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Unit 7 What does he look like

Unit 7 What does he look like

unit 7 what does he look like?

            taught by  zhang shuhui yang jinquan ge yanxia               li songling liu mei

i. language goal:

key words: short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, thin, heavy, bald;

          brown, blonde;

          glasses, hair, beard, mustache.

new language:

         what do you look like? i’m short. and i have curly hair.

         what do they look like? they’re medium height. and they have short hair.

         what does he look like? he’s heavy and he wears glasses.

         what does she look like? she’s thin and she has long hair.

ii. importance: describing people. such as tall or short… and who has long hair and short hair…

difficulties: use the sentences correctly to describe the physical appearance.

iii. teaching steps:

section a

step 1 greetings

step 2 ask some students to name some ways of describing people. start students off with examples such as tall and short. point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.

step 3 some new words about this part

(1a) this activity introduces the key vocabulary. ask students to read the list of words. point to the letters next to the people in the picture. point out the sample answer. at last, check the answers.

(1b) this activity provides guided listening and writing practice the target language.

    play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.

    correct the answers.

language points: 1.he’s the tall boy with the curly hair.

(1c)this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. ask the students to ask and answer the questions. then have students work in pairs. as they talk, move around the room monitoring their work.

language points:

2.what does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?

look like “看起来像,看起来是……的样子”like 作介词,意为“像….”

eg. what’s he like?

   jack is very like his father.

look like 看起来像  the girl look like her mother.

look 看起来 后加形容词作表语 his sister looks happy.

look the same 看起来很像 the twins look the same. 8页,当前第112345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

(2a)this activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

point to the list of nice phrases and ask a students to read them to the class. play the recording twice. and complete the answers. then correct the answers.

(2b)ask the students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after each person’s name.

(3)writing practice: have students do the activity individually. offer help as necessary.

(grammar focus) review the grammar box. ask students to read the questions and answers. point out: ①does, goes-----you, they      do, go--------he, she.

          ②i’m, they’re, he’s and she’s -----height

(3a)this activity provides reading practice using the target language. have a student read the first description. check the answers.

language points:

3.she has a medium build, and she has long hair. 她体格中等,留着长发。

①medium ,adj.中间的,中等的,普通的  a man of medium height    medium size

②build 多用作动词,但在句中是名词,意为体格。

his uncle is a man of strong build.

they are building a new school.

③hair 常用作集合名词,“头发,毛发”

mr green has blond hair.

his mother’s hair is turning gray.


my father has quite a few gray hairs.

4.she’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她很漂亮,但是有点不大爱说话。

①a little bit 常用于口语中,“稍微,有些,少许”相当于副词。接近于a little.

  it’s a little bit cold today.

  i feel a little tired now.

  this shirt is a little too large for me.

②quiet 是形容词,“寡言的,稳重的,温顺的”

  his daughter is a quiet child.

③good-looking, beautiful, pretty与handsome

  good-looking 常用于指容貌美,beautiful 表示接近和谐理想的美; pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示“可爱,令人怜爱”;handsome 指容貌端正英俊的,形容女性时,作“健美的”。他们常用于一些特定的人或事物。







man (男性)
























 5.xu qian loves to tell jokes .俆倩喜欢说笑话。

①love 在本句中为“喜欢, 热爱”常可用于“love+doing/ to do”的结构中。

his brother loves jazz.

miss read loves her cat more than anything else.

they all love to dance .

love 作动词还常表示为“爱,疼爱,爱惜”

they both love each other. 

②tell jokes 意思为“说笑话”,类似的短语还有 tell a story, tell a lie, tell the truth.8页,当前第212345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

6.she never stops  talking.他从来都是喋喋不休的说。

①never    是副词,意思为“决不,永不,从未,一点也不”

  never 通常置于一般动词之前,be动词、助动词之后。

  i never get up early sunday morning.

  she is never late for school.


  they spoke never a word to each other.

           never 可依置于命令动词之前。

never eat too much.

②stop doing / stop to do

  stop 后接动名词,表示停下动名词所指的动作; stop 后接不定式,表示停下其他事情,去做不定时所指的动作。

he stopped drinking water.  他停下(不再)喝水。

he stopped to drink water.   他停下(停下手)来喝水。

7.he likes reading and playing chess. 他喜欢读书下棋。

①read 多指看文字性的东西,“看”实际上就是“读”,作及物动词和不及物动词都可以。

 children usually like reading picture-books.

 don’t read in the sun.

②look 为不及物动词,后面接宾语时,需用介词at,表示看的过程,强调有意识的动作,多用来唤起别人的注意。

look! who’s the man under the tree?

③see 能用作及物动词后接宾语,也可用作不及物动词,着重于看的结果,“看到,看见”


can you see the kite in the tree?

