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I’m watching TV教案

I’m watching TV教案

unit 5 i’m watching tv


i. 重点短语集结号:

1. 电话聊天   talk on the phone

2. 和…交谈   talk to/with…

3. 谈论       tal k about

4. 看书/看报纸/看杂志 

read books /newspapers /magazines

5.  等公交车    wait for a bus

6. 在游泳池游泳 swim at/in the swimming pool

7. 为…而感谢   thanks for doing sth

8. 我的一些照片   some of my photos

9. 在第一张照片中 in the first photo

10. 打扫房间   clean the room

11. 很多活动   a lot of activities

12.在学校/在家/在工作 at school/home/work

13. 和某人在一起   be with sb.

ii. 重点点拨:

1. 多种多样的“看”法:

(1) a. look 通常强调“看”的动作,必须跟介词at 才能带宾语,即look at…

寻找 _____________

看一看 ___________ = _____________

b. 感官动词:look 看起来 , sound 听起来

用法:○1感官动词后加形容词○2没有进行时态○3与like 连用时 后加名词。例:

看起来像 ___________


○1listen ! who is singing ? that ________ pretty good . a. is sounding b. sounding c. sounds

○2the thrillers look quite ________ . a. terribly b. terrible

○3the boy looks _______, and he looks like ________ . a. his father, smart b. smartly , his father c. smart, his father d. smart , clever

○4that sound like ____________ . 是个好主意。

(  ) ○5. --- do you want to have dinner with me? --- that sounds ___. i’m hungry now.

a. ok  b. well  c. good  d. boring

(  ) ○6 --- let’s go to the  park. --- that ___ great.a. sound b. sounds c. sounding d. sounded

○7. 那首歌听起来很优美。

that song ______ very beautiful.

○8 that sounds like a terrible idea. (改为同义句)

the idea ______ ______.

(2) see 是及物动词,侧重于看的结果,意为“看见,看到”。如:

看这幅图,你能看见树下的那个男孩吗?_______ _______ the picture. can you _______ the boy under the tree?

(3) watch 作动词意为“观看,注视”,如电视、比赛、表演等

看电视节目 ________  看校园剧__________

看排球赛 ______________

两块白色的手表 _____________

(4) read 主要强调“ 阅读,朗读”,在汉语中常译成“看”,多指看书、报纸、杂志等。


(   ) 1. ___! how many birds can you ___ in the tree?  a. look, watch   b. watch, see 

c. look, see    d. see, look

(   ) 2. i like to ___ tv on sunday. 

a. look  b. watch  c. read  d. see5页,当前第112345

I’m watching TV教案

(   ) 3. he is ___ a book.   a. watching 

b. looking  c. seeing  d. reading

(   ) 4. he ___ a tennis match on tv now.

a. watching b. reading c. looking d. is watching

(   ) 5. --- ___ english every morning? --- yes, but now i ___ english. a. are you reading, read  b. do you read, read  c. do you read, am reading  d. are you reading, am reading

(   ) 6. the little girl ___ like her mother. 

a. look  b. see  c. watch  d. looks

2. show “展示”风采


(1) show 用作名词,意为“显示,展览,展览会”。 the ____ _____ isn’t interesting. (这个电视节目没意思)

(2) show用作动词,意为“显示,展示,上映,显露”。


please ______ _____ your photos. 


can you _____ _____ the way?

4. 介词in, on, at 对对碰

in, on, at在时间状语词组中的用法大不相同,我们可根据其在不同的时间状语中的用法区分其意义。

(1) at 表示某一刻或某一时间点。

i usually get up at six in the morning.

(2) on 表示特定的日子,具体到某一天或某一天的早上、下午或晚上。

they play basketball on thursday.

i give her a present on her birthday.

(3) in 表示某一段较长的时间,意为“在…之内”。在早上、下午、晚上,周、月、年、季节前用in。

he often goes t o school at 7:00 in the morning.

she was born in .

my father often goes fishing in summer.


(  ) 1. they often have an english party ___ saturday evening.  a. in b. on c. at d. to

(  ) 2. his brother arrives in shanghai ___ 5 p.m. ___ october 15.

a. at, on  b. at, in  c. in, on  d. at, to

(  ) 3. my sister’s birthday is ___ september 3rd. a. in  b. on  c. at  d. for

(  ) 4. they often go hiking ___ spring.

a. on  b. at  c. in  d. /

5. 如何“感谢”

thanks for… 为….而感谢。介词for表示原因,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。

thanks for your help.

thank you for listening.


(  ) 1. thank yo u ___ helping me.

a. to  b. for  c. from  d. to

(  ) 2. ___ you fo r telling me the good news.

a. thanks b. thank  c. thanks to  d. because

3. 谢谢你的到来。_____ _____ your ______.

4. 非常感谢你给了我一本好书。thank you very much ______ ________ me a good book.

iii. 单元说法:全方位透视“现在进行时”


1. 定义:现在进行时表示目前__________ 或发生的动作或存在的状态。

2. 构成:______________________

3. 动词现在分词是由动词原形变化而来的,变化规则你还记得吗?

