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Unit 6 Let’s Have a Picnic.

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.

unit 6 let’s have a picnic.


unit 6 let’s have a picnic.















1. have a picnic                   举行一次野餐  

2. listen to music                   听音乐        

3. play the gameboy                玩掌上游戏机  

4. play chess                      下棋         

5. invite three teachers to the party     邀请三个老师来参加聚会 

6. buy some flowers for the teachers    为老师买花    

7. how are you doing               你好吗       

8. be free                          有空的       

9. have something to do              有事情做

10. have a good idea                  有一个好主意  

11. join the music club                加入音乐俱乐部

12. go ( out ) for a walk               去散步       

13. be tired of                      厌倦……        

14. have a few days off                休几天假       

15. do something fun                  做有趣儿的事情    6页,当前第1123456

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.

16. stay at home                     呆在家里      

17. all the time                       一直/始终     

18. i have no idea = i don’t know      我不知道

19. such hot weather                 这样热的天气   

20. pretty hot                       相当地热      

21. right now                    现在           

22. talk on the phone               电话聊天     

23. our next-door neighbors         我们的隔壁邻居 

24. make cakes                    做蛋糕         

25. no problem                    没问题        

26. feel tired                      感到疲劳       

27. make mistakes                  犯错误         

28. get out of the car                从小汽车上下来   

29. at this moment                  就在这时       

30. talk about the weather forecast     谈论天气预报   

31. agree with sb.                   同意某人的观点    6页,当前第2123456

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.



1. how are you doing?                    你现在怎么样?

2. not bad!                             不错!/ 还可以!

3. i have nothing special to do today.         我今天没有特殊的事情做。

4. how about meeting at the library?          在图书馆前面集合怎么样?

5. let’s go for a walk.                    咱们去散步吧。     

6. would you like to join the music club?       你想参加音乐俱乐部吗?

7. shall we go for a walk?                  我们去散步好吗?   

8. how about going for a picnic tomorrow?     明天去野餐怎么样?

9. what a great idea!                       多好的主意呀!     

10. i’m afraid i can’t.                     恐怕我不能。        

11. it will be another hot weather today.       今天又是一个大热天。    

12. i’m tired of this hot weather.              我厌倦了这样的大热天。  

13. i’m sure you’re glad to have a few days off.  我敢肯定你能休息几天一定很高兴。

14. are you going anywhere today?            今天你准备去什么地方吗?

15. nowhere./ i’m going nowhere today.        (我)今天哪也不去。

16. i have no idea what to do.                我不知道做什么。      

17. when shall we meet?                   咱们什么时间见面?   

18. i just want to relax at home.              我只想在家放松放松。   6页,当前第3123456

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.

19. why not go to green park?               为什么不去格林公园呢?

20. when shall we go?                     我们什么时间去?     

21. what about right now?                  现在怎么样?         

22. i feel very tired.                        我觉得很累。            .



1. i have nothing special to do.  我没有特别的事情要做。

have sth. to do   有事要做  例如:

① i have a lot of homework to do.

② my mother has plenty of clothes to wash.

③ the children have many english words to remember.



1. 根据中英文提示,完成下列各句。


i                 you.


do you                      ?


my mother                   .

2. i’m tired of this hot weather.  我厌倦了这炎热的天气。

be tired of…  对……厌倦了  例如:

the children are tired of studying.

tom is tired of swimming.

i’m tired of the boring life.

mr. brown is tired the common life.

3. i’m sure you’re glad to have a few days off.


have a few days off  休息几天

have + 一段时间 +off  休息一段时间  例如:

we will have five days off next month.

in china everyone has seven days off in october.

4. —are you going anywhere today?  你今天准备去什么地方吗?

—nowhere.  哪儿也不去。

① nowhere. = i’m going nowhere today.

② anywhere, nowhere 和somewhere  都是副词

anywhere 泛指任何地方,用于一般疑问句和否定句

somewhere 指不确定的某个地方,用于肯定句

nowhere 表示否定(没有任何地方)  例如:

i can’t find it anywhere.

do you see a panda anywhere?

yon can find it somewhere in the garden.

i’ll go nowhere without you.



1) i can’t find my pet dog        .6页,当前第4123456

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.

a. anywhere  b. somewhere  c. nowhere

2) —what are you doing, lucy?

—i’m looking for miss wang.

—oh, you can find her         in the library.

a. anywhere  b. somewhere  c. nowhere

5. but you are reading, watching tv and talking on the phone.


talk on the phone  在打电话

mary enjoys talking on the phone with her friends.

tom often talks on the phone with his friend in the evening.

6. i have no idea what to do.  我不知道该怎么做。

① have no idea = don’t know  不知道  例如:

—where is mr. li, do you know?

—sorry, i’ve no idea.

what to do  该做什么  例如:

what to buy  该买什么

what to say  该说什么

同类词:where to go  该去哪儿

how to do it  该如何做


i have no idea what to buy.

the child have no idea how to thank their teacher.

we have no idea where to go for our holiday.




i                 for my sister.


the children                     .

7. do you think we can do anything fun in such hot weather?


let’s do something.  我们干点什么吧。

anything, something 和nothing 都是不定代词

i’m not interested in anything now.  我现在对什么都不感兴趣。

they are trying to find something to eat.


—anything wrong?  有什么不对吗?

—no, nothing.  不,没有。



1) is there          with your bike?

a. something wrong    b. wrong something 

c. anything wrong     d. wrong anything

2) there is           on tv. please turn it off.

a. nothing interesting    b. interesting nothing

c. something interesting    d. interesting something

3) i have          to tell you. please sit down.

a. anything important    b. nothing important

c. important something    d. something important

4) every morning i don’t eat          for breakfast.

a. nothing  b. something  c. anything

5) would you like           to drink?6页,当前第5123456

Unit 6 Let’s Have a picnic.

a. something  b. nothing  c. anything





1. —would you like to play football with me?

—              .

a. not at all      b. excuse me, i can’t  

c. that’s all right     d. yes, i’d love to

2. —i hope you’ll have a good time at the party.

—              .

a. how nice it is     b. i don’t think so

c. i’m sure i will     d. thank you for telling me

3. —would you like another bottle of cola?

—         .

a. sorry, i don’t like it    b. yes, here you are

c. no, thanks a lot     d. it doesn’t matter

4. —            .

—that’s a good idea.

a. what about going to plant trees  b. what is happening over there

c. what’s wrong with him   d. what is he doing now

