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unit 1

一、 单元总述


(一) 教学目标:

1. 基础知识:

单词:dream, palace, capital, balcony, cushion, beach, sea, bunk, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, cupboard, bookshelf, shower, lamp, wardrobe, sink, bath, basin, in front of, opposite, chalk, air conditioner, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, mirror, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool, football pitch



2. 基本技能:


3. 情感态度:


4. 学习策略:


5. 文化意识:


(二) 重点概览

重点词汇:dream, capital, beach, sea, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, bookshelf, shower, lamp, bath, in front of, chalk, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool

重点句型:the capital of japan is tokyo.  your home is different from mine.   i like your garden behind the kitchen.   i share a room with my cousin. may i speak to…., please?   who’s calling, please? my phone number is …… please ask him to call me. i’ll ask him to call you back.37页,当前第112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637




             comic strip and welcome to the unit


1.你曾经梦想(   )自己有个家吗?你想过自己会住在一间宫殿 (   )里面吗?

2.聪明的你知道不知道美国的首都是华盛顿(      );英国的首都是伦敦(    );法国的首都是巴黎(     );日本的首都是东京(     );俄罗斯的首都是莫斯科(    );泰国的首都是曼谷(    )?



 china _________   france _____________   england ____________

 america ________  russia _____________   thailand ____________

 japan  _________ 


1. 你想住在宫殿里吗?

______ you _____ to live in a _______?

2. 那个老人想住在旅馆的隔壁。

the old man _______ to live _____ _____ a ________.

3. 你最喜欢的城市是哪个?

which is your ______ ______?

4. 最大的那个是我的。

the ______ one is ______.



1. the capital of china is _________.

2. the capital of america is _______.

3. the capital of england is _______.

4. the capital of thailand is _______.

5. the capital of russia is ________.

6. the capital of japan is _______.


1. would you like to live in a palace?(同义句)

   ______ ______ ______ to live in a palace?

2. i’d like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问)

   ______ _____ ____ _____ to live?

3. the biggest one is my favourite.(同上)

   _______ ______ is your favourite.

4. the capital of china is beijing.(同上)

   _______ _____ is the capital of china?

5. there are many restaurants in beijing.(同上)

  ______ _____ ______ many restaurants?



(       ) 1. toykyo                   a. france

(       ) 2. paris                     b. china

(       ) 3. beijing                   c. thailand37页,当前第212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637


(       ) 4. moscow                  d. russia

(       ) 5. london                   e. the uk

(       ) 6. bangkok                  f. the usa

(       ) 7. washington dc            g. japan


1. would you like an apple? (同义句)

  ______ ______ ______ an apple?

2. i’d like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问)

  _______ _______ _______ ______ to live?

3. the biggest restaurant is my favourite.(划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ is your favourite?

4. the capital of japan is tokyo. (划线部分提问)

  _______ ______ is the capital of japan?

5. he’d like to live here.(改为一般疑问句)

  _____ ____ _____ to live here?



   paris is the ______ of ______.

2. 你最喜欢的饮料是什么?

    ______ is your ______ ______?

3. 他想住在你家隔壁吗?

    _____ _____ _____ to live _____ ____ your house?

4. 最大的那个房间是我的。

    _____ ______ room is ______.

5. 哪个是你的自行车?红色的那辆。

    _____ is your bike? the _____ _____.

4. 相关知识链接:


希腊----雅典     英国----伦敦    法国----巴黎     挪威----奥斯陆     意大利----罗马

摩纳哥---摩纳哥  比利时---布鲁塞尔   卢森堡---卢森堡   西班牙---马德里

匈牙利---布达佩斯  俄罗斯---莫斯科   罗马尼亚---布加勒斯特    波兰---华沙

南斯拉夫---贝尔格莱德   荷兰----阿姆斯特丹  捷克----布拉格   葡萄牙----里斯本

瑞典----斯德哥尔摩     德国----柏林     梵蒂冈----梵蒂冈城

5. 课外拓展探究:


ann is ___1___ english girl. she is fourteen. she is a ___2___ student. her teacher is miss white. ann helps her to put ___3___ books and ruler on the desk.

they have a new ___4___. in it you can ___5___ 40 desks and chairs. a blackboard, a clock and a map are ___6___ the wall.37页,当前第312345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637


there are some pens on the desks. the red ___7___ is ann’s, the others are kate’s. kate is ann’s ___8___ friend. she isn’t ___9___ here today. she is ill.

look at the clock. it’s about four o’clock. it’s time ___10___ and play games.