固定搭配:see a doctor    see a film

④watch 为及物动词,用来指非常仔细的、有目的或特意的动作,表示“注视、观看、监视”。

my parents often watch me do my homework..

the teacher often watch them playing games.

注意:看电视,看比赛 习惯上多用watch表示,即:watch tv, watch a game.

⑤play chess 意思为下棋,play常可作“比赛,竞赛”等,但要注意,play 与比赛、游戏用在一起时,比赛游戏前不加冠词。

let’s play football after school.

look! they are playing cards under the tree.

(3b)practice the target language.

   have two students read out the example dialogue in the speech bubbles. and then have several pairs present their dialogues to the class.

(4)ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.

step 4 do some exercises to practice.

step 5 blackboard design

step 6.homework.

    ① read all the words and remember the key words and can use freely.

 ②say some sentences about one person’s appearance.

section b

step 1 greetings

step 2 some new words about this part

step 3

(1a)introduces the key vocabulary.

write the letter next to the picture in front of the words. point out the sample answer.

(1b)oral and practice.  ask some students to read the sentences they completed. have other students say whether the sentences are right or wrong.8页,当前第312345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

(2a.2b)listening and writing.

play the recording the first time, then , play it again, this time, students fill in the blanks in the chart.

(2c)oral practice.

   ask students to work in small groups.

(3a)reading and writing.

read the magazine to the class. point out the blanks in the chart.

(3b)writing practice.

ask the students to finish the activity on their own. then, correct the answers.

(3c)ask students to name their favorite actors or musicians. ask each student to choose an actor or musician and write a short description of the person.

read some of the completed description to the class and have students guess who the person is.

language points:

8.he wear glasses. 他戴着眼镜。

 wear 与put on

wear 表示穿在身上的状态;而 put on 指穿戴的动作。

all the students must wear uniforms in our school.

it’s cold outside. put on your sweater.

wear 的进行时常用以表示暂时的状态。

she is wearing a white dress today.

9.he doesn’t have long, curly hair. 他没有留着卷曲的长发。

句中的have 表示特征、性质的,意思为“具有……; 有…...”

she has dark hair and blue eyes.

a giraffe has a long neck..


i don’t have any cash with me.

10.i don’t think he’s so great. 我认为他没有那么棒。

“think + that从句”, 如果需要表示否定含义, 通常否定前移。

i don’t think it will rain tomorrow.

句中的so 是副词,“那么,如此的”。通常置于所修饰的形容词或副词之前。

he is so young that he can’t go to school.

don’t so fast. we can’t follow you.

step 4 do some exercises to practice.

step 5 blackboard design

step 6.homework.

    ① read all the words and remember the key words and can use freely.

      ② writing. write a short description of a person.

self check

(1)comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.

ask students to check all the words they know. ask students to find out the meaning of any words they don’t know.

(2)ask students to write five new words in their vocab-builder.

after students have recorded their new words, ask them to share their lists with other students.

(3) this activity checks students’ ability to write descriptions of people using the target language. have students do the activity individually.


   通过本单元的学习,学生对人的外貌描写有了一个大致的了解,可以说出一些描述性的句子,比如说:what do you look like? i’m short. and i have curly hair./ i’m medium height./ i’m thin and i have long hair.但是,当给学生出示一篇写人物的作文时,很多学生有点束手无措,还是需要进一步加强写作训练。8页,当前第412345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

unit 8 what is john like?





4. 谈论自己所喜欢的个性并说明原因


that’s peter.

what’s he like?

he’s very funny.

who’s the tall kid?

he’s peter’s brother.


what, who 引导的特殊疑问句



serious, unfriendly, generous, outgoing, shy, funny, friendly, smart, interesting, easygoing, moody, very, kind of, really



period 1

step 1. greeting: good morning.

step 2.  in this unit, we’ll learn to talk about what people are like. ask the student:

who is that?   that’s mike.

what’s he like?   he’s shy.

what’s she like?   she’s unfriendly.

read the new words: serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly

ask and answer like this :

what’s he like? he’s friendly.

what’s she like? she is smart.

step 3. listen and find billy, angela, and jane. number them in the pictures(1-3)

pairwork: a: what’s he like?   b: he’s…..

        a: what’s jane like?   b: she’s….

explain some words or some phrases:

1.该句是询问“认识某人,知道某人”,know 作动词,意为:认识,知道

如:do you know her name?


 do you know his phone number?


