙共同所有﹚

                  e.名词带有同位语时,在两者或同位语后加’﹙s﹚ 如:his classmate tom’s=his classmate’s , tom’s


              a.表示所有关系 例:jack’s bike

              b.表示主谓关系 例:my friend’s  arrival

              c.表示动宾关系 例:the enemy’s defeat

              d.表示来源  例:mary ’s letter=letter from mary

              e.表示类别  例:a winter’s day=a day in winter

              f.表示时间、度量、价值等  例:an hour’s work  a pound’s weight a dollar’s worth of meat

         ④.句法功能:主语、宾语、表语、 宾语补足语、前置定语 例:

              a.this is my pen. tom’ s is over there.

              b.something is wrong with my bike. i will have to ride my father’s to school.

     ⑵. of_所有格:“of”是介词,与名词、动名词、代词等构成介词短语,通常充当句


             例:the door of the room is red     the red door is of the room


仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

               例:a friend of my father’s=one of my father’s friends




⑴.可数名词:可直接用基数词表具体的量,此外冠词“a/an” 表示"一"。

如:a cake /book /bike ;an apple /orange /egg;two cakes  ;three books 


可用诸如“a box of …”或“two bags of …”等数量词组来表示具体的量。

如:a cup of tea ;two cups of coffee ;three glasses of milk


⒈ a few与few

都修饰可数名词a few:“几个”﹙表示肯定﹚;few:“没几个”﹙表示否定)。

2. a little与little :都修饰或指代不可数名词。

⑴.little:“一点” ﹙ 表示否定﹚

         ①.adj. ﹙修饰不可数名词﹚

         ②. adv. ﹙修饰形容词或其它副词等﹚

          ③. pron. ﹙代替不可数名词﹚

    ⑵.a little:“一点” ﹙表示肯定﹚

       ①.adj. ﹙修饰不可数名词= a bit of﹚

        ②. adv.﹙修饰形容词或其它副词等= a bit﹚

        ③. pron. ﹙代替不可数名词﹚



 ①.adj. 修饰名词,用于肯定或委婉疑问句中。





   ③. adj. pron. “任何” ﹙可用于肯定句中﹚

4. many与much

⑴.many:“许多”                  ⑵.much:“许多”

①.adj.﹙修饰可数名词﹚                 ①.adj.﹙修饰不可数名词﹚

②.pron. ﹙代替可数名词﹚               ②.pron. ﹙代替不可数名词﹚



例如:that’s a book.(远处)/these are my books.(近处)


3.在回答主语是this, that, these或those的疑问句时,通常要用it来代替this或that;用they来代替these或those。10页,当前第412345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

例如:—is this your pen?这是你的笔吗?

—yes, it is.是的,它是。

—are these your parents?—这些是你的父母吗?

—no, they aren’t.—不,他们不是。


例如:—this is tom.—who’s that?—我是汤姆。—你是哪位?


例如:this is my sister’s bag. that’s red.这是我姐姐的包。那包是红色的。


(   )1. would you like ____ eggs?

a. any    b. some   c. much    d. a lot

分析:b eggs为可数名词的复数, 排除c、d。 本句是表示请求的疑问句, 要用some而不用any。

(   )2. she doesn’t have ____.

a. some milks  b. any milks  c. some milk   d. any milk

分析:d  milk为不可数名词, 它没有复数形式, 排除a、b。一般情况下some用于肯定句中, any用于疑问句和否定句中, 本句是否定句, 故选d。

(   )3. what would you like ____ lunch?

a. at    b. on   c. for    d. in

分析:c  would like+食物+for+三餐名词表示“某顿饭吃什么”。

(   )4. why not ____ some milk?

a. eat    b. drink   c. to eat    d. to drink

分析:b why not ... 后接动词原形, 后面是牛奶所以要用drink, 故选择b。

(   )5. —what would you like to drink?


a. some cakes.      b. two glass of orange juice.

c. two glasses of apple juice.   d. two glasses of apple juices.

