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unit 4   my classroom


1. a, an, the的用法

a, an是不定冠词,the是定冠词。他们都放在名词的前面,起着修饰名词的作用。a, an表示“一”,通常放在第一次出现的人或事物的单数名词前,泛泛而指,因此被称为“不定”冠词。如,this is a boy. the boy is my brother. it is an apple.而the是特指一些事物,使说话双方心中都知道的人或物,因此被称为“定”冠词。如,the teacher is from china.

2. there be句型的结构及用法

(1)there be的结构为 there be +名词+地点。表示某处有某物。具体表现为三种句子结构,即:there is +可数名词单数+地点. there is +不可数名词+地点. there are +可数名词复数+地点

例如:①there is an apple on the desk. 桌子上面有一个苹果。

②there is some water in the cup. 杯子里有些水。

③there are two cats behind the door. 门后有两只猫。

(2)there be的否定句是直接在be动词后面加not。如:there are two boys in the classroom.变为否定句是there aren’t two boys in the classroom.

(3)there be的一般疑问句是把be动词提前,句尾加问号。如:there is a new book on the teacher’s desk. 变为否定句是is there a new book on the teacher’s desk?其肯定的回答是yes, there is. 否定的回答是no, there isn’t.

2. 介词on, in behind的用法


4. 有关there be 句型中的一致原则。

例如:there is a pencil and two rubbers on the desk./there are two rubbers and a pencil on the desk.

这两句都表示铅笔盒里有两块橡皮和一支铅笔。当紧接着be动词的名词是单数a pencil时,be动词就用is的形式。当紧接着be动词的名词是复数two rubbers时,be动词就用are的形式。



1.______as a sister. this is ______ sister. (he)

2.the ________ are very helpful. (policeman)

3.there ________ four new students in my class. (be)

4.what’s on the _______ desk? (teacher)

5.please ________ the window. (open)

6.pat and i are in ______ 8. (class)

7.________ late for school again. (not be)

8.she is a ______ girl. (china)

9.________ a picture on the wall? no, _________. (there be)

10.do you have ______ balls? (some)


1. 两个朋友__________________2. 站起来 _______________________

3. 打开书____________________4. 一扇窗户______________________

5. 我的文具盒________________6. 擦黑板________________________

7. 关门______________________8. 在讲台上_____________ ________

9. 八个女孩__________________10.一张他的全家福____________________

11. 去上学                   12. 两个文具盒                    14页,当前第11234567891011121314


13. 十五个学生               14. 在椅子后面__________________

15. 许多盒子_________________16. 两张大海报___________________




1. you are late. (改为一般疑问句)

       you _______?

2. there is a pen in my pencil-box. (改为复数句子)

there        some         in my pencil-box.

3. she is a teacher. (对划线部分提问)


4. close the door. (改为否定句)

                   the door.

5. i have a pen and a rubber in my bag. (改为同义句)

there                     and              in my bag.


(    ) 1. let’s ________ the blackboard.

  a. be     b. clean    c. to clean    d. cleans

(    ) 2. the shop _______.

a. is open     b. open   c. close    d. is closed

(    ) 3. what         in the pencil box?           pens.

a. is; they’re     b. are; it’s     c. are; they’re    d. is; it’s

(    ) 4.           my trousers(裤子)?           on the bed.

      a. whose is; it’s     b. where’s; it’s           c. where’re; they’re   d. where’s; they’re

(    ) 5. lucy and lily are in _______class.

a. you           b. i        c. me         d. our

(    ) 6. there are many trees           the river .14页,当前第21234567891011121314


a. under        b. in    c. behind    d. near

(    ) 7. don’t come           here.

a. to          b. on        c.\        d. for

(    ) 8. are those apples red ? yes,          .

a. those are    b. they are    c. it is     d. they is

(    ) 9. look at the boxes            the classroom.

       a. in              b. on             c. under      d. to

(    ) 10. he is a boy.   _______ name is li ling.

