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牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2


1.       背诵所学新单词和短语。 2.       完成相关练习。


unit4 reading 2 1. as usual2. whisper   v.&n.      sound  n.&v.  noise  n.    voice  n. 3.frightened & afraidbe frightened   be afraid (that )   be afraid of sth   be afraid to do sth4. on one’s way to a place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longer


【当堂巩固】(经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一、翻译词组1乘火箭____________     2转身______________     3.不寻常的事___________________4.在我回家的路上____________________      5.朝树后看____________________________6.发出象低语的声音____________________    7. 自言自语___________________________8.照顾____________________________        9下个星期天__________________________10.把你的眼睛睁着__________________       11.在同时_____________________________12从地球旅行去月球___________________________二、改错题1. he was frightened when he listened the whisper. ________2. sudden, they found the way to the shop. ________3. they are cleaning the classroom as usually________4. do you want o buy something strange? ________5. on their way to home ,they met andy________6. they could not see nothing  in the bushes. ________7. what happen with you ? ________8. i turned around and saw unusual something. ________三、翻译句子。1.他昨天在回家的路上发现路上有只小白狗,然后他把它带回了家。_______________________________________2.那只猫非常虚弱。_______________________________________3.当它喵喵叫时,发出像低语一样的_______________________________________4.他们转过身去,发现了一些重要东西_______________________________________ 四、单项选择1. fish sleep with their eyes _________.a. open        b. opened       c. closed      d. close2. everybody is __________ in the _______ story.a. interesting  interested          b. interested   interestingc. interested   interested          d. interesting   interesting3. the trip is _______. we have great ________.a. fun, funny      b. funny,  funny      c. fun, fun    d. funny, fun10页,当前第112345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

4. on their way __________, they were very happy.a. to home       b. home         c. to the home.5. please be _________ of the dog. look after your sister ________.a. carefully, carefully    b. careful, carefully   c. carefully,  careful6. the little cat __________ a sound _________ a whisper.a. made, like     b. make, like    c. makes, as7. please help me ________ my english.a. with         b. in             c. on8. _________ a bag on the back, the boy got on the bus.a. has         b with       c. there are     d. be9. --- will you come to the party next sunday?  --- ________. i will be on business in shanghai by then.a.i think so.      b. i’d like to.      c. i’m afraid so          d. i’m afraid not10. he is hungry now because he came to school ________ breakfast.a. with      b. not eat      c. not have     d. without11. i have ________ to tell you.a. anything important b. something important c. important something  d. everything importantvocabulary【自学探究】一、预习本课的单词,弄清他们的词义和词性,把不会读的单词写下来__________________________________________________________二、一起来想想crazy的用法吧。  a. be crazy about/on.表示“醉心于”“痴迷于”   he is crazy on/about skiing .他痴迷于滑雪。b.be crazy for sth .表示“渴望某物”;be crazy for sb.表示“迷恋某人”。如:他渴望有一台电脑。_______________________________三、通过预习,你能说出be fond of 后面接什么吗?_______________________四、翻译词组。1. 痴迷于…___________ 2. 喜欢…____________3. 一个努力学习的学生__________4. (狗)朝…叫______________________ 5. 把他叫醒_____________________________【教案】


7b unit 4 vocabulary



教学目标1.to recognize a range of adjectives describing feelings of likes. 2.to differentiate meanings between a range of semantically related words 3.to use appropriate adjectives to describe feelings

教学重难点the differences among ‘be crazy about ,love, be fond of, and like’







牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

step1 lead-inshow some pictures of zhouxingchi and ask the students questions. do you like him? why do you like him? what is he crazy about?what is he fond of?step2 presentationshow some pictures to ask “how does he feel?” (angry, happy)introduced the preparation phrases:be crazy about  be interested in be surprised atbe fond ofask the questions and let the students answer them according to their real situations. are you crazy about football? why?do you love dogs?are you fond of music?which animal do you like best?do you like fish? why?do you love dancing?look at part a in the book. the teacher explain them carefully.like  “喜欢”(反义词 dislike)指不反感,但不引起强烈的感情的迫切的愿望。eg) he likes having a walk after supper.love  “热爱” (反义词 hate)指引起深厚的强烈的感情,并有依附感eg) we love our motherland.be fond of   “喜欢,爱好(对什么感兴趣) 介于like和love之间eg)  she is fond of small animals.be crazy about  “喜欢到疯狂,狂热的爱好” eg)  he is crazy about boxing.dislike “不喜欢,厌恶” eg) i dislike to go there.step3. practice1.get ss to do exercises in part b and check it together.2. translate some phrases对…狂热 和他玩  带他散步  听音乐喜爱音乐 醒的早  她最喜爱的食物不喜欢篮球      对……吠   弄醒他 step 4.  check outask ss to do the class exercising paper, and check the answers with ss togetherthere are lots of foods that millie _______ (like).daniel likes_______ (study) very much.eddie hates _______ (wake) up early.andy practises football even when it _______ (rain)my dog ________ (bark) at any stranger who _______ (come) into my house.millie has a lovely dog. she ________ (play) with _______ (he) every day.amy wants ________ (find) out how her friends feel about different things.my mother likes fish, but my father ________ (like) it.step 5. homework通过展示周星驰的一组照片,让学生回答问题,引出本节课的重要短语。介绍一些与感觉有关的短语,为学习课文第一部分作铺垫设置相关问题让学生根据实际情况来回答。让学生学以致用。通过书上的练习和补充的翻译短语来检查学生的学习情况。通过补充练习来检测学生掌握情况。教师在行间走动,了解学生实际情况根据图片提示回答问题。根据图片回答happy, angry等表示心情的形容词。根据以上提示积极思考,尽可能多的说出相关短语。用上面所学的相关短语和形容词搭配来回答问题。做练习,检测自己学习情况。独立完成相关习题。


            7b unit 4 vocabulary be crazy about               love10页,当前第312345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

be interested in               likebe surprised at               dislikebe fond of                   hate


【当堂巩固】(经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. “what shall i do?” he said to ________ (he).2. can’t you listen to your teacher ________ (careful) in class?3. they could not find ________(something) ________(usual).4. we are ________ in the _________ books now. (interest)二、选择题。(   ) 1. look, there’s ______ elephant in the park, ______ elephant is coming to us.a. the ,the     b. an ,an      c. a ,the     d. an , the (   ) 2. he is fond of ______ music.a. hear        b. hearing     c. listening to   d. listen to(   ) 3. mother told me ______ in bed.a. don’t read   b. not read     c. don’t to read  d. not to read(   ) 4. please ______ more english in class.a. say         b. speak       c. talk         d. tell(   ) 5. they ______ to the funny world museum next saturday.a. go          b. went        c. are going    d. goes(   ) 6. it will ______ six months to build a new library.a. cost         b. spend        c. take        d. pay三、改错。1. he, likes his father, is fond of reading newspapers.    ________2. listen! i have important something to tell you.        ________3. our classroom is much bigger than your.               ________ 4. are you afraid of swim in the sea ?                    _________ 5. mother told me don’t watch tv in the evening.          _________四、翻译句子。10页,当前第412345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

1.andy对篮球很狂热。他甚至下雨时都练习。_______________________________________________________________2.eddie讨厌很早醒来。_______________________________________________________________3,daniel喜欢学习。他是个很用功的学生。(be fond of)_______________________________________________________________grammar a【自学探究】一、请你回忆一下什么情况下用一般现在时。____________________________________一般现在时的标志有哪些?请写出三个。 __________   _____________   ____________二、什么情况下用一般过去时呢? _______________________________________________一般过去式的标志有哪些?请试着写出三个。__________   ____________   ___________三、写出下列动词的过去walk__________ write __________  put __________    make ________live __________ see  __________  tell __________    like__________be _________   stay __________   carry  __________ use__________【教案】