分析:c只能是eat (吃) cake,不能drink(喝)它,a不符合句意; b的glass要用复数形式; d的apple juice不能用复数。故选c。

(   )6. we’d like ____.

a. eat something  b. drink something c. something eat  d. something to eat

分析:d  something to eat表示吃的东西,故选d。

(   )7. would you like ____ chicken?

a. one    b. two    c. some     d. three

分析:c  chicken是不可数名词, 排除a、b、d几个数词,而some是一些的意思, 故选c。

(   )8. ____ fish and eggs?

a. why not   b. why don’t you c. let’s    d. what about

分析:d   a、b、c后面都应接动词, 而本句fish and eggs是名词, what about sth./doing sth.?表示“……怎么样?”故选d。

(   )9. —what’s his favorite food?


a. apples.   b. rice and fish. c. a glass of juice.  d. something to eat.

分析:b   本题问的是食物。a是水果, c是饮料,d不合题意,故选b。10页,当前第512345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

(   )10. —let’s go home.


a. no, we don’t. b. we can’t.  c. let’s go to school. d. ok.

 分析: d let’s do sth.是英语中提出建议的一种惯用语, 回答时通常用ok. 或good idea。



(   )1. —____ is the letter from?

—it’s from mike, my pen pal.

a. where   b. how   c. who   d. what

(   )2. tom speaks english. ____ jane ____ english, too?

a. do; speaks  b. does; speak c. do; speak  d. does; speaks

(   )3. my parents ____ high school teachers.

a. are both   b. both are  c. are all   d. all are

(   )4. —would you like ____ juice, please?

—no, thanks. i don’t like ____.

a. any; it   b. some; it  c. any; them  d. some; them

(   )5. ____ often helps ____ with ____ english.

a. his; her; hers  b. she; him; his c. she; him; her d. he; me; mine

(   )6. susan can speak chinese, ____ she doesn’t like it at all.

a. but    b. so   c. as   d. and

(   )7. he ____ the great wall.

a. want to visit  b. want visit  c. wants to visit d. wants visit

(   )8. —what does your father do?


a. he is a teacher.     b. he is from china. 

c. he is fine.      d. he’s 40.

(   )9. is this a photo ____ your family?

a. in    b. with   c. to    d. of

(   )10. he is kind ____ me.

a. very   b. to    c. from   d. friendly

(   )11. you’re thirsty(口渴). ____ have a glass of tea?

a. would you like b. would not you c. why not  d. why

(   )12. may i have something ____ supper?

a. to drink for  b. drinks for  c. to drink in  d. drinks at

(   )13. i’d like ____ orange juice, please.

a. a    b. an   c. two glass of d. a glass of

(   )14. help ____ to the chicken, children.

a. you   b. your   c. yourself  d. yourselves

(   )15. let’s ____ dinner together.

a. to have   b. have   c. has   d. /


a. 从ⅱ栏中找出ⅰ栏各句的应答语

ⅰ        ⅱ10页,当前第612345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

(   )1. could you please tell me your name?   a. good idea.

(   )2. what does your mother do?     b. yes, she does.

(   )3. what about something to drink?    c. sure. my name is mike.

(   )4. does she speak chinese?     d. on a farm.

(   )5. where does he work?      e. she is a teacher.

b. 从方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有两项多余

a. would you like some rice?

b. what about fish?

c. a glass of orange juice, please.

d. it’s nice.

e. thanks.

f. no, thanks.

g. here you are.

a: help yourself to some fish.

b:   6   the fish is very nice.

a: would you like some eggs?

b:   7   may i have some chicken, please?

a:   8   what would you like to drink?

b:  9   i like orange juice very much.

a:  10 

b: no, thanks.


look at the photo. it’s my family. the old man and the old woman are my   1 . this is my father. he is next to(挨着) his brother, my   2 . this woman is my mother. she is my english teacher. you can   3   three children in the photo. the two girls are my   4  . the girl in a red dress is nancy   5  the girl in a yellow dress is susan. do you know who the boy is? it’s me. my grandparents live in the u. s. a. i live in beijing   6   my parents now. my father is   7  . he works in beijing hospital. he often has milk   8   breakfast. and he likes to eat   9  . my mother often has some eggs and   10 . i have a big family.

(   )1. a. uncle   b. aunt   c. grandparents  d. parents

(   )2. a. aunt   b. uncle   c. sister    d. brother

(   )3. a. see   b. ask   c. call    d. spell

(   )4. a. sister   b. girls   c. sisters    d. children

(   )5. a. and   b. but   c. or    d. so

(   )6. a. and   b. of   c. for    d. with

(   )7. a. a teacher  b. a driver  c. a farmer   d. a doctor

(   )8. a. for    b. to    c. in     d. on10页,当前第712345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案

(   )9. a. a bread   b. some breads c. many bread   d. bread

(   )10. a. a orange      b. an orange juice 

c. two glass of orange juice   d. a glass of orange juice



ann comes from canada. she is in beijing with her parents now. she is a student of no. 2 middle school. she can speak a little chinese. her father works in a hospital. her mother is a teacher of english. she is a good teacher. she loves (爱) her students a lot. the students are kind. all of her family like to be in china and all of them like chinese food very much.

