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PEP第八册英语 recycle 2 第三课时

一、教学内容:     let’s read(p67)    let’s read(p72)二、教学目标与要求           能够听、说、认读两个let’s read中的对话, 并完成对话后的练习。三、教学重点:能读懂会说两个let’s read 中的对话,尤其是复习巩固现在进行时的用法。四、教学难点:能灵活运用let’s read中的语言。五、课前准备1.教师准备本课时所用的磁带、vcd。2.教师准备教学挂图。3.教师准备六年级有关的图片。六、教学步骤1.热身(warm-up)(1)    教师出示有关图片,提示学生用现在进行时的句子描述图中懂得场景。(2)    教师放歌曲we’re going back的录音,学生跟唱。(3)    教师放录音,学生边听边跟读。2. 预习(preview)(1)教师出示第二单元a let’s learn部分的单词卡,学生同桌之间可以开火车的形式操练how do you feel? i feel sick. i have a fever… (2) 教师出示第二单元的单词卡,学生同桌之间操练句型。(3)教师提问:we’re going to have a farewell party. how do you feel? 学生自由回答:i feel…..3. 新课呈现(presentation)let’s read(p67)(1)    教师出示挂图,提问look at the picture. miss white and her students are having a farewell party. they feel very happy. but liu yun calls miss white to tell her she can’t come to the party. what’s the matter with her? now let’s read the dialogue.(2)    教师请学生阅读课文,回答教师提出的问题: she has a cold. she has a sore throat.(3)    教师请学生继续阅读课文然后回答教师提出的问题如:what is zhang peng doing?what are chenjie and mike doing?  are the students having a good time?(4)    教师放对话的录音,学生跟读,然后分角色朗读。(5)    教师指导学生完成书中的练习,提出不理解的句子,教师解惑答疑。(6)    最后教师说:miss white and her students will give liu yun a surprise. what is that? can you guess?let’s read(p72)(1)    教师出示教学挂图,说:now look at this picture. miss white and her students come to  visit liu yun’s home. it’s a big suiprise. they bring her many gifts. liu yun is so happy. what are the gifts? and what does liu yun gibe in return? 请学生分小组阅读对话,回答教师提出的问题。   (2)教师放录音,学生跟读对话。   (3)学生分角色朗读对话,提出不理解的句子,教师解惑答疑。(4)学生进行小组对话练习,然后进行表演,教师鼓励学生在原有对话的基础上进行改编和创新。 4.巩固和扩展(consolidation and extension)(1)       学生做本单元的活动手册的练习。(2)       学生听let’s read部分的录音,读给家长或同伴听。
pep第八册英语 » recycle 2 » 第三课时 来自皮皮范文网。