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初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

初一英语上册module 1 unit 2教学设计

    g7m1u2  教学设计

一 、课型:

speaking and reading

二 、教学内容分析:


三 、教学目标

1、useful expressions in introducing persons.

2、to get in  formation  from  the reading material about personal information

四、知识与能力:1、to be able to introduce oneself or other

2、asking for and receiving personal information


to build up students’ confidence and interest in english-    learning .


1、warming-up/lead in 

活动目的 review and consolidate the vocabulary students have learned before。

教师活动 1).read through these questions and answers . make sure the students understand them .

         2).practise them with the whole class chorally and individually .

         3).pair the students to ask and answer .

         4).put the students in new pairs ,have them do a mingling activity, asking the person nearest them when you clap your hands .

学生活动 1).work in pairs about their name .country .age or other more . 

         2).act out the conversation in font in pairs.

2、reading extensively /in put

   活动目的 train students to get specific information through reading .

   教师活动 1).ask students to read and answer individually.

           2). ask them to check with a partner .

           3).call back the answers from the whole class ,asking the students to read the statements and then say “true”or “false”.

   学生活动 1).read and answer individually, then check with a partner .

2).check the answers in class and share the learning strategy .

3)correct the false sentences . 

3、reading intensively/practice

活动目的 1) use the words they have just learned in real life .

         2)teach students writing skills .

教师活动 1).ask the students to read the passage in activity 2 again and to fill in the table with correct information .

         2) .check the answers with whole class ,then with individual students .

         3). ask students to describe daming .lingling .andwang hui by themselves,then ask some students to the front to talk about them .6页,当前第1123456

初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

 学生活动 1) .read the passage carefully again and do activity 3—complete the table.

         2).  check the answers with a partner ,then with the whole class . 

         3).try to say something about daming,lingling ,and wang hui.first,prepare by themselves thentry to talk about them to the front .

4、writing /out put

活动目的 1).train ss writing skills .

         2).review the knowledge learned 

教师活动 1).ask a few student to try to say something about jiang li ,then write down the sentences about jiangli .

         2).first ,ask ss to write about themselves ,then ask ss to try writing something about their classmates or friends .

学生活动 1). try to say something about jiang li ,then write down the sentences about jiangli .

         2). .first , write about  themselves ,then try writing something about their classmates or friends .


1、 do exercise 11 in module 1 in workbook .

2、 write something about a person you like best.






 1.  读书       2.sit down_______ 3.起立_______ 4.来自_________

 5.  write on the blackboard                6.given name             7.姓         

 8.  …years old            9. a new student             10.二年级一班_________

二. 用适当的人称代词填空

 1.     is my aunt. i often visit      .

 2.china is adeveloping country.______lies in the east of asia.

 3.professor wang sets______a good example. we must learn from______.

 4.—what’s wrong with tom?6页,当前第2123456

初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

   —______is three kilometers away.

 5.how far is the thunder(雷声)?

   —______is three kilometers away.

 6.i own a blue bike. the red one doesn’t belong to______.

 7.these new houses are so nice.______are very expensive.

 8.______say that those old house will be rebuilt.

 9.lingling is a girl.______studies in a primary school.

 10.mike is my classmate.______is good at physics.


  1.what______your name?

a.is                b.are                c.am

   2.i______ jim green.

a.is                b.are                c.am


     —i______fine,thank you.

a.are,is             b.am,are             c.are,am

   4.what is this? what is=______.

a.what are          b.it’s                c.what’s

   5.—what is this?               

— ______m.

a.it                b.it’s                c.it’s

   6.—how are you?

     —i’m______,thank you.

a.good             b.nice                c.fine

   7.—nice______meet you.

— nice______meet you,______.

a.to,to,too          b.to,to,to              c.too,to,too

   8.i’m in______.

a.number four      b.class one            c.whith row

   9.—welcome to beijing.


a.ok              b.yes                  c.thank you6页,当前第3123456

初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

   10.—thank you.


     a.that’s right

     b.thank you

     c.you’re welcome


     mike is a boy.he is a good student.he’s in class2,grade1.how old is he? i  know. he is eleven. how old is his friend? i don’t lnow. i think he’s fourteen. his name

is bill or sam. oh,it’s bill.that’s right.i am not wrong.

     mike’s dad is 42. he’s a teacher. bill’s mum is 39.she’s a teacher,too. they’re at

school today.

1. mike’s friend is______.

 a.i                   b.bill                  c.sam

2.mike is______.

 a.11                  b.12                   c.14

3.mike is in______.

 a.grade 1              b.grade 2               c.grade 3

4.bill;s mum is______today.

 a.at home              b.here                  c.at school

5.is bill’s mother a teacher?

 a.i don’t know.          b.yes,she is.             c.no,she isn’t.


 一.1. read books  2.坐下         3.stand up  4.be/come from  5.写在黑板上                                      

6.名字    7.family name    8.几岁             10.class1 grade2

 二.1.she;her  2.it  3.us;him  4.he   5.it   6.me   7.they    8.it   9.she  10.he

三 1.a  2.c  3.c  4.c  5.b  6.c  7.a  8.b  9.c  10.c6页,当前第4123456

初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计

四 1.b  2.a   3.a  4.c  5.b


一 、翻译下列词组

 1、来自_______                            2、一年级三班_______

 3、十二岁 _______                         4、坐下_______

 5、起立 _______                           6、好朋友_______

 7、多大  _______                          8、在我班_______

 9、他的名字 _______                       10、我的英语老师_______

二 、单项选择

(   )1、shanghai is a big_______.

a.country       b .town

c .city          d.village

(   ) 2 .meimei is _______class two.

a.on           b.at

c.in            d.for

(   )3. daming is _______.he is from beijing.

a.english        b.american

c.chinese        d.japanese

(   )4.ann with her parents_______in china.

a.am            b.is

c.are            d.be

(   )5.jack is_______.

a.come from england   b.from english

c. a english boy       d. english


1. daming _____(be not ) in class two.

2. --_____lingling and daming your classmates ?

-–no,they ____(be  not)

3. he is in ____(daming) class.

4. jack is from _____(american).

5. there are many big _____(city) in china.


1. 我在一年级五班。


2. 大明不是英国人。


3. 你来自北京吗?


4. 玲玲和她的父母在美国。


5. 我的朋友梅梅是一个中国女孩。


初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 2教学设计



 一.1.come/be from 2. class3 grade1 3. twelve years old  4.sit down 5.stand up

     6.good friend  7.how old  8.in my class 9.his name 10.my english teacher

 二.1.c  2.c  3.c  4.b  5.d

 三.  1.is not  2.are ; aren’t  3.daming’s  4.america  5.cities

 四. 1.i’m in class5 grade1. 2.daming isn’t english. 3.are you from beijing?

4.lingling and her parents are in america.

5.my friend meimei is a chinese girl.
