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A Trip to Beijing教案1

A Trip to Beijing教案1

unit 1 a trip to beijing

一. 教学内容:

unit 1 a trip to beijing lesson 1–lesson 4


1. 单词和短语

city come eat far from good hard kilometer live may mom no not of only please so the to too yes but go shopping great okay on square tian’anmen square thank trip and call do hello hooray invite mrs. them when wonderful arrive first for leave about edmonton thousand count number say fast airplane an as bus by cheap expensive cost just let much or plane sing slow song take then thirty train want

2. 语法






3. 交际用语

(1)—may i/we…?

—yes,you may ./no,you may not.

(2)—how far is…?



—please don’t run/jump/sit down!

(4)how much for a ticket…?


二. 重点、难点:

1. trip

(1)名词,“旅行;旅游”。同义词为 journey,travel。在英式英语中,通常指短程的观光旅行,而在美式英语中,指包括搭乘短程交通工具以及徒步远足的所有旅行。可构成短语 take(或 make 或 go on)a trip to ...去某个地方旅游。如:

we go on a trip to qingdao every year. 每年我们都去青岛旅游。

they had a trip to the sea last sunday. 上周日他们到海边旅行去了。


have a nice/good trip! 祝你旅行愉快 ( 一路顺风 )!

(2)动词,“绊倒;失足”,过去式为 tripped。如:

he tripped over the step. 他在台阶上绊倒了。

ken put out his foot and tripped me up. 肯伸出脚把我绊倒了。


2. good

(1)形容词,“好的”,用作表语和定语。它表示好的质量或内容,还表示人品好、人的善良和对其他人的和睦、亲切。其反义词为 bad 。如:

i bought a good book last sunday. 上个星期天我买了本好书。

he is a good doctor. 他是个好医生。

(2)与 nice,fine,well 辨析

nice 指对取悦于感觉器官的东西而言,常带有一定的感情色彩,含有“美好的”“美味的”“漂亮的”等意思,也可以表示对人“友好和蔼”的意思。如:

this is a nice t-shirt. 这是一件漂亮的 t 恤。

this cake is very nice. 这个蛋糕很好吃。

it’s very nice of you. 你真好。

fine  侧重于“质量的精细”“身体健康”(同 well),还可表示“天气晴朗”的意思。  如:

—how is your grandmother? 你祖母的身体状况怎么样 ?

—she is fine,thank you. 她很好,谢谢。

we’re living in a fine house. 我们住在一所好房子里。

it’s a fine day today. 今天是个好天气。

well 通常用作副词,表示“好”;用作形容词时,只作表语,指处于满意状态或身体状况良好。如:

 we study well. 我们学习好。 (well 为副词 )

she’s feeling well today. 今天她感觉很好。 (well 为形容词 )


3. eat


may i eat in a restaurant? 我可以在饭店里吃饭吗 ?6页,当前第1123456

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i ate ice cream yesterday. 我昨天吃冰淇淋了。

(2)与 have 辨析

have 是普通用语,一般与一日三餐连用,既可表示吃,又可表示喝。

where do you have lunch every day? 你每天在哪里吃午饭 ?

she had some bread, two eggs and a glass of milk this morning.



4. but it’s the capital city of our country!

但是它是我们国家的首都啊 !

of 是介词,在此表示所属关系,是“……的”之意。如:

a picture of my family  我家的照片

 of 后跟表示人的名词或代词时,通常用 of + 名词性物主代词或of + 名词所有格( 名词 +s) 的双重所有格形式,表示是该人的一部分。 ( 此时句中名词前通常有 a/an,some,this/that,these/those 等限定词 ) 如:

 she is a friend of my mother’s.

 she is one of my mother’s friends. 她是我母亲的一个朋友。

 试比较:a picture of lily( 照片上是 lily 与本人 )

 /a picture of lily’s( 照片归 lily 所有,与内容无关 )


5. you’re too young to go.


“too + 形容词或副词原级 +to+ 动词原形”译为“太……而不能……”,它在形式上是肯定的,在意义上却是否定的,请注意以下几个方面:

(1)“too...to...” 本身是一个否定句型,因此不定式前不加 not 。如:


误:she is too young not to go to school.

正:she is too young to go to school.

(2)在“too ..to...”结构中,若要表示不定式动作的执行者是谁,则用 for sb. 形式。如:

the desk is too heavy for him to carry.


