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Chapter ONE Making friends

Chapter ONE Making friends

chapter 1 making friends  period one

知识目标:(1)学生复习和学习各种运动,学习新词汇rugby。(2)学生学习写信的格式。(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:my name is…; my favourite hobby is…; i live with…; i can…, i can’t…。(4)学生学会用which is your favourite…? 技能目标:(1)听说——学生能说出各自喜欢的运动的名称并用which is your favourite sport? 询问别人喜欢的运动。(2)写——学生能写对用英语写信的格式。 过程与方法 1. 通过谈论各种体育运动,学生复习新的运动名称rugby。 2. 通过学习一封信,学生了解信的内容。 3. 通过学习一封信,学生掌握书信的格式。 情感、态度与价值观 让学生学习写信,培养书面交际能力。 教学步骤: pre-task preparationpresentation t: a lot of foreigners came to china to attend the 29th olympic games. we don’t know them but    we can still make friends by having competitions. do you like sports? which is your favourite sport? s1: my favourite sport is badminton. s2: i like playing football best. t: can you name some other sports that you know? s: tennis, swimming, basketball… t: i like different kinds of sports. so does my pen friend. do you have a penfriend? s: yes./no. t: do you often write to him/her? tell me something about your penfriend. example: my penfriend’s name is …. he/she lives in …. his/her favourite hobby is… there are … people in his/her family. he is… tall and weighs… kilograms.  … while-task proceduret: ask students to take a look at the letter before reading it on the next page. ask the students to tell how they know it is a letter and not a story or a poem? s: it has a title, a greeting, an address at the top-right corner, a date under the address and a signature at the end. t: ask the students to read these five parts ( 1. the address and the date 2. the greeting 3. the first sentence 4. the last sentence 5. the signature) of the letter and complete the paragraph. the letter is from a boy called simon to a girl called may. the boy lives in a country called walker newcastle. he wrote to the girl on 12 october. he wants to be the girl’s penfriend and he wants her to write to him soon. check the answers. t: ask the students to try to use english to explain new words. magazine---a publication with a paper cover which is issued regularly own---have architect---a person who designs buildings form---grade friendly---people behave in a pleasant, kind way be keen on---be interested in physics---a kind of subject that students learn at school engineer---a person who has and uses specific knowledge wish---desire t: ask students to write the address in the right order. post-task activities7页,当前第11234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

ask the students to write receiver’s right information on the envelop. ask the students to talk about his/her penfriend. suppose every student has a penfriend. ask him/her to write the right address, the first and last sentence of the letter. consolidationsuppose you want to give some suggestions on your school life. you will write a letter to your principal. think about what you will write in your letter.

chapter 1 making friends  period two

知识目标:(1)学生学习重点的生词和词组。(2)学生学习以what,where,how old,how many等开头的特殊疑问句的用法。技能目标:(1)听说——学生能说出各自笔友的情况。(2)读写——学生能写出信的提纲。 过程与方法 1. 通过课文的学习,学生了解特殊疑问句的用法。 2. 通过了解信的内容,学生学习分段说事的写信方式。 3. 通过学习一封信,学生掌握如何给笔友写信。 情感、态度与价值观 让学生学习写信,培养书面交际能力,增强人与人之间的感情交流。 教学步骤: pre-task preparation1. ask students to give the names of different sports. here are some examples: baseball, tennis, table tennis, high jump, swimming, basketball, rugby, badminton, long jump, jogging, golf, hockey, football, diving, etc. review the words and expressions. ask the students to finish exercise c on page 4.  keys: b b a b a a 2. ask the students to repeat after the tape sentence by sentence and learn new phrases and sentences, such as would like to do, tell sb. about sth., play chess, work as, write to sb. like doing sth., be keen on, come from, (be) born, in the middle, best wishes, full name, etc. while-task procedure1.       ask the students to finish exercise d on page 4. give them a sheet of paper as a letter pad. try to put these ten items in the right place. 2.       ask the students to finish exercise e1 on page 5 and ask them to find the evidence in the text and underline. 3.       ask the students to finish exercise e2 on page 5.        check the answers:        he likes doing sports.        his parents own a chinese restaurant in newcastle.        he lives in the uk.        his best subject is physics. 4.       ask students to give some information about their penfriends.




boy or girlnationalityschoolfavourite subject7页,当前第21234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

hobbyappearancepost-task activitiesa quiz        alice has many penfriends around the world. she likes writing to them and receiving their letters in return. she started writing to her first penfriend, tom form britain, when she was ten years old. they have been penfriends for three years. alice enjoys writing to people from other countries because she finds it very interesting to learn more about those countries and the different things. she hopes to visit her penfriends some day. she will go on writing to them and enjoy their friendship. she will also try to look for more penfriends from japan and china. (   )1. tom is alice’s first penfriend. (   )2. tom and alice have been penfriends for four years. (   )3. alice finds it interesting to learn more about different countries. (   )4. tom wants to visit alice next summer holiday. (   )5. alice doesn’t want to make friends with japanese. keys: tftff consolidationreview the new words and expressions. use different sentence structures to make new sentences.

