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7B Unit 5 Grammar (2)教案

7B Unit 5 Grammar (2)教案


7b unit 5 grammar (2)
















step 1 revisiont: we have learned two ways about using “can” and “could” , can you tell me something about them? you can discuss in groups of four.help them review the rule together.step 2 reviewing and testinga. fill in the blanks:1.____ you speak japanese? no, i____________.2._____you play the piano when you were eight?   yes, i_______.3._____ you cook?   yes i _____.4.______you use computer last year?  yes, i_______.5._____you play basketball? no,i______________becausei______________run fast.6.___you ride a  horse?i want but i__________________. can表示我们      能做某事; could表示____      能做某事。 b. design a scene about reading “a brave young man” , ask them the following questions about the text. pay attention to the second way of using “can” and “could”. 1. why couldn’t mrs sun get out of the kitchen? 2. what could happen if zhang hua didn’t  help her ?can与could还可表示       ,could 表示的可能性比can     。当我们谈论过去的可能性时,只能用      。但我们不能用can或could谈论             。show them more pictures ,have them make sentences with “can” and “could” correctly.c. exercises: 用“can”&“could”的正确形式填空1. i  ________ go to school on foot, because    my home is not far away from school.2. without air, we ________ live.3. it will be hot tomorrow so we _______wear     short sleeves. (袖子)4. i forgot my key. i ________ open the door.5. he was at home alone. he ________ be in     hospital.step 3 show them pictures, help them express with “what” and “how”. fill in the blanks. eg.what a big fire!how dangerous!what a brave girl she is!how brave the girl is!what a beautiful flower!what beautiful flowers!what beautiful snow!step 4 discussion and conclusiont: what’s the main idea about the expressions with “what” and “how”.感叹句表示说话的惊讶,喜悦,气愤等情绪.3页,当前第1123

7B Unit 5 Grammar (2)教案

很多感叹句是用what和how引起的. what用来修饰一个名词.  how用来修饰一个形容词,副词和动词.t: please discuss in groups of four:what’s the structure of expressions with “what”?1.what +a(an)+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语      what a fine day (it is)!2. what +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语      what good news (it is)!3. what +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语    what beautiful flowers (they are)!what’s the structure of expressions with “how”?how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语how clever the boy is!how fast he is running!step 5 exercises t: please fill in the blanks in part c and work out the rule below.step 6 finishing part a1get the students to complete part a1, page 99. check the answers in pairs and in class. ask the students some question to offer them more chances for practice. step 7 more informationwhat引起的感叹句都可以转换为how引起的感叹句1. what good news it is!---                         2. what beautiful flowers they are!---                          how引起的感叹句修饰形容词时可以转what引起的感叹句.how clever the boy is!---                         step 8 doing some consolidate exercises一、用how, what, what a, what an填空1.________ nice pencil!2._________ beautiful!3._________intersting book!4.__________ big house!5._________ delicious food!二、将下列句子改为感叹句.1.mrs sun is very old!2.the fire was very hot.3.zhang hua was very brave.4.zhang hua was a brave young man.5.it is hard work.6.they are polite students.write “can” and “could” on the blackboard.show them exercises, have the students fill in the blanks, review the rule.’show them questions have them answer the questions ,review the rule.give them a small test about “can” and “could”.have them fill in the blanks with the pictureshave them think about he main idea about the expressions with “what” and “how”.have them discussthe structure of expressions with “what” and “how”.3页,当前第2123

7B Unit 5 Grammar (2)教案

give them more examples to help them understand it.give them consolidate exercisescheck  answers. discuss in groups of four about the ways of using “can” and “could”.fill in the blanks, try to review the rules.answer the questionsfill in the blanks with the picturespay attention to “how” and “what”.think about he main idea about the expressions with “what” and “how”.discussthe structure of expressions with “what” and “how”.do some translation. fill in the blanks in part c and work out the rule below.learn and do the exercises.finish off the exercises.check  answers with the teacher’s help.

作业设计1.       背诵本课的单词与词组2.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业3. 预习integrated skills,完成预习作业

板书设计表能力:can   -- can you run?  -- yes, i can./ no, i can’t.could  -- could you run last year?  -- yes, i could./ no, i couldn’t.表可能:fire can be dangerous if we are not careful.anything could happen to her at that moment.感叹句:结构:1.what +a(an)+形容词+单数名词+主语+谓语      what a fine day (it is)!2. what +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语      what good news (it is)!3. what +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语what beautiful flowers (they are)4. how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语how clever the boy is!how fast he is running!3页,当前第3123