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7B Unit 4 Reading 2教学案

7B Unit 4 Reading 2教学案


7b unit 4 reading 2




1.to summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements 2.to identify key events and infer general meaning 3.to do the exercises correctly and read the text fluently


1. 一般过去式的变化 2. 重点词语的用法


讲授法  练习法







step 1 revisionreview the text through the questions:1.are you afraid of the ghost? who heard the whisper?2.what do millie and amy love to do in the park?3.why were they frightened?4.whom did they run into on their way?

step2 presentationask the students to fill in the blanks according to the text.on their way, they ____ _____andy.millie ____andy everything. andy ____ ____the park, _____beside the tree, he _____a whisper____the bush, he ____carefully. he ______a little cat, it ______a whisper.he _____the little cat ______a box.he ______the little cat_____ millie and amythey ______ the ‘ghost’.they ______the little cat ____the animal center. millie and amy _____ _____the park again.retelling competitionwent to, stood beside, listened carefully,         heard the whisper, looked behind and heard another, searched carefully, said to,            found, put into, opened and showedlanguage points:1. as usualeg), last sunday, mr wang went fishing as usual.2.       distinguish ‘whisper, sound, noise, andvoice’   whisper   v.&n.eg) xiao wang whispered something in xiao ming’s ear.mary spoke in a whisper.sound  n.&v.  eg) can you hear the sound of the piano?it sounds great.noise  n.  eg) don’t make any noises in the classroom.voice  n. eg) ms wu has a sweet and soft voice.3.frightened & afraidbe frightenedeg) don’t be frightened.a frightened girl is crying.be afraid (that )   be afraid of sth eg) she is afraid of snakes.be afraid to do stheg) i am afraid to jump into the water.4. on one’s way to a placeon their way to place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longereg) i am not afraid of tigers any more. =i am not afraid of tigers any longer. =i am no longer afraid of tigers.step 3 practicetranslation:a. 他像往常一样去上学。b.我听到有人低声说话,但一转身,什么也没看见。c. 听到奇怪的声响,我很害怕。e. 请多告诉我一点关于你们学校的事情。f. 在照片里,她站在妈妈的旁边.g. 当他仔细搜索了自己的房间后,他对4页,当前第11234

7B Unit 4 Reading 2教学案

自己说:“我找不到它了.”step 4 homeworkread the passage.recite the new words.finish the exercise.通过问题设置带领学生回忆所学文章,并为下面的字词句学习打下伏笔。通过课文改编的一个缺词填空来引导学生注意一般过去式的形式变化。通过给出关键词让学生复述课文,一方面帮助他们梳理思路,二来引导他们学会使用过去式。对本课中出现的重点短语进行详细讲解,并通过举例让学生能清楚理解并会用。通过汉译英练习了解学生掌握情况。布置家庭作业组织语言回答与课文相关问题。根据短文填空,并能通过观察发现所填词的规律。用所给的提示词来复述课文,注意一般过去时的使用。认真聆听老师的讲解,并能举一反三。用本节课所学内容来翻译句子,注意短语和时态的正确使用。


1.       背诵所学新单词和短语。 2.       完成相关练习。


unit4 reading 2 1. as usual2. whisper   v.&n.      sound  n.&v.  noise  n.    voice  n. 3.frightened & afraidbe frightened   be afraid (that )   be afraid of sth   be afraid to do sth4. on one’s way to a place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longer


【当堂巩固】(经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一、翻译词组1乘火箭____________     2转身______________     3.不寻常的事___________________4.在我回家的路上____________________      5.朝树后看____________________________6.发出象低语的声音____________________    7. 自言自语___________________________8.照顾____________________________        9下个星期天__________________________10.把你的眼睛睁着__________________       11.在同时_____________________________12从地球旅行去月球___________________________4页,当前第21234

7B Unit 4 Reading 2教学案

二、改错题1. he was frightened when he listened the whisper. ________2. sudden, they found the way to the shop. ________3. they are cleaning the classroom as usually________4. do you want o buy something strange? ________5. on their way to home ,they met andy________6. they could not see nothing  in the bushes. ________7. what happen with you ? ________8. i turned around and saw unusual something. ________三、翻译句子。1.他昨天在回家的路上发现路上有只小白狗,然后他把它带回了家。_______________________________________2.那只猫非常虚弱。_______________________________________3.当它喵喵叫时,发出像低语一样的_______________________________________4.他们转过身去,发现了一些重要东西_______________________________________ 四、单项选择1. fish sleep with their eyes _________.a. open        b. opened       c. closed      d. close2. everybody is __________ in the _______ story.a. interesting  interested          b. interested   interestingc. interested   interested          d. interesting   interesting3. the trip is _______. we have great ________.a. fun, funny      b. funny,  funny      c. fun, fun    d. funny, fun4. on their way __________, they were very happy.a. to home       b. home         c. to the home.5. please be _________ of the dog. look after your sister ________.a. carefully, carefully    b. careful, carefully   c. carefully,  careful6. the little cat __________ a sound _________ a whisper.a. made, like     b. make, like    c. makes, as7. please help me ________ my english.a. with         b. in             c. on8. _________ a bag on the back, the boy got on the bus.a. has         b with       c. there are     d. be9. --- will you come to the party next sunday?  --- ________. i will be on business in shanghai by then.a.i think so.      b. i’d like to.      c. i’m afraid so          d. i’m afraid not4页,当前第31234

7B Unit 4 Reading 2教学案

10. he is hungry now because he came to school ________ breakfast.a. with      b. not eat      c. not have     d. without11. i have ________ to tell you.a. anything important b. something important c. important something  d. everything importantvocabulary【自学探究】一、预习本课的单词,弄清他们的词义和词性,把不会读的单词写下来__________________________________________________________二、一起来想想crazy的用法吧。  a. be crazy about/on.表示“醉心于”“痴迷于”   he is crazy on/about skiing .他痴迷于滑雪。b.be crazy for sth .表示“渴望某物”;be crazy for sb.表示“迷恋某人”。如:他渴望有一台电脑。_______________________________三、通过预习,你能说出be fond of 后面接什么吗?_______________________四、翻译词组。1. 痴迷于…___________ 2. 喜欢…____________3. 一个努力学习的学生__________4. (狗)朝…叫______________________ 5. 把他叫醒_____________________________4页,当前第41234