chapter 1 making friends   period three

知识目标:(1)学生通过提问的方式复习wh-questions。(2)学生收集笔友的有关信息特别是人物的外貌描写。(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:my penfriend’s name is…; his/her favourite hobby is…; he/she is …years old, …centimeters high. he/she lives in…etc。 技能目标:(1)听说——学生能从听力中抓住描述人物的信息。(2)写——学生能把听到的信息正确地填入表格。 过程与方法 1. 通过提问的方式让学生复习特殊疑问句。 2. 通过听力部分,学生了解如何描述一个人。 情感、态度与价值观 培养学生的听力能力和善于捕捉信息的能力。 教学步骤: pre-task preparation1.ask students to use wh- words to ask questions about each other’s penfriends. for example, what is your penfriend’s favourite sport? when was your penfriend born? where does your penfriend live? how old is your penfriend? what color is your penfriend’s hair? 2. ask students to think about the adjectives to describe their penfriends’ appearance, such as black hair, brown eyes, curly hair, etc. while-task procedureask students to listen to the tape and fill in the table on page 6. post-task procedure

david’s personal data

namedaviddate of birth(1)_______,1989address16 (2)_______, londontelephone(3)_______family membersfather, mother, a brother and two sistershobbiesplaying computer games and (4)_______ambition(5)_______tapescript w: could you tell me something about your penfriend david? m: sure. what do you want to know? w: when was he born? m: on 18 january, 1989. w: where does he live? m: he lives at 16 park street, london. w: can i have his telephone number? m: of course. his telephone number is 68350262. w: how many brothers and sisters has he got? m: one brother and two sisters. w: what are his hobbies? m: playing computer games and basketball. w: what’s his plan for the future? m: he wants to be a dentist. keys: 1. 18 january  2. park street  3. 6835026  4. basketball  5. dentist 7页,当前第31234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

chapter 1 making friends   period four

知识目标:(1)学生复习特殊疑问句。(2)学生学习不定冠词a和an。技能目标:(1)听说——学生进行对话,操练特殊疑问句。(2)读写——学生学会知识的归纳,准确使用不定冠词a和an。 过程与方法 1. 通过对话的方式,学生复习特殊疑问句。 2. 通过对不定冠词的归纳,学生掌握其用法。 情感、态度与价值观 培养学生的交际能力。 教学步骤: 1.review wh-questions what is your favourite sports? where do you live? when is your birthday? how old are you? how many people are there in your family? review other wh-questions what time is it? how much does it cost? how many times have you been to america? why didn’t you go to alice’s birthday party? 2. things to remember question words                  meanings what                                          things where                                 places when                                  times how old                               ages how many                           numbers 3. ask students to finish exercise a1 and a2 on page 7. 4. make a conclusion about a and an. things to remember we use a and an before nouns when we mention them for the first time. some words start with vowel letters but with consonant sounds, and some words start with consonant letters but with vowel sounds. give students some words to do practice. honest, hotel, university, uniform, europe, one-way road 5.introduce some useful phrases a few   a cup of   a kind of   in a moment   have a good time   take a rest   a little/a bit   a couple of   in a hurry   once upon a time   as a whole   a lot of   a piece of   in a word   as a result 6. additional exercise (   )1. this morning i had _______ egg and a bottle of milk for my breakfast.               a. an              b. a                c. the             d. / (   )2. _______ elephant is _______ useful animal.               a. an, an        b. an, a          c. the, an      d. a, an (   )3. there’s _______ ‘h’ in the word ‘hour’.               a. a               b. the             c. an              d./ (   )4. if you don’t mind, pass me _______ apple, please.               a. a               b. an              c. the             d./ (   )5. what does your father do?           he is _______ art teacher.               a. a               b. an              c. the             d. / (   )6. can i help you, madam?           i’m looking for _______ pair of trainers for my daughter.               a. the             b. an              c. a               d. some (   )7. although my father is _______ 80-year-old man, he’s still very healthy and fit.               a. a               b. an              c. the             d. / (   )8. Chinese Taiwan is _______ island to the south of the east china sea. it’s _______ largest island in              china.               a. a, the         b. an, the        c. the, /          d. /, a (   )9. in the word ‘cariage’, _______ ‘r’ is lost.               a. the             b. an              c. a               d. / (   )10. this is _______ apple. it’s ________ big apple.               a. an, a          b. a, the         c. a, an          d. an, the keys: a b c b b c b b b a consolidation7页,当前第41234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