(       )1. a. a      b. an       c. the        d. /

(       )2. a. middle school        b. middle school

          c. middle school’s       d. middle school’s

(       )3. a. my      b. your       c. his       d. her

(       )4. a. room     b. class      c. grade     d. classroom

(       )5. a. look      b. look at     c. see      d. see at

(       )6. a. on        b. in         c. at       d. to

(       )7. a. pens      b. pencil      c. one      d. ones

(       )8. a. fine      b. good        c. nice     d. right

(       )9. a. /         b. at          c. on       d. of

(       )10. a. comes    b. go         c. to come   d. to



                          reading (ⅰ)


你想知道stephen, madee, neil, anna四个人住在什么地方,他们的家居又有什么特点吗?好,现在我就带你分别到他们家走走。37页,当前第412345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637




1. where does stephen live?

2. how many rooms are there in stephen’s house?

3. what place is stephen’s favourite?

4. where does madee live?

5. who does madee live with?

6. how many people are there in madee’s family?

7. where does neil live?

8. which room is neil’s favourite in the house?

9. where does anna live?

10. is anna’s flat big?



根据文章判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写t, 错误的写f。

(      ) 1. stephen lives in a small house in long beach, california.

(      ) 2. there are 12 rooms in stephen’s house.

(      ) 3. stephen can watch tv on the balcony.

(      ) 4. madee lives in a small town in thailand.

(      ) 5. madee climbs a ladder to get into her house.

(      ) 6. madee has her own room.

(      ) 7. neil lives in a big house in a town near london.

(      ) 8. neil’s favourite room is the kitchen.

(      ) 9. neil often watches tv in the sitting room.

(      ) 10. anna lives in the center of moscow.

(      ) 11. anna lives in a very large flat.

(      ) 12. anna’s neighbours are friendly.

2). 重点热点点击


1.tom likes chatting ______ friends ______ the balcony.

2. they often sit ______ the floor cushions and look out ______ the beach.

3. madee lives ______ a small town _____ thailand.

4. her house is _____ a river.

5. she often climbs a ladder to get _____  her house.

6. _____ the evenings, neil watches tv ____ the sitting room.

7. amy lives _____the center ______ moscow ______ her family _____ a flat _____ a busy street. 



1. sit, cushions, we, on, and, out, look, beach, the, at, the


2. dog, i, sleeps, and, have, the, in, a, garden, he


3. my, with, i, live, family, house, a, in, wooden


4. think, friends, it, beautiful, my, is quiet, very, here, and


5. a, with, i, my, bedroom, share, sister



climb ladders, chat with, read comics, in a flat, over a river

1. i often ________ on a balcony.

2. ann likes to ______ friends on the phone.37页,当前第512345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637


3. my uncle lives _____ on a busy street.

4. people in thailand usually ______ to get into their houses.

5. there is a bridge ________.


1. where do you live?

2. do you have your own bedroom?

3. my favourite room is…

4. our house/ flat is in a quiet place.

5. do you sleep on bunk beds?

6. where do you your homework?

i live _________________________________________






  不能问女士的年龄 英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的。如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声“你看上去好年轻”更好的恭维了。毫无疑问,每个女士的发型、化妆和衣着都是为了让自己看起来更美丽、更年轻,但是如果她的打扮让人感到太刻意,那么别人就会带着非难的口吻说她“显得俗气”。

不能砍价 在英国购物,最忌讳的是砍价。英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情。如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或数量很大的商品时,你也需要小心地与卖方商定一个全部的价钱。英国人很少讨价还价,如果他们认为一件商品的价钱合适就买下,不合适就走开。





   this is wendy. she is from canada. she is 14 years old. she loves playing computer games. she wears glasses. she is good at dancing. wendy’s parents are english teachers in china. her brother’s name is tim. he was born in china. he’s 4 years old. he’s young. he doesn’t go to school. their grandfather looks after him.

