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外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计

外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计

外研版初一英语上册module 1 unit 3教学设计

g7 m1 u3  nice to meet you! 

unit 3 language in use



1  认知目标

(1)、新单词和短语:   first, lesson, class, student, miss, blackboard, year, open, close, match, write, read, listen, practice, eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-nine, fifty

    基本句型: (重点、难点)

what’s your / his / her name? how old are you / is he / is she?

my / his / her name is …     i am / i’m/ he’s / she’s…years old.

where are you / is he / is she / are they from? 

i’m / he’s / she’s / they’re from…   

(2)、语法方面:动词be与人称代词的强化 (重点、难点)


(4)、语音方面: /i:/  /i/  /e/  /æ /

2  能力目标


听: 学生能听懂别人的自我介绍。 

说:学生能进行自我介绍,并能向别人询问相关的信息如姓名、年龄、职业及 来自哪里。






3  情感目标


4  文化意识



2、根据学生的兴趣爱好设计活动,在学中玩,在玩中学,让学生在用英语“做事”并解决问题的同时锻炼自己的口语交际能力,即learning by doing.


4、教法、学法交际法(communicative approach)    情景教学法(situation approach)

整体语言教学(whole language teaching)  任务型语言教学  做中学


6、感知、体验、实践、参与、合作在中西文化对比中(询问年龄的禁忌、自我介绍的差异、姓名的区别等),加深对本国及外国文化的理解与认识,提高对中外文化异同的鉴别能力,提高世界意识。教材分析 (按整体模块分析)



task 1 玩游戏,引新课:

先玩一个猜测游戏:what’s his / her name?通过一系列的中英文名字的呈现,引出新课的内容:中英文名字的区别。然后列举了几个名字让同学们判断是中文名字还是英文名字,姓和名分别是什么。

teachers’activity: 1.show students some cards with names on them. .

                 2.ask them if them know the names .5页,当前第112345

外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计

students’ activity: 1. try to speak the names.

                 2.tell the differences between chinese names and english names.

in put

task 2 制作创意姓名卡。



teachers’activity: 1. ask students to make name cards.

                 2.encourage them to imagine .

students’ activity: make cards.


task 3


由于学生本身所用的姓名卡是极其富有个性的,上面的信息不一定是他们本人的真实信息,从某种意义上说,有了一定的information gap,让他们有了更好的了解对方信息的欲望,更有积极性,上课注意力会更集中,效率会更高。

teachers’activity: 1.let students use the cards to makes friends and write them down.

                 2.get in groups .try to explain.

students’ activity: 1.make friends using the cards information

2. try to explain in groups.

out put

task 3  discussion and practice

1、 将班里的学生分成若干小组,让他们讨论并写下他们刚在晚会上结识的最感兴趣的朋友的信息。

2、 组员可适当进行分工:述说者、记录员、画画者、组织者、汇报者等。

3、 讨论完毕之后,由各组的汇报者进行汇报。汇报时用上书本activity 1上的内容。

4、 教师在这过程中应适时地提供帮助。

teachers’activity: 1.divide students in some groups .

                 2. let students discuss the information .

students’ activity: 1.discuss the information.

                 2. get in groups .try to explain.


task 4  match the words with the pictures.

exercises 通过一些练习来巩固本模块需掌握的语言点语法点。




根据英语《课程标准》的目标和要求及其评价建议,应实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。评价主体是多元化的,它包括:学生本人、教师、学生小组、家 长;组织形式有他评及自评。5页,当前第212345

外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计


附:评价表(小组成员之间进行评价,以星号    为标记,五个星为最高,但是必须小组全票才能通过生效)

____小组同学姓名 学习态度、习惯 合作

精神 任务完成情况 作业

情况 综合评价










module 1 nice to meet you 检测题

一.   用正确的be动词填空

1.      ann ____________ in class three. she ______________ good at english.

2.      a: _____________ you tom? b: i ______________ jojn.

3.      where _________tony from? i know his parents ________ workers.

4.      we ____________ not from america, but we can speak english.

5.      how many apples _____________ there in the basket?

6.      there ____________ some bread in the fridge.

7.      there ____________ many people in the park.

8.what ____________ your favourite food?


1.it’s very nice to _______________(遇见) you here.

2.today we are going to learn the __________________ (第一)lesson.

3.how many ________________(学生) are there in your class?

4.it’s going to rain, mary ____________(关) the windows.

5.i am _______________(十二)years old when i go the middle school.

6.the old man can speak ________________(英语) well.

7.i don’t know where he is ________________(来自)。

8. foshan is a big ______________(城市), there are many trees here and there.

9.i like ______________(看) books when i have time.

10.our teacher lived here ________________(五十) years ago.

三.kitty闯关。选择最佳答案(10 marks)

(  ) 1. it’s very hot in _________ summer in guangdong.

   a. a     b. the   c. /5页,当前第312345

外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计

(  ) 2. i am a new student here, i am ___________ new york.

   a. in     b. from   c. to

(  )3. my brother will have a birthday party this sunday, he is five _______ old.

   a. year    b. years   c. day

(  )4. the boy with yellow hair is from london, he is an _________.

   a. english   b. england  c. america

(  )5. —what’s ________ hobby, tom?

   —watching tv.

   a. he    b. his   c. she

(  )6. —_______ is your grandmother?

   —she is over eighty years old.

   a. how old   b. how many   c. where

(  )7. my mother works in a hospital, _________ works very hard.

   a. she    b. her    c. i

(  )8. david beckham’s _________ name is david.

   a. given    b. family    c. chinese

(  )9. daming _________ the chinese book and reads the text to the classmates.

   a. open    b. opens    c. closes

(  )10. wang hui and daming _______ good friends.

   a. am    b. is     c. are

(  )11. her name ____ lucy.

           \ a. am           b. is               c. are

(  )12. —hi! — ______

a. hello!         b. nice to meet you!  c. goodbye!

(  )13. lingling is a good ______. she is ______ good student, too.

         a. boy, a         b. girl, a           c. girl, an

(  )14. jerry, ______ is rose.  rose, _____ is rice.

a. this, the         b. this, this         c. the, she

(  )15. ______ dad is a teacher.

   a. she            b. he             c. my5页,当前第412345

外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计

四. 交际平台。(10 marks)

16. 男:___________________________?            

   女:my name is song yang.

17. 男:___________________________?       

   女:fine, thanks.

18. 男:__________. she is my friend.         

   女:hello, miss li.

19. 男:___________________________!            


20. 男:i’m sara.            


五. 看图完成对话。(图参考课本第二页)

teacher: good morning, class!

students: good morning!

teacher: sit down, please. 21______ is your name?

student a: 22______ meimei.

teacher: good. 23______ are you, meimei?

student a: i 24______ fine, thanks!

teacher: those two boys?

student b: my name is daming. and 25______ name is xiaoming.

答案:一、1.is is 2.are am 3.is are 4.are5. are 6.is 7.are 8.is

二、1.meet 2.first 3.students 4.is closing 5.twelve 6.english 7.from 8.city 9.reading 10.fifty

三、1-5cbbab 6-10aaabc11-15bbbbc

四、16. what is your name?

17.how are you?


19.good morning!

20.my name is