additional exercises

chapter 1 making friends   period five

知识目标:(1)学生复习特殊疑问句和不定冠词a和an。(2)学生学习连词and,but和so。 技能目标:(1)听说——学生进行对话,操练特殊疑问句。(2)读写——学生学会知识的归纳,准确使用连词。 过程与方法 1. 通过对话的方式,学生复习特殊疑问句。 2. 通过核对additional exercise,学生巩固不定冠词的用法。 3. 通过对连词and,but和so的归纳,学生掌握这三个连词的用法。 教学步骤: 1.       things to remember we can use conjunctions and, but and so to link two sentences. these conjunctions have different meanings. and means ‘also’, but shows a contrasting idea, and so shows the result. 2.       make a conclusion



示  例

and并列连词连接单词my brother and i study in the same school.连接短语our knowledge may come from the books and form practice.连接句子we are singing and they are dancing.but转折连词表示意思相反i like reading, but i don’t like writing.so并列连词不和because连用i’m hungry, so i go to a restaurant.3.       ask the students to fill in the blanks on page 9. 4.       other conjunctions not only…but also…not only he but also i am a teacher.as well ashe as well as i works in this company.both…and…i can play both football and basketball.neither…nor…neither you nor he speaks french.either…or…either come in or go out.

chapter 1 making friends   period six

知识目标:(1)学生学习特殊疑问句的语音语调。(2)学生学会用升调表达惊奇。(3)学生学会介绍他人。(4)学生学会写信。技能目标:(1)听说——学生能掌握语调升降的使用。(2)写——学生掌握写信的格式和技能。 过程与方法 1. 通过情景对话,学生掌握语调的使用。 2. 通过前几节的学习,学生试着写一封信。 情感、态度与价值观 让学生进行情景对话,培养口头交际能力。 让学生学习写信,培养书面交际能力。 教学步骤: 1.       things to remember when we ask students with what, where, when, how old or how many, we let our voices fall at the end. when we answer these questions, we usually let our voices fall at the end, too. sometimes we make our voices rise at the end of sentences. we do this to express surprise, and other feelings such as happiness. 2.       ask students to practise dialogues. 3.       ask students to choose some given information to write a letter. example:        i’m so glad to hear from you. i want to tell you some things about myself. i’m 12 years old. i am 155 cm tall. i have black hair and eyes.        i enjoy playing table tennis and like dancing as well.        i live with my parents in shenzhen.        i study in a middle school near my home.        i want to be a doctor in the future, so i study very hard. 4. ask the students to use the information from a to complete your reply to simon’s letter. 7页,当前第51234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

                                             __________                                              __________                                 (address)      __________                                              __________                                              __________ (date) dear simon (the starting sentences) thanks a lot for your letter. i am happy to be your penfriend. here are some things about myself. i am ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (your family and your home) my parents and i live in _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (your school) i study at __________ middle school. i like _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (the ending sentences) here is a photo of me and ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ best wishes (signature) ___________5.       writing practice        peter is a student from britain who is looking for a penfriend on the internet. tell him you want to be his penfriend. the following information should be include: your name, your family, your school, your hobby and so on. t from: …@... subject: a penfriend from shenzhen, china dear peter first, let me introduce myself to you. my name is _____________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________7页,当前第61234567

Chapter ONE Making friends

chapter 1 making friends   period seven

知识目标:(1)学生学会捕捉重要信息。(2)学生进行对话,操练特殊疑问句。(3)学生学会使用工具书。技能目标:(1)听说——学生能熟练运用特殊疑问句。(2)学生按照字母排序的方式查找信息。 过程与方法 1. 通过情景对话,学生熟练使用特殊疑问句。 2. 学生按照字母排列顺序,查找想要的信息。 情感、态度与价值观 1. 培养学生实际生活能力。 2. 培养学生口头交际能力。 教学步骤: 1.       ask students to make a dialogue according to the letter on page 13. f: where does shi lan live? a: in shenzhen. f: what is the date in shi lan’s letter? a: 3 october. f: what are his favourite sports? a: his favourite sports are tennis and football. f: what is his dream? a: his dream is to be a football player. f: how many people are there in his family? a: four. f: what does his mother do? a: his mother is a shop assistant. f: what does his sister like? a: she likes reading. f: what else is in his letter? a: a photo of himself and his family. 2.       ask students to do pair work and fill in the table of exercise b. 3.       things to remember        a dictionary tells us about words. an encyclopaedia tells us about facts. a telephone       directory tells us about names and telephone numbers. 4.       ask the students to finish exercise b1, b2 and b3.7页,当前第71234567