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七年级英语上册module 9 unit 3导学案(外研版)

七年级英语上册module 9 unit 3导学案(外研版)

                         module 9 people and places

       unit3 language in use 

[学习目标]  (1) 能听懂对话所谈论的内容。

           (2) 掌握本单元的单词,能够正确使用现在进行时[学习重点]


[学习难点] (1).掌握动词现在分词的特殊变化形式。

          (2). 学习并掌握现在进行时




1. has _____ 2. lie _____ 3. play _____ 4. carry _____ 5. does _____

6. watch ______ 7. wash _____ 8. have _____ 9. see _____ 10. drive _____

11. be_____ 12. run _____ 13. listen _____ 14. open _____ 15. begin _____

16. get ______ 17. make _____ 18. sit _____ 19. shop _____ 20. happen ______



   1. don’t make any noise. the baby _____ (sleep).

2. the kind woman often _____ (wash) clothes for the children.

3. listen! jane ___ (sing) in the next room. she often _____ (sing) after school.

4. thank you for _____ (call) me up.

5. it’s twelve o’clock. they _____ (have) lunch.




1. listen! mike ____ (sing) in his room. he often ____ (sing) songs in his room after class.

2. look! the boy _____ (swim) in the river. he _____ (swim) in it every saturday.

3. it’s five o’clock. they ___ (lie) in the sun. they like ___ (lie) in the sun on weekends.

4. --where is your mother? –oh, she _____ (wash) clothes near the river.

5. the doctor comes _____ (see) the little monkey.

6. let’s _____ (go) to the park. would you like _____ (go) with us?

7. it’s twelve o’clock. they _____ (not have) lunch. they _____ (run) on the playground.

8. tony _____ (not like) playing football. she likes _____ (play) basketball.

9. look! these are the _____ (twins) books.

10. are these your _____ (dictionary)?

11. eating too much sweet food is bad for your _____ (tooth).

12. this is _____ (lily and lucy) mother, and these are ____(lily and lucy) rooms.



1. there’s a purse _____ (lie) on the ground.

2. look! lily _____ ¬¬¬(stand) next to her mother.

3.—where’s your father?—he _____ ¬¬¬(take) photos over there.

4. do you _____ ¬¬¬(real) like the school trip?2页,当前第112

七年级英语上册module 9 unit 3导学案(外研版)

5. his parents are _____ ¬¬¬(buy) books for him as his birthday presents.



1. 孩子们在公园里玩得很高兴。

the children ____________________ in the park.

2. 快点!李明在公共汽车站等你呢。

hurry up! li lei ____________________ you at the bus stop.

3. 无论如何,这次旅行真是太好了。

_____, this trip is _____ very nice.

4. –这些女孩在给她们的妈妈打电话吗?--不,他们在商店买冰激凌呢。

--_____ these girls _____ their mothers? – no, they__________ in the shop.

5. 看!我爷爷正躺在阳光下和奶奶说话呢。

look! my grandfather is __________ and __________ my grandmother.