7b unit 4 grammar a


新授课  语法课


教学重难点1.规则动词+ed 后的读音     2. 不规则动词过去式的变化






个性化补充1.    introduce the concept of the simple past tense.we use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past. last sunday morning, millie and amy went to sunshine park.yesterday morning, they went there again.2.    recognize the structure of the simple past tense.we form the simple past tense by adding ‘-ed’ to regular verbs.most verbs     + ed walk—walkedverbs ending in e    + d  live—livedverbs ending in a consonant + y    -y + ied cry—criedshort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant       double the consonant + ed stop—stoppedwe form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently. we do not add ‘-ed’.no change      cost—cost  put—putchange the vowel   write—wrote   know—knewchange the consonant    make--- madespend---spentchange the vowel(s) and the consonant(s) leave---left   catch ---caught3. continue to explain the use of simple past tense. a.主要用于过去某个时间发生的动作或状态。 my father worked in shanghai last year. b.表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常与often,always等表示频度的时间状语连用。 i often went to school on foot. c.与when等连词引导的状语从句连用。10页,当前第512345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

 when he got home,he had a short rest.4.  do some exercises.① we often___________(play) in the playground.②he _________(get) up at six o’clock.③ __________you _________(brush) your teeth every morning.④what (do) he usually (do) after school?⑤danny (study) english, chinese, maths, science and art an school.⑥ mike sometimes __________(go) to the park with his sister.⑦at eight at night, she __________(watch) tv with his parents.⑧ ________ mike________ (read) english every day?⑨how many lessons _________ your classmate________(have) on monday?⑩what time _________ his mother_________(do) the housework?5. introduce the simple past tense to make the positive and negative sentences and the simple past tense to ask and answer questions. i/you/we/they/he/she/it heard a whisper.i/you/we/they/he/she/it did not/didn’t hear a whisper.did  i/you/we/they/he/she/it      hear a whisper.yes, i/you/we/they/he/she/it      did.no,         did not/didn’t.6. homework教师介绍一般过去式的基本情况并举例(前面课文中的句子)说明。介绍一般过去式的动词变化并加以练习巩固。几种不同类型分别介绍后,辅以书上相关练习加以检测巩固。介绍一般过去时的用法练习巩固,实际运用。检验答案时注意倾听学生的讲解。介绍一般过去时的一般疑问句形式及其回答集合教师的讲解积极思考。边学习边记忆,并以做练习来检查巩固。独立完成相关习题,找出自己的问题所在。配合教师积极思考发言。


1复习一般过去时的的相关联系 2.完成《同步导学》上该课时的相关练习。


7bunit grammar a most verbs    + edwalk        walkedverbs ending  in e    + dlive          livedverbs ending in a consonant +y    -y + iedstudy      studiedshort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant   double the consonant + edstop        stopped


【当堂巩固】一、单句改错1. where did you yesterday afternoon? ________2. the old lady sits here ten minutes ago. ________3. go to back your seat please. ________4. i see my old friend li lin yesterday. ________5. he goes to the beach last week. ________二、按要求进行句型转换1.the baby cried hard at home.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)________________________________2.jim was at home with his parents last sunday(改为否定句)________________________________3.we went to the funny world museum yesterday.( 对划线部分提问)10页,当前第612345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

