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7A Unit 2 My Day教案

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

7a unit 2 my day教案


执教人:             执教班级:          执教时间:   年   月    日

content: comic strip and welcome to the unit

period: 10-1

teaching aims:

(1) to talk about routines and activities.

(2) to respond to questions about daily life.

important points:

(1) some phrases and sentences to describe a day’s activities

(2) verb forms of the simple present tense

difficult points:

to describe a day’s activities using the simple present tense

teaching approaches:

  discussion   practice

teaching aids: a tape recorder  pictures

teaching procedures:

step 1: presentation

1. revision

        let four students introduce themselves to the class.

2. presentation

(1).ask students some questions about what they do every day, write down their answers on bb. (把短语按上下午的归类有意识的写好)

what do you often do every day?

do you do morning exercises every day?

when do you usually get up /have supper/……?

do you go to sleep/bed at 9.30p.m?

(2). read the phrases on the bb together.

(3). ask students to read the table of millie’s day quickly. then work in pairs with the following sentences.

a: what does millie do at ……?

b: she gets up /eats breakfast ……?

step 2: practice

write a passage about your day. then ask several students to read their passage.

step 3: listening

play the comic strips for the students to listen and answer a question.

what is eddie going to do today?

step 4: practice

1. listen and read.

2. act out the dialogue.

3. let ss find out the language points that they don’t understand and solve them.

step5: production 

suppose you are a reporter. there are many famous people in your class,for example,yang liwei, li yuchun, etc.

make a group of six. choose five into your interviewers and talk about how they spend their day. the teacher can provide some phrases on the bb.

step 6: exercise (见《达标检测》一).

step 7: homework

1. remember the words and phrases

2. try to act out the dialogue

3. write a passage about your day

4. preview reading.

(1) read quickly.

(2) answer questions:

a. what’s millie’s school life like?

b. when dose the school day start?

c. where does she go after school every day? 复备栏目



 unit 2 comic strip and welcome to the unit


1、把他叫醒                 2、早饭后                  15页,当前第1123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

3、上课                     4、想要去睡觉                  

5、做早操                   6、how to have fun                       

    7、do his homework          

8、do after-school activities         





have lunch, watch tv, play volleyball, go to school by bike, go to sleep

1. simon          at school at 12:00a.m every day.

2. millie            at 7:00 a.m. every morning.

3. i           with my friends on the playground after school

4. my father often           at 7:00 p.m. with my mother.

5. sandy likes           at 10:00 every evening.

7a unit 2 my day


执教人:           执教班级:            执教时间:   年   月    日

content: reading

period: 10-2

teaching aims:

1. to catch the main idea of the article.

2. to learn how students spend their school day at beijing sunshine secondary school.

important points:

1.to read the passage correctly.

2.to catch the main idea of the passage.

difficult points:

1. to catches the main idea of the passage.

2. to train how to read.

teaching approaches:

    discussion   practice   reading

teaching aids: a tape recorder  

teaching procedures:

step1: revision and leading-in

ask one student to retell his or her passage. then the teacher designs some questions according to the passage, the other students answer them. at last, leading-in the new passage directly.15页,当前第2123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案



brainstorm the vocabulary in part b 2. ask students to read the text and pay attention to these words, and try to explain them according to the text.

2. listen to the passage and read after it.


read the passage carefully, then answer

(1) does millie like her school?

(2) what’s her classroom like?

(3) who is millie’s best friend?

(4) what do millie and her friends do at lunchtime?

(5) when does the school day start?

(6) what do the students do first after they go to school?

(7) how many hours does millie spend on her homework?

(8) where does millie go after school every tuesday and friday?

(9) who is in the swimming club?

4 .listen and complete part c. check answers together, find out the wrong places and correct them.

5. reading

ask students to read after the tape and try to imitate the voice and pronunciation. make students read in groups .pay attention to the pronunciation.



1. read the passage ,finish partb1/d and fill in the note.



best friend:              ,a                   

favourite lesson:

2.write a passage :school life

3.finish《课课练》reading c1.c3.

4. preview: find out the important phrases of the passage.