根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。

1. who is ann in beijing with now?


2. where does ann study?


3. is ann’s father a teacher?


4. does ann speak much chinese?


5. what do all of ann’s family like very much?



there are (有) three people in yang yang’s family. they like different kinds of food. yang yang likes rice a lot. but she doesn’t like chicken at all. her father is from shanxi. he doesn’t like rice at all. he likes chicken and bread very much. her mother is from dalian. she doesn’t like rice or bread at all. but she likes fish and vegetables a lot. they love each other and help each other.

(   )1. there are ____ people in yang yang’s family.

a. one    b. two   c. three    d. four

(   )2. where does yang yang’s father come from?

a. shanghai.   b. dalian.  c. fuzhou.   d. shanxi.

(   ) 3. yang yang likes ____ very much, but her parents don’t like it at all.

a. bread    b. rice   c. chicken   d. fish

(   )4. who likes chicken?

a. yang yang.       b. yang yang’s father.

c. yang yang’s mother.     d. yang yang’s parents.

(   ) 5. yang yang’s mother likes ____ very much.

a. chicken and bread b. rice   c. fish and vegetables d. chicken


mr. lee is from china. now he lives in the u. s. a. he speaks chinese and english. he speaks english very well. many people study english in a school in new york. some students come from japan and italy(意大利). others come from brazil(巴西) and india(印度). mr. lee works in the school. he likes the students very much and the students like him, too. he helps them with their english. li ming is a student from china. he speaks chinese to mr.lee, but mr. lee speaks only english to all the students. their english is very good soon(很快). mr. lee is a good teacher.10页,当前第812345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案


(   )1. mr. lee is chinese but he lives in the u. s. a.

(   )2 mr. lee teaches chinese in new york.

(   )4. no students are from brazil and india in the school.

(   )4. only two students are from china.

(   )5. mr. lee doesn’t speak chinese to his students.


a. 根据句意及首字母提示填词

1. —i would like a glass of apple juice.

—ok. wait a m____, please.

2. mr. lee t____ us english. we like him very much.

3. my teacher is a good teacher. he is very k____ to me.

4. —what about some chicken?

—that’s a good i____.

5. your mother’s father and mother are your g____.

b. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空

can  glass  you  work  come

6. why not ____ in and have a glass of milk, xiao ming?

7. xiao ming’s father ____ in an office.

8. ____ you please give me some bread?

9. i often have two ____ of milk and some bread for breakfast.

10. help ____ to the fish, kids.



____ english is very ____.


he ____ ____ breakfast with us.


please ____ ____ your books.


he is very glad ____ ____ here.


he often ____ meimei____ her english.



提示: 假如你是jim, 来自英国, 现在在北京学汉语。你和父母在一起住, 他们也在北京工作。你在这儿有很多朋友, 常与他们一起吃饭, 中国的食物很好吃, 种类多, 你很喜欢。






ⅰ.1___5. cbabb  6___10acadb  11__15caddb

ⅱ.a. 1___5. ceabd   17. e   18. a   19. b   20. d

b. 6__10. e fgca 

ⅲ.1__5. cbaca  6___10ddadd


1. she lives in beijing with her parents now.

2. she studies in no. 2 middle school.

3. no, he is a doctor.

4. no, she speaks a little chinese.

5. they all like chinese food very much.



ⅴ.a. 1. moment   2. teaches   3. kind    4. idea      5. grandparents

b. 6. come     7. works    8. could   9. glasses   10. yourselves

ⅵ.1. his; poor   2. often has   3. look after   4. to be   5. helps; with10页,当前第912345678910

仁爱英语七年级Unit 3 Topic 3学案


my name is jim. i come from england. now i live in beijing with my parents. i study chinese here. my parents both work in beijing. i have a lot of friends here. they are kind to me. i often have dinner with them. chinese food is very nice. i like many kinds of chinese food. i like china. i like chinese.
