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Unit7 At Christmas

2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型。whose …… is it /are they?  it’s /they’re mine /yours/his/hers/ours/theirs.
4.会唱歌曲my shirt’s black.
教学重点:能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型。whose …… is it /are they?  it’s /they’re mine /yours/his/hers/ours.
 warm up
1.daily work (one student asks some questions)
2.the teacher talks about the school things with the students. at the same time, the teacher collects the school things.
3.find out the owners.
a: whose …… is it /are they?
b: it’s/they’re ……’s , i think.
(一)mine and yours.
1.t: whose ball pen is it ?s: it’s ……’s .
 t: no , it’s not his/hers. it’s my ball pen . it’s mine.(屏现)
2.学生拿出自己准备的东西,操练it’s my ……. it’s mine.
3.当学生在说的时候,教师重复学生的话,yes , it’s your ……, it’s yours.(屏现)
4.find out the owners, too.同时收取学生的东西。
a: whose ……is it ?b: it’s  ’s ,  i think.
a: is it yours, ?     c: yes, it’s mine / no, it isn’t mine.
(二)ours and yours.
t: whose …… are they?s: they’re our …….
t: they’re our …….they’re ours.(屏现)
ss: 学生拿自己的东西操练。
t: 当学生在说的时候,教师重复学生的话,yes,they’re your …… they’re yours. (屏现)
(三)his, hers and theirs.
1.t: what date is it ?  it’s dec.25th.
t: what holiday is it ?  it’s christmas day.(屏现)
t: look, there’s a christmas tree. what are there under the tree?
there’re some christmas presents . they’re for jim’s family. (屏现)
2. t: look at the present , what’s in it ?     ss: maybe it’s …….
  t: it’s a watch.   s: make some phrases or sentences with “watch”.
  t : whose present is it ?  s: maybe it’s …….
  t: it’s dad’s present.  it’s his present . it’ s his .(屏现)
3.同上教学,hairdryer , wallet , teapot , calculator and skateboard
 it’s mum’s hairdryer. it’s her hairdryer. it’s hers.
 it’s grandpa’s wallet . it’s his wallet. it’s his.
it’s grandma’s teapot. it’s her teapot. it’s hers.
they’re jim’s presents. they’re his presents . they’re his.
4.t: whose presents are they?
s: they’re their presents. they’re theirs .
5. 走迷宫,找主人。2页,当前第112
a: whose……is it ? it’s ……’s . it’s …….
b: yes, it’s……. /no, it’s not  ……, it’s ……’s , it’ s …….
6. 看图填空。
(1.)a: whose …… is it ?    b: it’s ……’s , i think.
a or b : excuse me , is it yours, helen ?     c: no, it’s not mine , it’s …….
a or b: is it yours?    d: yes , it’s mine, thank you.
(2.)play a game :屏幕出示一些学生的头像及物品,请学生按照上例对话。培养学生的说话能力。
t:whose things is it /are they ?    s: it’s /they’re …….
1.say a rhyme.
look at these things. whose are they?
my ……, mine ,mine , it’s mine .
your ……, yours, yours, it’s yours.
our ……, ours , ours, they’re ours.
look at these things . whose are they?
his ……, his , his , it’s his .
her ……, hers, hers , it’s hers.
their ……, theirs, theirs, they’re theirs.
(1.)this is my purse.  this purse is     .
(2.)those are our watches.   those watches are .
(3.)that is his calculator.     that calculator is. 
(4.)these are their skateboards.these skateboards are  .
(5.)this is your mirror. this mirror is  .
(6.)that is her teapot.that teapot is.
sing a song.《my shirt’s black》2页,当前第212