 (3)在“too...to...”结构中,当 to do 后面的宾语是句子的主语时,不定式之后不应再使用代词。如果不定式中的动词为不及物动词,则应在动词之后加上适当的介词。如:


误:the books are too high for me to reach them.

正:the books are too high for me to reach.


误:the room is too hot to live.

正:the room is too hot to live in.


6. may l go shopping?

 我可以去购物吗 ?

go shopping去购物。“go+ 现在分词”表示去某处参加某种活动或进行活动。此类短语有:go fishing 去钓鱼,go swimming 去游泳,go boating 去划船,go skating 去滑冰,go hiking 去远足,go sailing 去作帆船运动等。


7. talk

(1)不及物动词,“说话;谈话;交谈”。指相互之间的谈话。表示谈到某人或某事时,后接介词 about,表示与某人谈话时,后接介词 to 或 with 。如:

don’t talk in class. 课堂上不要说话。

i want to talk to you about the story .我想就这个故事与你交谈一下。

the boys are talking about the football match. 男孩子们正在谈论足球赛。

(2)名词,“谈话;聊天”。常用于“have a talk”结构。如:

let’s have a little talk. 我们谈一会儿吧。

my parents had a long talk with me after the midterm examination.


A Trip to Beijing教案1


he is going to listen to a talk. 他将去听一次演讲。

professor wilson gave an interesting talk on birds.     




tom says,“they are flying kites now.”汤姆说:“他们在放风筝。”

what did he say? 他说什么了?

he says he can have supper with us.


say 也可以作不及物动词。如:

it’s hard to say. 这很难说。

say on! 说下去!

(2)与speak talk辨析


the baby is learning to speak. 这个小孩在学习说话。

please speak more slowly. 请讲慢点。

i’m going to speak at the meeting this afternoon. 我将在今天下午的会上发言。

talk“谈话”。指跟少数人“随意地说”“快活地说”,不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词,若跟宾语需与介词to,with 或about连用。如:

tom and jack often practise talking in chinese.


he is talking to/with a policeman.


the teachers are talking about our homework.



8. leave

及物动词,“离开”。离开某地不必接 from 。如: 离开加拿大,应说 leave canada,不能说 leave from canada;leave 可用来表示“前往某地”,这时必须接 for 构成短语 leave for 。如:去北京可说 leave for beijing;离开加拿大去北京应说 leave canada for beijing 。 leave 的进行时可表示将来时。如:

when did you leave london? 你什么时候离开伦敦 ?

we are leaving for tokyo tomorrow. 我们明天动身去东京。


9. arrive

(1)不及物动词,“到达”。其后不能直接跟宾语,若跟地点要加介词 at/in. arrive at 一般用于到达较小的场所,如: 村镇、车站、机场等;arrive in 一般用于到达较大的场所,  如:城市、国家等。若 arrive 后接副词 here,there,home 等词时,介词要省略。如:

when will he arrive? 他什么时候到 ?

the bus arrived at the station just now.


they arrived in new york yesterday.


bill arrived  here at 7:00.


注:如果把城市当作一个点看待,也可用介词 at 。

(2)与 get to,reach 辨析

get to,reach 也表“到达”之意。 get 是不及物动词,其后不能直接跟宾语,若跟地点要加介词 to,若地点为副词,介词要省略;reach 是及物动词,直接跟地点。如:

danny and jenny got to canada yesterday.


i get home at 5 p.m. every day.

我每天下午 5 点到家。6页,当前第3123456

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they reached the shanghai station on february lst.



10. i want danny and jenny to come on our trip to beijing.


 want sb.to do sth. 表示“想让某人去做某事”,

相当于 would like sb. to do sth. 。


my father wants me to clean the windows.



ask sb.to do sth. 请求某人做某事

tell sb.to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

teach sb.to do sth. 教某人做某事

invite sb.to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

注:此类句式变否定结构,在动词不定式前加 not 。如:

the teacher tells us not to talk in class.



11. we leave on february first in the morning.


