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My name’s Gina教案

My name’s Gina教案

 年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section a )__

 时间 .9.25_______ 学习目   标 1.      1、 正确听辨运用what’s your/his /her name  my name is…/ i’m …并会使用形容词性物主代词。  2、能运用hello, hi等打招呼,学会见面后的客套用语nice to meet you 。3、掌握英语姓名的表达法。








一、             复习回顾1.将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母) aa _____________________ee _______   ______________   ii ___________ __________     oo ________________    uu ____________ff ____________      ____rr _________2.我们在预备篇中学过的问候语和称呼还记得吗?

1. hi,hello         2.goodbye            3.good morning/afternoon/evening

4. mr.   mrs.      miss ________  5.--how are you? –i’m fine,thanks./i’m ok.二、预习感知:想想译译

1.我的    2.名字     3.是     4.时钟     5.我    6.是    7.好的,令人愉的      

8.遇见,相逢      9.你,你们        10.什么        11.你的,你们的    12.喂    

他的______;她的______;14.name’s =         15.i’m=           16.what’s=  三、合作探究你了解英文名字吗?1、在本单元中找出下列人的姓名并分清姓或名。詹妮         吉娜        艾伦        玛丽        吉姆        托尼        汤姆        鲍勃        迈克        格林        米勒        杰克        8页,当前第112345678

My name’s Gina教案

史密斯        布朗        琳达        尼克        金        汉德        2、英文姓名排列顺序为先名后姓,这和中国人先姓后名的排列顺序刚好相反。例如:tony smith ;__________ ________ jack miller; _______________  gina brown;___________________ zhang mingming3、mr(先生)、mrs(夫人)miss(小姐)ms(女士)等称呼语只能加在_____前,而不能加在_____前。4. 你会询问别人的姓名吗?what’s your name? ___________________      回答 :_______________________what’s her / his name?_________________      回答 :__________________________问题发 现


年级 七    课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section a )__

  时间 .9.25_____










馈1、填空。(1) this is _____  ( i ) quilt .(2) what is ________ (you) name ?(3) this is my good friend. _____(he) name is alan .(4) mary king is ______ new teacher . (we)(5) ______ name is gina . ______is a girl .( she)(6)—hello !  ______ name is dale .   –hello!  _____  am frank .( i )(7) this is a boy,and ______name is tom .(8) that is a girl , and ______name is kate .(9)my name is kate miiier . my ___ name is kate , my ___name is miller . (10) his father ______(be ) a teacher .(11) what’s that _______(girl) name .(12) my brother’s name is jim green , jim is his _____ ______.(13) you and i _____( be) students .(14) my name is zhang li . my family name is _________.2、补全对话。a: good morning .b:_________ ___________a:my name is alice . ________ your name ?b:tom .a:______ ______ _______ __________.b:_______ _______ _______ _________ , too .a: _______  _______  you ?b: i _____fine. ________ you . and you ?a: i’m fine , _______.3、按要求完成句子。1)his name is david .( 改同义句)________  ________ david .2) the girl’s name is  mary    (对画线部分提问)_________ the girl’s ________?3)i am tony .   (改一般疑问句)   _________  _________  tony ?4) his family name is green .  ( 对画线部分提问)

  _______ _________ his ________ name ? 我 的收 获



年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section b )__8页,当前第212345678

My name’s Gina教案

 时间 .9_.25_____

 学习目 标 


it;card;family;telephone/phone number  family name

2、what’s your telephone number,li xin?  what’s her family name?学习导航一、预习感知:按照规律填入所缺的数字1)______ one two _______ four     2) two four_______ ________ten 3) ten ______ ________ seven six  4) one three  ________ _________ nine5)ten         six                   zero写出你家的电话号码,并译为英文和熟练读出。    your telephone number:                                                                                   二、合作探究:语法聚焦你能分清基数词和序数词用法吗?1、基数词表示数目的多少,常用来表示门牌号、电话号码、车牌号等。如:204号房间  room 204     一班class one  二年级 grade two 2、序数词强调顺序。 如:第一课 the first lesson 3、请准确读出下列电话号码。2899788        5781106        4411426        3564189 2596375        6628010        1013742        8794218四、练习句型 what’s your telephone number …? it’s … 来询问四位同学的电话号码,填写电话号码簿。五、制作自己的身份卡。                                                                         first    name:            8页,当前第312345678

My name’s Gina教案

                                                                         last      name:                                                                                    telephone number:                                                                                                                                                                问 题发 现