达标检测题unit2 period 2


1.相互聊                         2.对我很好               

3.先做早操                       4.花时间做某事               

5.玩得开心                       6.sit under the tree               

7. my favourite lessons              8. a good swimmer               

9. practice with my friends                15页,当前第3123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

10. every tuesday and wednesday  

7a unit 2 my day


执教人:           执教班级:            执教时间:   年   月    日

content: reading ii

period: 10-3

teaching aims:

1. to grasp the usage of some important expressions .

2. to talk about your school life in english .

important points:

1. make ss master the language points for describing the school life.

2 .to further understand the passage.

3. to retell the passage.

difficult points:

1. t o retell the passage.

2. to write a passage about my school life

teaching approaches:

    discussion   practice

teaching aids: a little blackboard 

teaching procedures:


 1. ask and answer questions about millie’s school life.

2.complete part b1, ask ss to say what millie and her friends are doing                  and where they are doing

step 2. reading and practice

1. ask students to read the text together.

2. let ss finish part d. check answers together .then ask ss to say a complete sentence in time order.


present the notes(name:   school:   best friend:              ,a                   

favourite lesson:     )on bb / the screen, then ask ss to retell the passage according to partb1/d and the note

step4. help ss to understand the text.

let ss read freely and find out the phrases and sentences that they don’t understand, and then solve them in class.


     let ss write a passage about my school day. ask the students to check it with each other. 

step6. exercise


homework:                                                                                                                       15页,当前第4123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

1. remember the article.

2. write the activity phrases as many as you can.

3. finish《目标检测》unit2中的完型填空. 复备栏目


达标练习 unit 2 period 3


1、i like this book because it’s very interesting (对划线部分提问)

2.my favourite lessons are english and maths.(写出同义句)




7a unit 2 my day


执教人:             执教班级:          执教时间:   年   月    日

content: vocabulary

period: 10-4

teaching aims:

to use verbs and nouns to talk about leisure activities.

to select and use verbs that  are appropriate for specific activities.

to revise the usage of action verbs in positives .negatives and questions.

important points:

to learn more vocabulary to describe leisure activities and the verb “to do”.

difficult points:

to learn more vocabulary to describe leisure activities and the verb “to do”.

teaching approaches:

  discussion   practice

teaching aids:  some cards 

teaching procedures:

step 1:presentation

1. have a competition to check the homework and preview .divide ss  into two groups .one of each group comes to write the activities that they know on the blackboard, when they need help, they can ask their supporters .one right phrase can get 10 points .

2.sort the activities :leisure–sport-eating-school

3. one student does activities in part a, the teacher present the phrases on the bb. ss read them together. then, ask ss to complete the phrases with correct verbs.

step 2: practice

prepare some cards with names of activities on them , ask one student to come to the front and do actions according to the cards , the others say the name of activities .


1.read , watch ,see ,look

   read 表示有文字可读的“看”。如看书,看报纸。

read books   , read  newspapers .

watch 暗含所看事物的变化,移动和发展,有“观看”之意思。

watch tv  , watch a football game .

see 表示眼睛看到的常用作乃物动词,一般不用与进行时,表有意识或无意看到了某人或某物,强调看的结果。

can you see that small boy?

when i got into the classroom,i saw he was writing .

look 表示有意识地看,不及物动词,可用与进行时,其后可接介次at加宾语,强调看的动作。

look , he is there.

what are you looking  at ?

2、do , make    做

do 表示“做”一个动作。

do homework ,do morning exercise.15页,当前第5123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案


make a kite , make a paper plane 。


ask ss to finish part b with correct words , then read it.


make a dialogue like:

a: do you often play badminton ?

b: yes ,i do .

a: does your mother usually cook for you ?

b: no, she doesn’t .my dad does .



     1.remember these phrases;



preview the subject form of personal pronouns try hard to finish  part a1、a2.




达标检测 unit 2 period 4


1 .please         (write) the new words on the blackboard.

2. how many         (swim) are there in the swimming pool ?

3. does sandy          (go) to school on foot ? no , she         (go)to school by bus .

4. she often____________ (-have) lunch at home.

5. _-_____your father often __________(stay)at home on sunday?

6. we___________(not go)to school on sundays.