(      )1. wendy is clever at dancing.

(      )2. wendy and tim’s grandfather goes to work.

(      )3. tim is a canadian boy.

(      )4. tim wears glasses.

(      )5. wendy’s family is in china now.




                        reading (ⅱ)





1. he lives in long b_______, california.

2. i like the b_______ because i can play games there.

3. we sit on the big floor c_______.

4. i have b_______ beds in my bedroom.

5. i live in a small t_____ in thailand.

6. the old man lives in a w______ house.

7. he often climbs a l_______ to get into my house.

8. the house is very beautiful and q_______.

9. my parents live in the c______ of beijing.

10. lily s______ a bedroom with lucy.




1. 住在一间大房子里 _____________ 2 朝外看着海滩和大海___________

3.有双人床        ______________4 一个小镇         ____________

5.一间木头房子    ______________6 爬楼梯进入房子   ____________

7.做饭            ______________8 在客厅里         ____________

9.在花园里睡觉    ______________10 莫斯科市中心    ____________

11.在一个繁忙的街道______________12 跟我的姐姐分享一个卧室_____

2). 重点热点点击



   my ______ _____ is the _______.


   we like ______ ______ the big ______ _______.


   i have a ______ ______ in my room.


   my friends think this is ______.


   they often ______ the ______ to _____ _____ the house.


   he lives _____ _____ _____ and his parents live ____ ____ ____ ____.


   he ______ a bedroom _____ his brother.


   it is _______ but it ______ _____ _____ there.


   my family and i often sit _____ _____ ____ _____ my mother ____ ______.


   the boy lives with his parents _____ _____ _____ on a _____ _____.




1. i like watching the _______(海滩) in hawaii.

2. do you like living in a small _______(镇)?

3. the boy lives with his family in a _______ (木制的)house.

4. his house is ______(在…上面) a river.

5. they often use those ______ (梯子)to get into their houses.

6. he has his ______(自己的) room.

7. he lives in the ______(中心) of nanjing.

8. there are many ______ (公寓)in this building.

9. he often _____(分享) an apple with his sister.

10. my ______(邻居) are friendly.


1. thank you for ______(give) me the presents.

2. can he ______(chat) with his friends in the sitting room?

3. he would like ______(share) the room with his brother.

4. he spends two hours every day _______(practise) _____(speak) english.

5. i have lots of things ______(buy).

6. i’m sorry he has no time _____(talk) to you now.

7. do you like _____(read) story books?

8. look! the boys ____(play) basketball on the playground.

9. are you good at ______(sing)?

10. let him _____(go).


1. he lives in a large house in london.

  ______ ______ he ______ in london?

2. his favourite place is the balcony.

  ______ ______ is his favourite?

3. i would like to live in a small town.

  _____ _____ _____ ____ to live?

4. i climb a ladder to get into the house.

  _____ _____ _____ climb to get into the house?

5. he lives with his family in a wooden house.

  _____ _____ ______ live with in a wooden house?

6. my favourite room is the sitting room.

  ______ favourite room is the sitting room?

7. my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.

 ______ ______ your family and you _____ in the kitchen?

8. i share a bedroom with my sister.

  ______ ______ do you share a bedroom?



鞠躬礼,是下级对上级或同级之间的礼节。行鞠躬时要脱帽,右手握住帽檐中央将帽 子取下,左手下垂,上身前倾约十五度,两眼注视受礼者,同时表示问候。

握手礼,是全世界通用的礼节。起源于欧洲,最初是表示手里没有武器或亲切的意思 。行握手礼时要客人先伸出手时才能握手。握手时一般不戴手套,但尊贵的人和女人可戴 手套。行礼时忌交叉行礼,和女人握手不可太紧。

  点头礼,是同级或平辈人之间的礼节。如在路上相遇, 可在行进间进行。如遇见长官 、上级或长者,不行点头礼,而行鞠躬礼。



  吻手礼,是欧美上层社会的礼节。和贵族妇女或夫人见面时,如果女方先伸出手作下 垂式,则将手掌轻轻托起吻之。如果女方不伸手,则不行吻手礼。

  接吻礼,是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈或朋友、夫妻之间表示亲昵、爱抚的一种礼节。 通常是在受礼者脸上或额上接吻。在高兴、喜庆或悲伤时,一般也行接吻礼,表示亲热或 安慰。



     children in the usa like k day very much. k is for kites. march 7 is the day. on that day lots of children go out in the open air. they take their kites with them. one kite is very big. others are small. they are in different colours. every kite has a long string.