(1) ___________ 如:talk ______ rain ______5页,当前第212345

I’m watching TV教案

(2) ___________ 如:take ______ dance ______

write ________ live ______ improve ________

(3) ___________ 如:get _______ sit _______

swim ________ run _______ shop ________

begin ________ stop ________ put _______

(4) _________ 如:lie ______



i’m studying in the library.



回答:___________ / _________



主语在句首,am, is, are跟在后,






1. 现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行或正在发生的动作,还可以表示一定的感情色彩,如与always连用就可以表示“总是….,老是….”,含有称赞或抱怨的情绪。如:

(1) he is always helping us with our study.

(2) you are always thinking of yourself.

2. 一般现在时表示经常性和反复性的动作,表示一种客观事实,常与_______, _________, ________, _________ 等频度副词连用。如:

(1) i usually get to school at 7:30.

(2) she often goes to school by bike.


1. my friend __________ (wait) for me. i have to go now. 2. 一些学生在看书,另一些学生在看黑板。_____ students _____ ______ books, ______ ______ _______ _____ the blackboard.


test time for unit 5

(   ) 1.  lily and i ______ watching tv in my

living room.  a. am  b. is  c. are  d. be

(   ) 2. listen! she ___ in the classroom.

a. sing  b. sings  c. singing  d. is singing

(   ) 3. ---____ you reading a book? --yes, i ____. 

a. do; do  b. are; am  c. are; do d. can; can

(   ) 4. his idea ______ great. 

a. sounding  b. sound  c. to sound  d. sounds

(   ) 5. mr. smith is talking ____ the children

_____ their art festival. a. to, with b. about, to

c. with, about   d. with, to

(   ) 6. i often ___ the cleaning after school.

now i ____ the cleaning, too.

a. do, doing     b. am doing, do  

c. do ,am doing    d. am doing, am doing

(   ) 7. let ___ help ___.  a. they, you  

b. us, his   c. me, them   d. we, you

(   ) 8. be quiet! the baby ____ in bed. 

a. is sleep  b. sleeping  c. is sleeping  d. sleeps

(   ) 9. – tigers can eat people. –that sounds ____. 

a. really   b. terrible   c. well   d. usually5页,当前第312345

I’m watching TV教案

(   ) 10. nancy with her friends___ now.  

a. play b. plays c. is playing d. are playing

(   ) 11. what are you ___ for?

a. watching  b. looking  c. reading  d. seeing

(   ) 12. tom has sports ___ the afternoon.

jack has sports ___ wednesday  afternoon. 

a. /, on  b. on, on  c. in, on  d. in, /

(   ) 13. --- is he ___ a movie on tv? --- no, he’s

___ an e-mail. a. reading, writing b. seeing, writing 

c. seeing, watching  d. looking, reading

1. where is jim? he _____ (read) books in the room.

2. one of us _________ (take) photos for them now.

3. thank you for _________ (help) us so much.

4. look! the boy __________ (wait) for his friends

at the school gate.

5. ___ your mother ____ (go) shopping every sunday?

6. mary_____________ (not sleep).she is out.

7. people in the south of china ___ (eat) rice every

day.  8. let’s _________ (buy) some oranges.

9. this kind of animals likes eating _________ (leaf).

10. you can’t go there. it ________ (rain) now.  

11. he swims in the pool. (改为进行时)

he _______ _______ in the pool.

12. everyone has a good time at the party. (一般疑问句) ________ ________ _______ a good time at the party?

13. tony is waiting for his mother. 

_________ tony ________ for?

14. that s ounds like a terrible idea.

= that idea _________ __________.

15. that looks cool.(改为一般疑问句)

________ that ________ cool? no, ______ _______.

16. the students are cleaning the room.

________ ________ the students __________?

17. 谢谢你的来信和照片

_______ _______ your ________ and _________.

18. 看,他们正在给孩子们照相。look! they ______ _________ ________ of the children.

19. 这首歌听起来很美

the song _________ ___________.

20. 我们学校有很多活动,快来加入我们吧。

there are many _____________ in our school.

______ _ and ________ _____!

jack is my good friend. we're in the same school and we're in the same class, too. he is 13 years old, one year younger than i. his parents are both teachers in the middle school.

jack is a good student. in schoo l, he  studies hard. his english is very good. he often helps other students with their english. our teacher like s him and we like him, too. after school, we play sports. we play soccer and basketball sometimes.

every day, he gets up early in the morning. he reads english for 30 minutes. then we go to school together by bike. in the evening, he does his homework at home. he doesn't like to watch tv. but he likes to watch soccer games on tv. on sundays, he goes out with his parents in his father's car. they play in the park and do sports there, too. my father takes me to the park on sundays too. sometimes we meet each other, and then we play sports and games together. we are very happy together!5页,当前第412345

I’m watching TV教案

1. what does jack’s father do?________________

2. how old is the writer?  _____________

3. how does jack go to school?  ____________

4. what does jack like doing in the evening?_________

5. 将划线句子译成汉语  ______________