如果要表示:了解某人的事情,可用句型:know sth. about sb.如: i know everything about her.她的一切我都知道。


如:what’s he like?


he’s very naughty.


step 4. 自我评价




step 5. do some exercises

step 6. summary



period 2.

step 1. greeting: good morning

step 2. go over some new words. and go on studying the following words: relationship, personality, sunglasses, hobby, easygoing, outgoing, generous, moody, appearance

step 3. let’s introduce your family members. i’m sure you all have family photos. let’s work in group and investigate the personalities of your family members or your friends.8页,当前第512345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

step 4. let’s come to 2a. listen and circle the words you hear.

2b. listen again . draw lines to match the words in the chart above.

2c. pairwork. look at the chart in activity and make your own conversations.

then come to the grammar focus:

who’s that? that’s mike. he’s peter’s brother.

what’s he like? he’s funny.

who’s that? that’s mary. she’s my classmate.

what’s she like? she’s serious.

step 5. 推选组长和班长的活动


step 6 猜猜我是谁


step 7. explain some uses of the words and phrases.

1. peter’s brother中的peter’s是名词所有格形式。名词所有格是用来表示:某人的。。。,某事的。。。。某物的。。。。,表示一种所属关系,构成方法主要可分为两种。

(1)    单数名词:一般在词尾加“s” 如:the boy’s book 男孩的书  the student’s room 学生的房间 

如果单词最后的字母是 “s”, 在词尾加”s” 或 “’”  。

如:engels’s/ engels’ works恩格斯的著作。  

dickens’ novels狄更斯的小说

(2)    复数名词:以 “s” 结尾的复数名词后加 “’” 。

如:the students’ reading room 学生阅览室

the smiths’ house 史密斯家的房子

一些不以“s”结尾的复数名词应在起后加 “s”.

如:children’s readings 儿童读物

    sheep’s wool 羊毛

    international labour women’s day


2.当询问某人是谁时,用疑问代词who 引出特殊疑问句。在这类的疑问句中常用this, that 等指示代词而少用she 或he 等人称代词。

当询问某时诗歌什么样的人时,常用what 引出一个特殊疑问句。句中的like 是介词,表示:象。。。一样的。这种句型与前面所学的look like 的含义不同。 look like 是指某人外在的特征。而be like 是指某人所有的性格以及一些内在的东西。

step 8. summary.



period 3.

step 1. greeting

step 2. go over the words and go on studying the following words: exchange, exchange student, the u.s, los angeles, application, form, canadian, america, fifty, blackboard.

step 3. read the following sentences:

what is john like ? do you know peter?

he’s very serious.

he’s the tall kid with short hair.

he looks so serious. he is very smart.

he can speak a little chinese, such as….

make a dialogue with the sentences.8页,当前第612345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

step 4. let’s come to the text:

look at the section b.

1.    match the words with the people in the pictures. (read them several times)

2a. mary is an exchange student in australia. listen to her talk to a friend in canada. what are mary’s friends like? fill in the chart under “personality”.

2b. listen again. what do mary’s friends look like? fill in the chart under “appearance”

2c. pairwork. take turns to ask and answer questions. talk about alan, linda, and alice.

for example: who’s that? that’s alan.

what’s he like?   he’s funny and outgoing.

3a. read the letter and fill in amy’s application form.

3b. read the information below. then write a letter about kim.

step 5. writing. now write a letter about yourself.

step 6. explain some uses of the phrases

1.此处的like 作介词,意为:和。。。一样,象。。。。一般地。常用来表示在作法上或在程度上象。。。。

如:i wish i could swim like a dolphin.


his sister acts like a lady.


2.此处的friendly 是形容词,意为:友好的。friendly to sb. 意为:对。。。友好。“to”介词也可写成”toward”.

如:people are usually friendly to foreign tourists.


如果要表示:与某人有着友好的关系,可用be friendly with sb.

如:i’m friendly with my workmates.


3.a little是一短语,意为:一些的,一点的,置于不可数名词前。

如:will you eat a little cake?


be careful! there is a little water on the floor.


注意:  little可以单独使用,但意思是:几乎没有,很少的。相当于否定,置于不可数名词前。

如:i have little time for reading.


he has little patience.


4.for example是个介词短语,意为:例如。用于表示列举。

如:he is good at ball games, for example football, basketball and volleyball.


you can not smoke in some public places, for example in the hospital, in the library or on the plane.


step 7.选择适合自己的职业


step 8. summary.



period 4.

step 1. greeting .

step 2. go over the words and sentences in this unit. read the words in the box. and say out the meanings, then make sentences or dialogue with them.8页,当前第712345678

Unit 7 What does he look like

step 3. let’s come to 3a. read the article and fill in the form.

name: mr. smith  age: fifty   nationality: america   likes: drawing

appearance: short with long hair

personality: friendly, smart

3b. here is some information about another new foreign teacher at your school. write a paragraph about her.

step 4. activity 成功的性格


step 5. 写出自己理想的性格特征。

step 6. summary.