a. his            b. her          c. he          d. he’s

(    ) 11.  ______ is this man?  —in his office.

a. who          b. where       c. how      d. how old

(    ) 12. there _______ some flowers and a big tree in the garden.

  a. is      b. are     c. have    d. has

(    ) 13. don't look _______ the blackboard.

  a. to   b. on   c. at    d. for

(    ) 14. don’t sit on the chair. there is ______ on it.

a. is some water   b. are some water     c. is any water    d. are any water

( )15. there are __________ on the hill.

a. apple tree  b. apple trees  c. apples tree  d. apples trees


a: good morning, miss zhang.

b:    1         2    .     3     class are you in?

a: i’m    4     class 4.

b:    5        6      students     7     there in your class?14页,当前第31234567891011121314


a:     8    forty.

b: look! what are they?

a: oh, they’re balls.

b: are they    9     balls?

a: yes, they’re    10    .

1.           2.          3.           4.         5.        

6.           7.          8.           9.         10.        


i have f__1___new classmates. they are peter, andy, jill and millie. peter and andy are b__2__. jill and millie are g__3__. peter is b  4    and s  5   . andy is a t   6   and t   7   boy. he is very h   8   . jill is a s   9    girl. she is s___10___and pretty. millie is s   11  and t   12   . she is from        america. a__13__ my new classmates are p   14   . w___15___ all good friends.

1. f_______  2. b_______  3. g______   4. b_______  5. s_______

6. t_______ 7. t_______ 8. h_______ 9. s______ 10. s_______

11. s_______ 12. t_______ 13. a_______ 14. p_______ 15. w_______


what’s that? oh, it’s a desk. it’s__1__desk. it isn’t __2__desk. what’s __3__ the desk? there is a bag, a pencil-box and a cup on __4__. what’s __5__ the bag? there are some books in __6__. what’s in the pencil-box? there are some __7__, a pen and a __8__ in it. what’s __9__ the pencil-box? there is __10__ under it.

( )1.  a. the teachers     b. the students      c. the teacher’s    d. my father’s

( )2.  a. a student’s     b. students       c. the student     d. his students

( )3.  a. near  b. on    c. in   d. for

( )4.  a. me  b. her    c. it’s   d. it14页,当前第41234567891011121314


( )5.  a. on  b. of    c. in   d. for

( )6.  a. bag  b. bags    c. this   d. it

( )7.  a. pencils b. bags    c. trousers  d. coats

( )8.  a. ball  b. rubber   c. book   d. orange

( )9.  a. in  b. on    c. under   d. near

( )10. a. a ruler  b. ruler    c. a ball   d. balls


1. 安迪,请开门。

andy, please _______ _________ ________.

2. 请坐下。

_______ _________, please.

3. 请看黑板。

________ ________ the _________, please.

4. 让我看一看。

let _______ have _______ ________.

5. 那是什么?是一支铅笔。

_______ that? _______ is ________ _________.




hi, i’m sammi. i’m in class3, grade 7. i’m from england. i’m short but i’m strong. there are sixteen boys and eighteen girls in my class. look! this is my classroom. there are two blackboards on the wall. there is a picture on the wall, too. there are fifteen desks and a chair in the classroom. there is a bag behind the chair. it’s our teacher’s. on the teacher’s desk, there are twenty new books and a ruler.

( )1. sammi is an english boy.

( )2. sammi is short and strong.

( )3. there are twenty-four students in sammi’s class.

( )4. there are two pictures and a blackboard on the wall.

( )5. there isn’t a chair in the classroom.



it’s 9:00 in the evening. the family are at home. jim’s father sits in a chair. he’s watching tv(看电视). his mother stands near the window. she feeds(喂) the birds—polly. polly says, “thanks! thanks!” where is jim? oh, he’s behind the door. kate is looking for(找) him. they play games in kate’s room.

