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Unit 4 Save The Trees知识点整理

Unit 4  Save The Trees知识点整理

unit 4  save the trees知识点整理


1. save  vt. 拯救;解救

   eg. let’s do something to save the animals in danger.

      the police saved the child from the fire.

【拓展】save    “节省、储蓄”   eg. save money     save time

【变形】safe    adj.       safety  n.

2.discuss    vt    “讨论” 后接名词(短语)或wh-从句及wh-短语           discussion  n.  

  eg. we discussed the problem.

      we will discuss who should do it.

      we will discuss what to teach next term.

3.  leaf   n.  “树叶”    复数:leaves

4. fight for...  “为……而战”                fight过去式:fought

   fight against  “与……作斗争”

  eg. he is fighting against his sickness.     they fight for freedom.

5. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.  提供给某人……, 为某人提供……

supply sb. with sth.=supply sth  to sb.

offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.

    eg. sheep provide us with wool. = sheep provide wool for us.

6.in many ways “在许多方面”

【短语】 by the way 顺便说一下      in a way 在某种程度上   

              in the way of sb. 妨碍某人  on the way to...在去……的途中        in this way  用这种方法

7. keep    “使维持(某种状态)”

  keep+名词+形容词              eg. the noise kept him awake.

  keep+名词+副词/介词短语       eg. don’t keep the boy outside/ in the room.

  keep +名词+doing              eg. she kept me waiting for half an hour.

keep in touch with与---保持联系;      keep back忍住(眼泪);扣下,隐瞒

keep sth in mind=remember

9.take in...  “接受……, 吸收……”

  eg. the kind man would like to take in the poor boy.

      fish take in oxygen through their gills.   鱼用腮吸氧气

10. breathe[i:]    v.        breath[e]   n.3页,当前第1123

Unit 4  Save The Trees知识点整理

11.make   普通用词,指任何东西的制造或制造过程   eg.he made the desk himself.

     produce  正式用词,除表示大量生产制造外,还表示创造

             eg. the tree will produce some blossom next year.

12.in fact   实际上,事实上。用作状语,用于强调或订正前句。

  eg. he doesn’t mind. in fact he is pleased.

13.look around = look round   “四下环顾”   vt./vi.

  eg. look around you before crossing the streets. 朝各方向看看

      don’t look around when you study.           学习时,别东张西望

14.furniture  不可数名词(集合用法) 表示件数时用piece

  eg. we don’t have much furniture.     有多少家具

      they bought a few pieces of furniture yesterday.   买了几件家具

15.be made of “由……制成”    制成品能看出原材料

   be made from                 制成品看不出原材料

  eg. the shirt is made of silk.

      paper is made from wood.

16.imagine   vt. “设想;想象”   不可用于进行时;不可跟动词不定式

   imagine +名词/动名词/宾语从句       imagination    n.

  eg. can you imagine the life without electricity?

      i can’t imagine what he looks like.

17.cut down  “把……砍到”   eg. it is not right to cut down the trees.

18.millions of   “无数的,成千上万的”

19. stop sth./doing  停止某事/做某事 (停止做正在做的事情)

     eg.did he stop work/working late last night?

      he can’t stoop thinking about it.

   stop to do  表示中断现在的行动或活动去做另一件事。不定式to do表示目的

  eg. she stopped reading and closed the book.

      i stopped to read the newspaper.

20.pay attention to   注意……

  eg. you must pay attention to this problem.

      she asked the boy to pay attention to his spelling.

21.use...to make = use...for making

  eg. we use wood to make a table.=we use wood for making a table.用木材制作桌子

22.be good for  “对……有好处,对……有益处”

  eg. sports will be good for her health.

23.【短语】as a result 结果,因此                   according to 根据3页,当前第2123

Unit 4  Save The Trees知识点整理

           the habit of drinking tea 喝茶的习惯      the tang dynasty唐朝

25. fall sleep  入睡,强调“睡着“

jason lay down in bed and fell asleep almost immediately. 贾森躺在床上,几乎立刻就睡着了。

sleep, be asleep, fall asleep和go to bed都和睡有关,但侧重点不同。 sleep是动词,asleep是形容词

1)sleep 强调“睡觉”这一动作,是延续性动词,可与表示时间的状语连用。

e.g. he slept for eight hours. 他睡了八个小时。

2)be asleep表示睡着的状态。

e.g. the baby is sound asleep. 婴儿睡得很香。

3)fall asleep 睡着,表示一个动作的过程。侧重于“自然而然地入睡”。

e.g. i don’t know when i fell asleep last night. 我不知道昨晚什么时候睡着的。

4)go to bed 指上床准备睡觉的动作。

e.g. he usually goes to bed at ten o’clock. 他通常十点上床睡觉。

26. some time later, charlie started barking.

some time later 过了一会儿,一些时间之后

一段时间 + later   ……(时间)之后,过了……(时间)

eight years later, the little boy became an excellent university student.


与later 的反义词是 ago, 一段时间 + ago   ……(时间)之前

i went to the park three days ago. 三天前,我去了公园。

区分some time, sometime, sometimes和some times

1) sometimes 有时候

e.g. i sometimes have letters from him. 我有时会收到他的来信。

2) some times几次,几倍

e.g. i’m sure we have met some times before. 我肯定我们之前见过几次面。

3) sometime 某个时候

e.g. this house was built sometime around 1980. 这栋房子是1980年左右建造的。

4) some time 一段时间

e.g. we plan to stay in hainan for some time. 我们打算在海南待上一段时间。

27. at the bottom of  在……的底部

at the bottom of the steps, there is a beautiful beach. 阶梯的底部是一个漂亮的海滩。

反义词:at the top of …… 在……的顶部

finally, they put the flag at the top of the mountain. 最终,他们将旗帜插在了上顶上。