      to get the kites up, the children begin to run. they let out the string from the ball in their hands. now the kites are flying in the air. how nice they look.

      now all of their kites are high up in the air. some are higher than others. the one like a bird is the highest. but what’s wrong? it’s flying away! the string is broken.

      another kite gets away, and more kites fly. but the children are running after them. they want to get them back. people are watching them and laughing.


1. when do a lot of children go out in the pen air?

2. what do they take with them on that day?

3. which kite is the highest?


4. what are people doing?


5. what’s the story about?








1.               2.           3.

_____________               ____________           __________________

4.               5.      6.  37页,当前第912345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637


_____________               _____________           ________________




1. the bookshelf is in the kitchen.  (      )

2. the sink is in the bedroom.      (      )

3. the fridge is in the kitchen.      (      )

4. the bed is in the bedroom.       (      )

5. the bath is in the bathroom.      (      )

6. the computer is in the bathroom.  (      )

7. the toilet is in the sitting room.    (      )

8. the lamp is in the bedroom.      (      )

9. the basin is in the bedroom.      (      )

10. the sofa is in the bathroom.      (       )

2). 重点热点点击


1. 两个碗橱 ______________ 2 许多书架______________

3. 在衣橱里 _______________4 我的那些台灯__________

5. 在淋浴间________________ 6 他的面盆________________

7. 在浴缸里 ________________8 在洗碗池上_______________



1. the ______(碗橱) is in the kitchen.

2. those ______ (书架)are very beautiful.

3. my father is in the ______ (淋浴间)now.

4. the _______(台灯) on the desk are all mine.

5. put your clothes in the ______(衣橱), please.

6. can you see the bowls in the ______(洗碗池)? wash them now.

7. he like taking a ______(沐浴).

8. the football shoes are in the _____(面盆).


1.do you like _____(have) a bath in the bathroom?

2. thank you for _____(bring) me the book.

3. can you _____(wash) the dishes?

4. he enjoys ______(chat) with his friends on the balcony.

5. would he like ______(exercise) in the garden?

6. do you often spend an hour ______(read) books every day?

7. my mother has no time _____(cook) for us.

8. he has many books _____(read).





英国古典家具美观、优雅而且调和,喜爱使用饰条及雕刻的桃花心木,给人的感觉是沉稳、 典雅。在英国的古典家具中就能常见到雕刻木质嵌花图案,一股古典韵味扑面而来。英国老家具有别于其他国家的欧式古典家具,浑厚简洁是十八世纪末、十九世纪初英国老家具的独特风格,历经岁月的洗礼与沉淀,留下亲切而沉静的韵味,英国老家具就跟老朋友似的,让人体会到亲切而真挚的感受。



jack and sally are brother and sister. they are twins. they like to swim and ride a bike. they look very happy. but not all of their favourite games are the same. jack likes to play football and sally likes to make something, but jack can’t. sally can sing very well and jack can throw the yo-yo very well. sally wants a go. both of them like flying kites, too. they often fly kites near their houses.

(     ) 1. they both like _______.

       a. swimming         b. riding a bike    c. flying kites   d. all of them

(     )2. where do they fly kites?

       a. near the river      b. on a hill        c. near their houses  d. at school

(     )3. what does sally like?

       a. football          b. basketball       c. volleyball     d. singing

(     )4. what does jack like doing?

a. playing football    b. making things.  c. swimming.  d. both a and c.





   同学们!我们的好朋友 daniel 来信了。他在(   )一年级七班。他坐在millie 的后面(      ). 紧挨(     )着sandy .同时daniel又要到盐城了。他想知道如何联系你们。想得到更多的关于daniel信息吗?跟我来吧?


一. 请你看一看daniel的教室,你能用正确的介词来描述他们的位置吗?37页,当前第1112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637