 ( )1.there are ________people in the family.

a. three  b. four  c. five   d. six

( )2.who sits in a chair?

a. jim b. it’s jim c. jim’s father  d. it’s jim’s mother

( )3.where is jim?

a. he’s is watching tv.  b. behind the door.      c. he’s looking for kate. d. near the door.

( )4.jim and kate are ___________.

a. good friends   b. two girls       c. two boys    d. brothers and sisters14页,当前第51234567891011121314


( )5.where’s kate?

a. she’s behind the door. b. she’s near the window.    c. she’s in her room.  d. she plays games.


unit 5 visit my school


1. is this your school, peter? 彼特,这是你的学校吗?

这是this is…句型的一般疑问句:is this+名词单数?意思是:这是……吗?在回答这类问句时,用代词he/she/it,而不用this或that。

2. -----how many classrooms are there in your school? 你学校有多少教室?

-----there are twenty. 有二十个。

3. 可数名词复数


情况 构成方法 例词

一般情况下 加-s book—books


以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词 加-es box—boxes


以辅音字母+y结尾的词 把y变i加-es family—families


以f, fe结尾的词 变f(fe)为ves knife—knives

 4. there aren’t any libraries in my school, but there are some reading rooms. 我们学校没有图书馆,但是有一些阅览室。


there are some pictures in my bedroom. 我的卧室里有一些图画。

there aren’t any books in his bag. 他的包里没有书。

are there any birds in the tree? 树上有鸟吗?

5. 冠词的用法

a和an都是,用在名词的前面表示人、事物的类别,它们都可以表示“一”,两者的不同点是:a用在以辅音音素开头的单词、符号、字母及数字等的前面;an用在以元音音素开头的单词、符号、字母及数字等的前面。例如:a pear一个梨/an apple 一个苹果。

there is an “f” and a “u” in the word “full”. 单词“full”中有一个字母f和一个字母u。

6. how many+名次复数+are there+地点状语?的句型用法。 

它的回答是:there is/are … +地点状语。例如:how many girls are there in the picture? 图画里有多少女孩?there are four. 有四个。



1.who are these ________ (woman)? they are our teachers.

2.please colour(上色) _______ (they) brown and yellow.

3.they are twin _________ (sister).

4.his favourite ________ (animals) is cat.

5.let‘s open it and _______ (see).

6.there are seven _______ (box) on the desk..

7.---what are ______ (this)?  ---they are pears

8.how many ______(chair) are there in your house?

9. the car over there isn’t ________ (me)car.      

10.his teacher ________ (be) miss gao.


1. there are some flowers on the teacher’s desk. (否定句)14页,当前第61234567891011121314


there ______ ______ flowers on the teacher’s desk.

2. the girls put on their shoes. (祈使句)

please ______ ______ ______ shoes, girls.

3. are you and your friend american?(否定回答)

        ,           .

4. we have six classes in grade one. (同义句)

______ _______ six ________ in grade one.

5. are those flowers yellow?  (用trees 改选择疑问句)

are those flowers ______ trees yellow?

6. is there a box on your desk?


7. they are old bags.


8. there is a big desk in the room.

______ ______a big desk in the room.(改为否定句)

9. close your books.

_______close your books. (改为否定句)

11. sally is in class 3. 

_______  ______is sally in ? (对划线部分提问)

12. there are 3 chairs in the classroom.

______ _________ _______are there in the classroom ? (对划线部分提问)

13. my new book is in on the chair.