________________________________4.he read a book about dinosaurs( 对划线部分提问)________________________________5.the last dinosaurs died more than 60 million years ago. ( 对划线部分提问)________________________________三、根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f).it’s sunday morning. my mother and i are going to hongkou park. there are many people in the park. some children are running. they are flying kites. four women are sitting on the grass. they are talking. two girls are playing games near them. three old men are standing under a big tree. they are watching the children. there’s a river over there. many young people are singing and dancing near it.(    )1. there aren’t many people in the park.(    )2. some children are running and flying kites.(    )3. three old men are watching the children.(    )4. many young people are singing and dancing.grammar b【自学探究】1. 写出be动词的过去式形式:  am/is___________    are___________2. was 与__________________________连用, were 与______________________连用。请各举一个例子_____________________________  ____________________________一、根据中文、英文解释或句意填入恰当的单词1.girls are __________  (afraid)when they see a mouse.2.you look so __________  (not strong).you need more exercise.3.did you hear a __________  (soft noise)from the bushes?4.jack has __________  (more than )dishes .5.he is showing me a book about some__________ (不寻常的)things.6.isn’t tom a__________  (奇怪的)boy  .7.some frogs are__________  (有毒的).8.can you tell me who i___________ the telephone 二、【教案】


7b unit 4 grammar b


新授课  语法课


教学重难点1.规则动词+ed 后的读音     2. 不规则动词过去式的变化






个性化补充step1. revisionrevise the context we learned last lesson.step2. presentation1.simple past tense of the verb ‘to be’we form the positive and negative sentences with the verb ‘ to be ’ like this:i/he/she/it was at home yesterday.  i/he/she/it was not/wasn’t at home yesterday.2. we ask and answer questions with the verb ‘ to be ’ like this:was i/he/she/it at home yesterday. were you/we/they at home yesterday.yes, i/he/she/it was .yes, you/we/they were.no, i/he/she/it was not / wasn’t.no, you/we/they were not / weren’tyou/we/they were at home yesterday.you/we/they were not/weren’t at home yesterday10页,当前第712345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

step 3. practicedo exercises b1&b2.step4. check outtranslate sentences:1.XX年以前你是医生吗?2.他们那时并不饿.3.昨天下午你见过他吗?4.两年前我是一名学生.5.我每天大于大约7:00到校.6.他当时为什们生你的气?step 5..homework1.finish the exercise book.2.recite the simple past tense of the verb ‘to be’.带领学生回忆上节课的内容教师介绍一般过去时 “to be”的用法用书上的两个练习来检测学生的学习情况。用翻译题来进行实战演练。根据教师的提示,说出一般过去时的相关内容。独立完成补全对话题,积极配合教师共同检验答案的对错。


1.finish the exercise book.2.recite the simple past tense of the verb ‘to be’.


unit 4 grammar bwas i/he/she/it at home yesterday. were you/we/they at home yesterday.yes, i/he/she/it was .yes, you/we/they were.no, i/he/she/it was not / wasn’t.no, you/we/they were not / weren’tyou/we/they were at home yesterday.you/we/they were not/weren’t at home yesterday


【当堂巩固】a用所给词的适当形式填空:1. it’s cold outside, you should keep the door ________.(close)2. we can’t live _________(with) water.3. look! they are listening to the teacher _________.(care).4. the umbrella behind the door is my ________(sister).5. it is ________(noise) outside. please close the door.6. the story is ________(fun),it makes us very happy.7. the man came into the room _________(quiet) and did some reading.8. please be careful, these snakes are ________.(poison)9. i don’t like warm places because there are so many _________(mosquito)10. he will meet a friend of _________(he) tomorrow.b.句型转换:1.the students were at school last sunday.否定句__________________________________________________一般疑问句______________________________________________肯定及否定回答__________________________________________对划线部分提问__________________________________________2.the girl was ill yesterday.否定句__________________________________________________一般疑问句______________________________________________肯定及否定回答__________________________________________对划线部分提问__________________________________________c. 完成句子:1.那个声音听起来像火车。 the noise ________  ________ a train.2.我们的自行车与他们的不同.  our bikes are ________  _________  _________.3.玩火是危险的。  it’s ________ to _______ ________ fire.4.我妹妹还未到上学的年龄。  my sister isn’t ________  _______  _______ go to school.5.没有你的帮助,我无法到达那里。 i can’t _______ there _______ you help.6.多勤奋的学生啊!  _________  _________ the student is !10页,当前第812345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