7a unit 2 my day


执教人:             执教班级:             执教时间:   年   月    日

content: grammar i

period: 10-5

teaching aims:

to learn to use the subject form of personal pronouns

important points:

to understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the

sentences freely

difficult points:

to understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the sentences freely

teaching approaches:

   discussion   practice

teaching aids: a tape recorder  

teaching procedures:

step1 :presentation


the teacher introduces himself and other students ,say:

i’m your teacher .you are my students .we are in class 1.this is…, she is from li ji. that boy is…, he comes from hua yuan. they have a friend eddie. it is a dog.

write down the sentences on the bb and underline the personal pronouns .make ss be clear what they replace in these sentences and they are the subject form of personal pronouns .


help ss learn the sentences in the table .ask ss to draw a line from the pronoun to the noun it refers to.

help ss understand the usage of personal pronouns.15页,当前第6123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

    (1).tom is very tall. he likes football very much.

(2). i am susan .this is jack. we are in the same class.

step 2: practice

1 write several sentences on bb, underline the personal pronouns .ask students to speak out what the pronouns replace in the sentence.

this is tom, he is my best friend.

mrs. brown is very nice, she often gives me sweets. lily, what class are you in?

2. ask ss to finish part a1.a2. , read to check answers.

3. help ss understand part3, learn several phrases, then let ss finish parta3. at last, ask some questions :

(1)what does simon do on mondays and wednesdays?

(2)when do the students meet at beijing sunshine secondary school?

(3)what does kitty do every day?

step 3:play a game

introduce a classmate’s life like:

s1: i’m ….s2: he/she is very tall/….s3:he/she often gets up at….s4:….the person who can’t go on saying should sit down. the person who stands until the last is the winner.

step 4: do some exercises.

.     fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.

1. this is amy.        is a new student .

2 .my sister watches the film on tv.     is very interesting .

3. sandy likes reading .      has a lot of books .

4. i want to play badminton. would you like to go with        ?

5.i love my parents .         are doctors and         are very friendly to         sick people

step 5: extension activity

ask ss to understand all the personal pronouns (subject form) in the reading passage .order several personal pronouns at the same time . 单数:you , he/she and i,

复数:we ,you and they .

step 6 : homework

1. remember all the words and phrases.


3. preview p30, try to finish the exercises on it.



达标检测 unit 2 period 5


1、this is amy .          is a new student .

2.  my sister watches the film on tv.          is very interesting .

3.  sandy likes reading .      has a lot of books .

4.  i want to play badminton. would you like to go with          ?

5.  i love my parents .       are doctors and       are very friendly to        sick people .15页,当前第7123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案


get up ,in the playground , after school, sit under the trees, 

twice a week ,all the time , each other

1.  my mother washes her hair                           .

2.  many girls like to                    and chat with             .

3.  i always do my homework                       .

4.  simon is always late for school because he            late in the morning .

5.  don’t play computer games         .it’s bad for your health.

6.  there is going to be a basketball match between class 3 and class 4          next friday.




3、 她很忙,没有时间听音乐。 

7a unit 2 my day


执教人:             执教班级:             执教时间:   年   月    日

content: grammar ii

period: 10-6

teaching aims:

to distinguish the subject form and object form of the personal pronouns.

important points:

to make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily.

difficult points:

to make sure where to use the object form and distinguish the different forms easily

teaching approaches:

   discussion   practice

teaching aids: some pictures  

teaching procedures:

step 1: revision

1. translate phrases.

2. fill in the blanks using personal pronouns.

(1)her name is sandy.            is 12 years old.

(2)look at lily and lucy,      are twin sisters.

(3) -where is the bird?    

-____is in the tree .i like it very much.

step2 :presentation

1. ask: the two “it” are the same, right?

2. do you know what are the object form of personal pronouns ?

3. work through the sample sentences on page 30 .write some more sample sentences on bb .

(1).the children are in class l , grade7 .we all know them.15页,当前第8123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

(2).the boy is sleeping .don’t wake him up .

(3).we should be quick. look. they are waiting for us.

4. explain the differences between the subject form and object form by referring to the table in part b.

step 3 :practice

1. complete the sentences on p30, then check answers.

2. learn the dialogue.

3. read it.