_________is your new book ? (对划线部分提问)


( )1.there‘s ____ old pencil on the book, and ____ pencil is mine.

a. a/an    b. a/the   c. an/the   d. the/the

( )2.____ pictures are there on the wall?

a. how many   b. how much  c. whose     d. what

( )3.there are _____ lights in the room.

a. any      b. no       c. a           d. not some

( )4.---what colour(颜色) are the cats? ---i think _____ white and black.

a. they’re    b. them     c. it’s     d. it

( )5.----____ are they? ---they are my friends.

a. who      b. whose     c. which   d. what

( )6. is miss gao at school? _______, i don’t know.

a. excuse me  b. yes        c. no      d. sorry

( )7.where_______my pictures? ______ are in your bag.

   a. is, these  b. are, they   c. are, those  d. is, their

( )8--- thank you.  --- ________.

   a. i’m ok   b. i’m all right   c. that’s ok   d.all right

( )9. --- _____ not here?     ---tom and jim _____ not here.

   a. who’s, are  b. who’s, is   c. who’re, is     d. who’re, are

( )10. i ______ know his name.

   a. can’t      b. don’t       c. isn’t       d. am not 14页,当前第71234567891011121314


( )11. my desk is here. ______ is your desk?

 a. where     b. that        c. what      d. it

( )12 .are you in _______ ?

   a. class two   b. class two      c.two class    d.class two

( )13. is miss cao ________ teacher?

 a. your a     b. you a        c. your        d. you

( )14. 18.______ mimi. _______ a cat.

a. it’s, it’s    b. its, its        c. it’s its     d. its, it’s

( )15. ----where is ‘i’ ?  ---________.

 a. i’m here   b. it’s here       c. yes, it is     d.yes,i am


       ⅰ                ⅱ

( )1. what’s this in english?    a. the one behind the door.

( )2. are these knives?        b. he’s my father.

( )3. who’s that man?      c. it’s orange.

( )4. what colour is that orange?   d. yes, they are.

( )5. how old are you?         e. it’s here.

( )6. which boy is your brother?     f. fourteen.

( )7. where is polly?         g. it’s an egg.


this is our classroom, it‘s not big. but it’s very nice. the walls are (1) and the desks and chairs are new. on the wall is a (2) and we can find beijing, shanghai and hangzhou in it. there are some (3) on the teacher‘s desk. they are for our (4), miss gao. she is a good teacher and we all like her.

i’m on (5) today. i come to school early. i help(帮助) my teacher with (6) books, maps and pictures on her (7). i tell(告诉) her everyone is here. but i‘m (8), liu mei is not at (9). i don’t know (10) she is. but i think she‘s at home.


(  )1. a. old   b. same   c. fine   d. white

( )2.  a. map   b.  clock   c. kite   d. photo

(  )3. a. games  b. numbers  c. flowers  d. lights

(  )4.  a. friend  b. daughter  c. mother   d. teacher

( )5.  a. line   b. duty   c. turn   d. time

( )6.  a. his    b. he’s    c. she’s   d. her

( )7.  a. desk   b. bike   c. chair   d. floor 14页,当前第81234567891011121314


( )8.  a. good   b. young   c. right   d. wrong

( )9.  a. eight   b. home   c. table   d. school

( )10. a. what    b. which   c. where   d. how

六、 择适当的词完成下列短文。

floors  offices garden  playground library big beautiful     classrooms  swimming  ground

 my school is _____, and it is very _______. look, this building is a _______. there are two _______. on the _______ floor, we read books in it. on the first floor, we can borrow some books. there are many ________ and ________ in the teaching building. you can see a big _______ in my school. there is a ________ pool in my school, too. there are many trees and flowers in it. it is like a _______.


a:  __(1)__ over there?

b:  where?

a:  over there, __(2)__ the floor under the desk .

b:  let’s go and see. oh, it‘s a new watch. it looks __(3)__ yours.

a:  is it a black one? my watch is __(4)__.

b:  no, it’s a white one.

a:  i know it‘s jim’s. jim can‘t find __(5)__ watch.

b:  let’s go and ask  _(6)__. hi, jim. _ _(7)__?

c:  ___(8)___. i can‘t find my watch.

b:  is your watch a white one like this?

c:  let me see. yes, it’s __(9)__.

b:  here you are.

c:  thank you _ _(10)__.

b:  that‘s all right.