integrated skills【自学探究】1. 在课文中划出本课的生词,根据读音规则拼读、理解并记忆。把不会读的单词写下来:_______________________________________________________________________________2. 你认为重要的短语有:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 翻译下列短语:1)长脖子_____________________     2)活到……岁__________________________3) 闻东西与……一样灵敏__________________________________________________4) 更好的了解动物________________________________________________________   5) 觉得……有趣的___________________ 6) 记得某人的话______________________7) 告诉某人做某事___________________ 8) 饭后擦桌子________________________9)在我的一生中____________________ 10)某人发生某事_____________________【教案】


7b unit 4 integrated skills




1. to identify specific characteristics in descriptions of animals.

2. to listen for gist and detail to obtain general information3.to use information presented in text and pictures to infer general meaning and context.4.to extract speck information from listening to a conversation to-complete a letter


1.to extract speck information from listening to a conversation to-complete a letter.2.to use information presented in text and pictures to infer general meaning and context

教学方法任务型教学法  练习法






1.create an interest in the situation. tell students that lots of people are afraid of animals. revise the different adjectives to describe fear using a visual representation: ‘afraid and frightened’.

2. tell students that they are going to listen to conversation about fears of animals between a teacher and a student. first, ask students to study the pictures of the different animals in part a1.students match the names to the pictures.

3. check answers as a class activity-

4. ask students to read the notes in part a2. ask some general questions to check understandingly e.g., do you know how many bones there are in a giraffe’s neck? only focus on the word ‘bones’ do not give them the answer at this stage. pretend that you do not know either. create a situation where you are all learning together. ask what do you know about tortoises7have you seen one where do they lively where do camels lively (elicit the ideas of sand, wind, desert, etc.) what do you know about ants, (elicit insects)do you know of any other insects how do you full about insects10页,当前第912345678910

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案2

5.play the recording. ask students to listen to specific words to complete the notes. make it clear that they are listening for real information to the questions you asked them earlier 

6.ask students to compare there note with a partner and identify any differences. if m students were not able to identify the correct words play the recording again.

7.ask students tread suzy’s letter in part a3. ask them tottery to complete the letter from the information they have already identified in the previous listening and the notes they have made.

8. play the recording again and ask students to check their answers.

9.divide the class into pairs and ten students to read the letter teach other taking turns to read one sentence at a time. students compare and check each other’s choice of nouns. encourage students to work out whether their choice of nouns makes sense.

10.then check student’s understanding. ask several students to each read one sentence aloud to the class, paying attention to nuance and pronunciation. then check answers as a class. encourage all students to make their own comments.

11. for stronger classes, tell students to close their books and listen to you. for weaker classes, allow students to follow the conversation in the book.

12. present the conversation line by line focusing on intonation and linking of words. ask students to repeat complete phrases as they hear them. make sure that they donor sound monotonous oe mechanical. if they have problems pronouncing particular words, practice the word separately and then integrate it into the complete phrase again.

13. ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. then ask students to construct their own conversations based on the model. for less able students, allow them to write down their conversations before the role-play. vehicle students are practicing the conversations. move around the classroom providing help with pronunciation intonation and fluency. students should be able to produce this conversation model with nuncio eye contact and appropriate 1ntonation-14.ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class.复习相关形容词。介绍背景,为下面的听力练习做好铺垫。校对答案引导学生看对话,明确听的目的。播放录音带领学生校对答案对不同层次学生提出不同的要求,让所有学生都有收获。带领学生看课文第二部分,了解要替换部分。在行间行走,发现学生的问题,帮助学生排忧解难。对学生的展示作出客观公正的评价。准备听力活动。完成a1练习。了解听力练习的目的,明确听得重点内容。根据听到的对话,完成a3的练习朗读短文两人一小组互练。根据示范编对话。尽可能的拓展思维。展示环节10页,当前第1012345678910