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Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?(section A)

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?(section A)

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?(section a)

ⅰteaching aims and demands

1. knowledge objects

key vocabulary

target language

what do you think of game shows?

i love them.

what do you think of soap operas?

i can’t stand them.

i don’t mind them.

2. ability object

train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

train students’ communicative competence.

3. moral object

the language learned today is a little difficult. do as much practice as possible.

ⅱ. teaching key points

   the target language

   use the target language to talk about likes and dislikes.

ⅲ. teaching difficulties

   the structure: what do you think of…?

   the agreement.

  train students’ ability of reading comprehension.

ⅳ. teaching methods

   scene teaching method.

   listening and oral practice methods.


ⅴ. teaching aids

   a tape recorder

   a computer

ⅵ. teaching procedures


greet the class as usual.

check the homework.

stepⅱ 1a 1b

       match the tv shows with the pictures. write the letter of each picture on the blank line before the correct word.

    play a recording of a conversation. listen to what mark says about the tv shows in 1a. write the letter of them on the blank lines before the words he uses.

stepⅲ 1c

 get students to work in pairs. please work in pairs. say” what do you think of the tv shows. you must answer the question truthfully.”

stepⅳ 2a 2b

1. play a recording. the people are talking about tv shows using these words. listen and number the words in the order s you hear them.

2. play the same recording again. you are to listen and fill in the blanks.

stepⅴ 2c  grammar focus

     work with a partner. talk about a show you both know. tell about you like and don’t like about the show and the people in it.

  ask students to read the questions and answers in the grammar box in pairs.

  give students some more personal pronouns as subjects to make sentences.

stepⅵ 3a  3b

     1.get information from your partner by asking questions and then fill in the chart.

     2. fill in the blanks, using  the information in the chart in 3a.

stepⅶ 4

       write the names of more tv shows in the first column. then write your likes or dislikes in the second column.

     put students into groups of five. ask your group mates questions to find the students who agree with you.2页,当前第112

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?(section A)

stepⅷ summary

summary the target language we’ve learned in this class.

stepⅸ homework

       read and recite the questions and answers in the grammar box.

blackboard design

unit 11 what do you think of  game shows?

what do you think of sitcom?

i love it.

what does she think of dumpling king?

she doesn’t like it.