(  )1. a. who’s that    b. what’s that    c. how is that

(  )2. a. on        b. in     c. over

(  )3. a. at        b. after     c. like

(  )4. a. a black     b. black     c. the black

(  )5. a. his       b. her     c. my 

(  )6. a. them       b. him     c. her

(  )7. a. what’s that   b. who’s that     c. what’s the time

(  )8. a. ok        b. sorry     c. right

(  )9. a. mine       b. hers     c. his

(  )10.a. very      b. much     c. very much


1. what's that with english, please?                

2. there is a “f” in picture 3.                     

3. it's name is hei hua.                           14页,当前第91234567891011121314


4. is your friend a boy and a girl?       _     -    

5. these are her book..                   

6. tom and mike aren't on school today.               

7. thank you, where are the toilet, please?               

8. is there a black board in the classroom?               

9. that’s my family's a picture.                 

10. i have a bike. a bike is in my room.                

11. there is some apples in my bag.                

12. where is mr green's shoes?                 

13. are there some swimming pools in your school?.             


this is mr black’s family. mr and mrs black have two sons and a daughter. they are from england. they have a big house.

the house has two floors. on the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a bathroom and a sitting-room. on the first floor, there’re three rooms and a bathroom, too.

they have a small but nice garden in front of the house. there are many beautiful flowers and some green grass(草地) in it. and there are three tall trees near their house. they have two cars. they often go to the seaside(海边) in their cars at the weekends.

( )1. the blacks come from ______________.

a. china  b. english  c. america  d. england

( )2. how many people are there in the family?

a. 3   b. 5    c. 6    d. 7

( )3. how many rooms are there in the house?

a. 4   b. 6    c. 7    d. 8

( )4. their garden is _______________.

a. big   b. small   c. small but nice d. big and nice

( )5. what’s in the garden?

a. many flowers and some grass. b. three trees and some grass.

c. some trees and flowers.   d. three trees and many flowers.14页,当前第101234567891011121314



unit 6   in the park


1.on, in, under, behind, between等在英语中为介词,用来表达东西在哪儿。

(1)i’m between the trees. 我在两棵树之间。between意为“在……(两者)之间”,通常与and连用。例如:i’m between millie and peter.我在米莉和皮特之间。

(2)peter is in front of the gate. 皮特在大门前。

2. in front of意思是“在……的前面”,表示某个物体在某个范围之外的前方。如:there is a big tree in front the building. 楼前有一棵大树。

in the front of意思为“在……前部”,表示某物在某范围之内的前部。如:

there is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom. 教师前面有一个讲台。

3. where is the bird? 小鸟在哪儿?  it’s in the tree. 在树上。

in the tree(在树上)强调的是外部事物在树上。

on the tree(在树上)则表示本身长出的东西在树上,如花,树叶,果实等。

4. what about shops? 商店呢?

what about …? 意思是“……怎么样?”表示一种询问或建议。

如:i’m a student. what about you?   我是学生,你呢?

5.what’s under the tree? 树下有什么?

what’s + 介词词组?是一个非常重要的句型,用来询问“某地于什么”。回答这个句型通常“there be句型”,有时还可用it’s … 或they’re …

6. it’s not very big but it’s beautiful. 虽然它不是很大,但是很漂亮。


the room is small, but it’s very clean. 这个房间虽小,但是很干净。


一、用代词的适当形式填空。 1.there is a letter for  ________ (she) mother.

2.that is _____ (she ) coat. the coat is red. ______ (its)is a new one.

3.whose(谁的) pens are these? _______(their) are ______ (we) pens.

4.give ______(he) a toy, please.

5. ________(we) eyes are black. _______ (us) come from japan.

6.tim and bill are twins. _______ (their)are from england. _________  (them) parents are teachers in no. 6 middle school.

7.don’t look at _________(i ) book.

8.these are __________(we) cars.


1. 看……                       2. 在他的书桌上              

3. 在门后                       4. 在他们的椅子下            

5. 在地板上                     6. 在我们的课桌里              14页,当前第111234567891011121314