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UNIT 2 Where is the Science Museum?第三课时学案

unit 2  where is the science museum?第三课时学案

 unit 2  where is the science museum?
 a let’s read  c good to know
 1、  能够理解并会朗读let’s read部分的对话,能完成排序练习。

2、  能够使学生简单了解中、西方地图不同的标识。
 重点: 能够听、说、认读let’s read部分的对话

难点:能够立即对话中出现的新时态和指点路线的新语言,如:what are you going to do after school? get off at the cinema. then walk straight for three minutes.






let’s read

(1)教师用简笔画画出下午放学后的一些情景,告诉学生:school is over. i want to buy a pair of shoes after school。接着问学生:what are you going to do after school?引导学生回答:i want to…教师领读该组句子,学生跟读。

(2)教师在黑板上画一张街区图,图中有各种不同的建筑,如:医院、邮电局……教师手指黑板上的街区图,告诉学生自己所处的位置,然后提问,如:where is the hospital/post office….?is it far from here/等,学生抢答:it’s next to the…

(3)教师在街区图的学校和鞋店旁边分别加上一个站牌说:this is a bus stop. we can take the no.301 bus here.教师继续利用街区图指出自己所在的位置:now i am at the school . i want to buy a pair of shoes. how can i get to the shoe store?学生会回答:you can go by the no.301bus.教师继续提问:where can i get off the bus?一边问一边手指着shoe store的位置,提示学生回答:get off at the shoe store.


(5)请学生阅读对话,回答以下问题”what is mike going to do?

what is he going to buy? where is he going ? where is the shoe store? which bus can he take? is the hospital on the right or left side of the road?