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牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案

牛津初中英语(7a)unit 6 fashion教案


teaching goals:

1. learn about uses of ‘can’.

2. learn about uses os ‘may’.

3. learn about the differences between them.

teaching type:


teachinng method:


teaching tools and preparation:

1. 搜索图片

2. 准备教学挂图

3. 准备食物

teaching emphasis and difficulty:


teaching process:


1. definition: what is modal verbs?

2. introduction: basic sentence patterns

3. uses of ‘can’

4. uses of ‘may’


    comparison: 1.we use ‘can’ and ‘may’ to ask for permissions from other people.

                2.we can use ‘can’ to ask our friends for permission.

                3.we use ‘may’ to ask teachers and other adults for permission. it is more polite to use ‘may’ than ‘can’.

    examples:  simon:  i don’t have my english book here. can i use your book?

               daniel:  yes, you can. here it is.


               millie:   it’s very hot in the classroom. may i open the window?

               mr wu:  yes, you may.

     practise: 1. show two pictures then fill in the blankets with

‘can’or ‘may’.

              2. work in pairs, look at two pictures then make up

two dialogues.

performance: work in groups. organize a play or

conversation, then act out it.

step三. homework

1. recite the grammar of this part.

2. finish the exercises on e students’ book.


unit 6(第六课时)

 grammar (ⅱ)

teaching aims: to recognize and use adverbs to order events

teaching points: afterwards, finally, choose

 teaching aids: computer, a bag with an apple, a banana, a small ball, a scarf and a model car

teaching process

step 1. revision

to revise how to use “can” and “may ”.

ask students some questions with can:

can you answer my question?5页,当前第112345

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案

can i borrow your english book?

can i use your rubber?

let students prepare for a while, then ask the teacher questions with the following phrases:

open the window

turn on the lights

go to the toilet

fill in the blanks with “can ”and “may”

1.      i have a look at your new trainers, sandy?

 yes, you      .

2.      i have new trainers like sandy’s, mum?

  yes, you      .

in your small group, please make a small dialogue with the following information.


 step 2. presentation

now let’s look at my bag. can you guess what it is in the bag? i will get the things one by one for you.

first, i get an apple.

then, i get a banana.

next, i get a scarf.

afterwards, i get a small ball. (to teach the new word “afterwards”)

finally, i get a model car. (to teach the new word “finally”)

now i would like to give them to you as presents. what would you like to choose ?

you can choose only one thing. (to teach choose)then guide the student to say “i choose …”and come to get the small present and ask them to stand in a line in the front of the classroom with the present..

finally, guide students to say together:

first, a chooses …

then, b chooses …

next, c chooses…

afterwards, d chooses…

finally, e chooses …

step 3.drill

look at the pictures on the screen and answer the question:

         what do you do in the picture?

ask students to pay attention to the number of the pictures. ask students to order the events.   

          fist, i go to school.

          then, i have lessons.

          next, i go swimming.

          afterwards, i have dinner with my family.

          finally, i do my homework.

read them together.

now go to b1.

 first, let’s look at the pictures and number them. check the numbers.

         then, ask students to fill in the blanks in their english book. check them.

finally, ask students to change the subject “i” into “she”, and read the sentences together.

(during the process, ask the students who finish them first to help those who have any difficulty.)

step 4. practice5页,当前第212345

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案

go to b2.

look at the pictures of simon. talk about what simon dose in each picture.

then, ask students to number the pictures and then write five sentences about his day in the correct order. (work in their small group, ask them to finish the work together.)

at last, check the answer and read it together.

1. first, simon chooses what to wear.

2. then, he dresses up in white trousers.

3. next, he does the show.

4. afterwards, he talks to kitty.

5. finally, he goes home.

look at the pictures and read the following information, then please introduce the fashion show with adverbs. (work in their groups, discuss together, one of them presents)

1. simon    白裤子        紫上衣     黄红相间的领带

2. amy     黄上衣        蓝牛仔裤

3. sandy    黑羊毛裙      红长筒靴     白丝上衣

4. daniel    蓝黄色运动服  彩色运动鞋

5. millie     谈论为穷学生捐钱

step 5.consolidation

here are some useful expressions, read it by yourselves or with your partner, try to remember them as fast as possible.

five adverbs to order events:

1. first         首先

2. then         然后

3. next         下一步,接着

4. afterwards    后来

5. finally       最后

 useful phrases

1. have dinner with my family   和我的家人共进晚餐

2. do after-school activities      进行课外活动

3. do the show                走秀,表演

4. dress up in white trousers     穿白裤子

5. choose what to wear          选择穿什么

let’s do some exercises.

fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs.

   1.       i get up and have breakfast.

2.       i telephone daniel.

3.       i ride my bike to school.

4.       i meet my friend daniel at school

5.       we go to the cinema together.

translations (discuss with their partners and do them in oral)

1. 之后,他和家人共进晚餐。5页,当前第312345

牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案

2. 下午,我们常进行课外活动。

3. 看,西蒙正在表演。

4. 最后,他穿了黑裤子。

5. 可是,我不知道选哪个。

step 6.homework

1. put the five sentences in translations part into english.

2. write an article about the activities you usually do at the weekend with the five adverbs.


unit 6 grammar (ⅱ)

a: five adverbs to order events:           b: useful expression:

1.first        首先            1. have dinner with my family 和我的家人                                          

2.then        然后                                        共进晚餐               

3.next        下一步,接着     2. do after-school activities  进行课外活动                                          

4.afterwards   后来           3. do the show        走秀,表演                                          

5.finally       最后           4. dress up in white trousers  穿白裤子                                   

5.choose what to wear   选择穿什么



牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6 Fashion教案






practice部分要求学生用所学的五个副词来谈论the fashion show,我的本意是在学新内容时复习reading部分的内容,但对部分基础较弱同学要求过高,使他们在这一环节跟不大上(本人所教为农村中学)。若班级学生基础较好或已经背过reading部分则这一部分可以达到我的预期目的。