(1)on february first 在二月一日。在英语中,具体到某一天,介词要用 on,如:on sunday 在星期天;on new year’s day 在新年那一天;on may fifth 在五月五,在月、年……前介词要用 in,如:in january 在一月;in 1998   在 1998 年;in october,1949 在 1949 年10 月

(2)in the morning 在早上,在上午;in the afternoon/evening 在下午 / 晚上;in the night 在夜间:at noon 在中午;at night 在夜里;at midnight 在半夜


12. can you say these numbers?


one hundred,一百ten thousand,一万

在英语中,百、千、百万、十亿分别表示为hundred,thousand,million,billion。当它们与数字连用并表示确切数目时,用单数形式;当表示不确切数目时,用复数形式。如:two hundred二百,three thousand三千,five million五百万,thousands of数以万计的;成千上万的,hundreds of数以百计的。

注:在英语中没有单独的单词来表示万、亿,因此用ten hundred表示一万;one hundred thousand表示十万;one hundred million表示一亿。在读数字时,英式英语中百位和十位之间要加and,而在美式英语中省略。如:

325 three hundred and twenty-five(英式英语)

    three hundred twenty-five(美式英语)


13. how far is it from china to canada?


(1)how far…“多远”,是对距离或路程提问的特殊疑问词。如:

    the park is two kilometers.(就划线部分提问)

    →how far is the park?


we go to school from monday to friday.


it’s about five kilometers form the park to our school.


here is a letter from lily to han mei.



it’s very cold outside.外面天气很冷。

it’s about eleven o’clock.大约十一点了。

it’s not far from my city to beijing.从我们的城市到北京不远。


14. than 6页,当前第4123456

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连词,“比”。用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,引出表示对比的第二部分。用在“a 比b……”的句型中。如:

kate is taller than her brother(is). 凯特比她哥哥高。

they run faster than we do. 他们跑得比我们快。


15. take

(1)及物动词,“拿走;带走”。指把人或物从说话人的地方带到别处去,具有很强的方向性,与 bring(带来 ) 互为反义词。可构成词组:take...to... 把 (某人或某物)带到(某处)去,若地点为副词,则介词 to 要省略。如:

take a raincoat with you. 你带件雨衣去。

please take the books to the classroom.


i’ll take the child home.(home 为副词 )


(2)及物动词,“乘坐”,表示搭乘某种交通工具。如:乘公共汽车 take a bus;乘火车 take a train 乘飞机 take a plane;乘出租车take a taxi等等。


take a bus =go...by bus,take a train =go...by train,take a plane =go...by plane, take a taxi =go… by taxi


16. —how can we go to beijing?

  我们怎样去北京 ?

 —let’s go to beijing by plane.


该句是询问方式的特殊疑问句,答句中应有方式状语。表示交通方式的短语有: by car/bus/taxi /train/plane/boat/ship,意为“乘汽车 ( 公共汽车、出租车、火车、飞机、船、轮船)”,by land/air/sea/river/water,意为“由陆路 ( 航空、水路 )走”。by air=by plane;by boat/ship=by sea/river/water 。如果步行去某处则用 go...on foot,意思相当于 walk 。 by 后面的名词不能是复数,其前也不能用限定词。如:

—how do you go to work?

你怎样去上班 ?

—i go to work by bus.


—how do you go home to see your parents?

你怎样回家看你父母 ?

—i usually go home by plane. sometimes i go home by ship.



17. let’s take a train!

让我们乘火车吧 !

let 是使役动词,跟不带 to 的不定式作宾补。如:

she doesn’t let her children play on the road.


let’s do sth. 咱们去做某事吧。是提建议的一种方式,劝说对方一同做某事,肯定回答常用 ok./all right./good idea. 否定回答常用 why not+v...?/what(how)about...?/no,let’s... 如:

let’s have a rest!ok.

让我们休息一下! 好吧。

let’s go to the park tomorrow! good idea.

明天让我们去公园吧 ! 好主意。

let’s meet at half past seven.


why not make it a little earlier?



18. a bus is slow,but it doesn’t cost as much.


 (1)cost 动词,“价值;花费;值 ( 多少 ) 钱”。主要指花费金钱、时间、劳力、精力等。一般用物作主语,可带双宾语。如:

the watch costs 500 dollars.

这手表值 500 美元。

it will cost you 100 yuan to fly to beijing.

坐飞机去北京需花 100 元钱。6页,当前第5123456

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the sweaters cost too much.


(2)在一般现在时态中,当主语是第三人称单数 he/she/it 或相当于第三人称单数形式的名词或词组时,谓语动词也应用第三人称单数形式。其否定形式为:doesn’t+ 动词原形;其一般疑问句形式为:does+...+ 动词原形 ...? 如:

he goes to beijing by plane.

否定句:he doesn’t go to beijing by plane.

一般疑问句:does he go to beijing by plane?

肯定回答:yes, he does. 否定回答:no, he doesn’t.