4. fill in the blank with personal pronouns.

my name is amy, simon and kitty are my classmates.

do ___know simon and kitty? let me introduce ___to you ,i have short hair, but kitty has long hair .____loves swimming, but simon loves playing football, and      often plays football after school .

step 4 summarize

1. the object form :me ,you, him ,it ,us ,them,

2 .language points :

teach sb. sth, walk a dog , love reading,

say hello /hi /sorry /goodbye to sb

i can’t hear you well.     pardon?

step 5.exercise(见《达标检测》)


1 .remember words and phrases

2 .finish《课课练》grammarb2,b3.

3. preview integrated skills


the china space museum   china  science and technology

have a trip             get some information

the price for each student

look forward to         be closed


a. when will they have their trip?

b. what’s the price for each student?



达标检测 unit 2 period 6


1. miss li teaches    (we)english this term.      (her)is a good teacher.

2. these are     (we)chinese books. we should take good care of      (they).

3. help     (you)to some fish, boys.

4. please tell    that pen is     (she).

5. the cat is very lovely.     (it) is climbing up the tree.


1.“i’m sorry, i______________, mr green, ”says andy.

2. don’t keep your mother waiting___________________.

3. ___________to do shopping with me?

4. simon is american and he______________america.

5. people in the park all_____________on sundays.

7a unit 2 my day


执教人:             执教班级:             执教时间:   年   月    日

content: integrated skills

period: 10-7

teaching aims:

1. to understand and get information from mr. wu’s notes to millie .15页,当前第9123456789101112131415

7A Unit 2 My Day教案

2. to listen for specific information about opening hours

3. to finish writing with the information from listening and reading .

important points:

        1.  to master phrases.

2.to get information from listening .

3.to present a poster using the information that heard

 teaching points:

1. to get information from listening .

2. to present a poster using the information that heard

teaching approaches:

       discussion   practice

teaching aids: a tape recorder  

teaching procedures:


1 i’ve a free talk about their activities at weekends or during holidays ,then choose 2 groups to talk.

2. ask ss to read mr. wu’s notes and look at the three posters, then answer:

a. when will the students have a trip?

b. how much will each student spend?

c. john is free only on monday, what place can’t he go to ?

a. china space museum

b. beijing z00

c. china science and technology museum

3. read again and again. then try to use the information to complete the four columns

step2. listening and writing

1. listen to the tape twice and write down the information.

2. listen again to check the four columns

step 3: writing and saying

1. let ss complete part a4

2. let ss make up a dialogue based on part a4. work in pairs , one is

mr. wu, the other is millie.

e. g :

w: we will have a trip next monday.

m: great! what time shall we take the trip?

step 4. exercise


1. remember words and phrases

2. finish 《课课练》p19a1.p20a4.a5

3.preview pronunciation

      4.write a poster 复备栏目


达标检测 unit 2 period 7


1. yao ming is one of the best basketball        (play).

2. the boy has lots of       (friend) here.

3. the girl likes       (draw) very much.

4. kitty goes to        (dance) lessons every day.

5. kitty and i are good at      (make) kites.

6. he spends two yuan    (buy) the book.




7A Unit 2 My Day教案







7a unit 2 my day


执教人:          执教班级:             执教时间:   年   月    日

content: speak up & pronunciation

period: 10-8

teaching aims:

1. to talk about the school life.

2. to describe school activities

3. to practice speaking skills

4. to recognize and use correct intonation when asking “yes:”/ “no” questions

5. to pronounce the three”-(e )s” sounds correctly

6. to distinguish the three sounds

important points:

1. to speak up: talk about the school life .

2. to pay attention to the intonation when asking “yes:”/ “no” questions.

3. to pronounce the three”-(e )s” sounds correctly.

teaching points:

1. to speak up: talk about the school life .

2. to pay attention to the intonation when asking “yes:”/ “no” questions.

3. to pronounce the three”-(e )s” sounds correctly.

teaching approaches:

       discussion   practice

teaching aids: a tape recorder  

teaching procedures:

step 1:presentation

1. translate phrases to revise.

2 .ask and answer:

do you do sports every day?

when do you do sports everyday?

what’s your favorite lesson?



listen to the tape recording of speak up and imitate the intonation and pronunciation , then ask students to read the conversation in pairs.


1. help ss understand the dialogue

2. ask students to role –play the conversation in pairs and then have some pairs act out the dialogue

3.encourage the students to find out the ways used in this conversation to express the school .15页,当前第11123456789101112131415