年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._(_section b)__

  时间 .9.25____











馈一、按要求写出下列各词的相应形式1)boy (对应词)_______   2) i (形容词性物主代词)_____         3) her(对应词) ______    4) phone (完整形式)______   5) your(人称代词)_______  6) it’s(完整形式) ________   7) first(对应词) _______   8)too(同音词)________       8页,当前第412345678

My name’s Gina教案

9 )hello(同义词)______   10) family name(同义词)___________二、选择正确的选项填空。(    )1. can i have your last name , please ?  --______________.a. emerson green     b. green    c. emerson     d. em(    )2.---what is ___________ telephone number ?     ---________ telephone number is 886677.a. your; your       b. his ;he    c. her; her     d. your; i(    )3.last name means ________.a. first name      b. given name  c. family name  d. names(    )4. this is _______ brother. ________ name is tom.a. your ; his     b. my; his     c. my ; his      d. his; my(    )5. which of following is not a first name? a. sam         b. kate        c. millar       d. nick (    )6. this is tom smith. ______ is ________ first name.       a. tom; his     b. tom; her     c. smith; his    d. smith; her 三. 完形填空,选择最合适的答案填入空格。nem good morning! my name is nemo .  what’s   1   name ?dory:     2   dory.   3   to meet you ,  nemo.nem nice to meet you   4   , dory.  do you know my father(父亲)?dory:  your father?  what’s   5   name ?nem his name is marlin.(    ) 1. a. youb. yourc. my(    ) 2. a. i b. my c. i’m(    ) 3. a. niceb. sorry c. excuse(    ) 4. a. twob. to c. too(    ) 5. a. heb. hisc. her

我 的收 获



年级 七     课题 unit 1  my name is gina._ 知识反馈_ __

 时间 .9.25___

(时间:90分钟 总分:100分)


一、完成下列短语的缩写形式。(10分)1. what is                              2. her name is                     3. number_________            4.  it  is ______________ 8页,当前第512345678

My name’s Gina教案

5. i am __________            6. 身份证 ______________ 7. 英国广播公司_________            8. 千克 ______________ -9. 中国中央电视台                  10. 联合国               二、把下列单词补充完整, 每空一个字母。(18分)1. a __ s w__ r       2. f__ __ s t          3. n__ __ber           4. f__ m__ l y         5.  _ __ one         6.  _ i __ e     7. l     k            8. n __ m__         9. w__ __t       三、用be 动词的适当形式(am, is , are )填空,每空一分。(10分)1. his brother’s first name _______tony.2. i_______ gina. nice to meet you!3. what_______ your father’s phone number? 4. ____294-2936. 5. i ______white. 6. you __  in black.7. my last name _______ white. 8. white___ my mother’s favorite color.9. _____ it a ruler?10. it __not my ruler.四、选择填空(10分)(   )1.______ name’s ann. what’s _______ name?a. you; your                   b. my; your                     c. your; i(   )2 —what’s that in english  —______ a phone.a. it                               b. it’s                             c. that is(   )3. his full name is chris topher supa. his family name is ________.a. supa                  b. chris                          c. topher(   )4. “h” _______ one of the letters.a. is                               b. are                              c. am8页,当前第612345678

My name’s Gina教案

(   )5. this is my good friend. _______first name is tonya. she                            b. her                             c. his(   )6. my girl friend’s name ____________gina.a. is                  b. am                     c. are(   )7. ________ name is alice.a. my                b. you                     c. my(   )8. what ’t  it ___________ english?a. a                  b. in                 c. an(   )9. —what color is your backpack ?    —it’s _________________.a. a green           b. blue             c. my; green(   )10.i am a boy. my name is ________.a. frank            b. mary              c. tom五、连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号)(10分)1. how, gina, are, you_____________________________________________________2. father’s, number, phone, what, your, is, it 2863696 ,is________________________________________________________ 3. name, her, linda, is.________________________________.4. telephone, is, number, his, 3345654._______________________________________5. color, is, what, his, jacket._______________________________.六、根据汉语意思,完成英语句子(20分)1. 他叫什么名字?他叫tony. ______ ______ ______ name?  _______ name ______ tony.2. 你姓什么? 布莱克。what _______ _______ _________ name? ________ _______ is black.3. 你的电话号码是什么?我的电话号码是4778596。________ is ________ _________ ________? —______4778596.4. 我是布鲁斯,见到你真高兴。______ bluce _______ ______ _______ ________. 8页,当前第712345678

My name’s Gina教案

七、完成对话。(12分)a: hello!                            b: _____1______a: _____2______                     b: my name is jenny.a: nice to meet you.b: _____3______a: what’s your phone number?          b: _____4______ a: _____5______                     b: his name is jima: _____6______                     b: it’s 477-5358.
