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Unit 1 When is your birthday?-

unit 1 when is your birthday?
一. 教学内容:
unit 1 when is your birthday? (section a)
(二)语法知识:1. when questions 特殊疑问句
                    2. ordinal numbers 序数词
(三)语言运用:talk about dates and ages谈论日期和年龄
1. when is your birthday?
◎when 疑问副词,什么时候,何时,可以对日期,月份,钟点提问。
birthday party  birthday present birthday cake   birthday candle
happy birthday!
my birthday is june 4th.
august eighth,
2. months of the year
january  february  march  april     may  june   july     august    september october  november december
  3. date of birth   
◎—what’s the date today?
—it’s may 5th. 
—what day is (it) today? 
—it’s sunday. 
the name of the school
the cover of the book
be born    i was born in january.
4. age
what’s your age? = how old are you?
at the age of
we can go to school at the age of seven.
5. how old
◎—how old are you? 
—i’m 13 (years old).
◎he is an old man.
◎my bike is too old. i want a new one.
6. first    second   third   fourth    fifth   sixth  
seventh   eighth     ninth    tenth    eleventh   twelfth
thirteenth   fourteenth     fifteenth  sixteenth    seventeenth 
eighteenth    nineteenth      twentieth     twenty-first   twenty-second
  1. when questions 特殊疑问句
--- when is your birthday?
--- my birthday is november 11th.
--- when is sarah’s birthday?
--- sarah’s birthday is january 21st.
日期的常用表达方式有两种:(1)月日年,如:november 11,
(2)日月年,如:11 november,
2. ordinal numbers 序数词
first 1st      second 2nd   third 3rd   fourth 4th   fifth 5th   sixth 6th
seventh 7th  eighth 8th   ninth 9th   tenth 10th   eleventh 11th  twelfth 12th 4页,当前第11234
thirteenth 13th    fourteenth 14th      fifteenth 15th  sixteenth 16th
seventeenth 17th    eighteenth 18th   nineteenth 19th
twentieth 20th    twenty-first 21st  twenty-second 22nd
thirtieth 30th        fortieth 40th   fiftieth 50th      sixtieth 60th
seventieth 70th   eightieth 80th      ninetieth 90th  hundredth 100th
八去t、九减e, ve要用f替。
  1. 序数词前要加the,如果序数词前有物主代词或名词所有格则不再用the。
sunday is the first day of a week.
my first teacher is miss li.
  2. a/an 也能与序数词连用,意为“再一”“又一”相当于another。
now they have a second child--a son.
a third man went into the room.
(三)语言运用:talk about dates and ages谈论日期和年龄
    when is your birthday?
how old are you?
1. which age groups in our culture like to talk about how old they are and which age groups don’t? in the united states, young children like to tell how old they are. teenagers are sometimes sensitive about age questions because they want people to think they are older than they really are. after age 25, it is not considered polite to ask someone’s age, except for business reasons. many people in the united states think it’s good to be young and bad to be old.
2. most american children celebrate birthdays with a cake with lighted candles on top, one candle for each year of their age. the birthday boy (or girl) is supposed to make a wish (without telling anyone what it is) and blow out the candles. if he blows out all of the candles with one breath, the wish will come true. singing "happy birthday to you" is also a tradition on birthdays.
some birthdays are more important than other birthdays, especially in the life of a teenager and young adult.
age 13: becomes a teenager
age 16: can obtain a driver’s license in the united states (for an automobile)
age 18: can register to vote
age 21: can legally drink alcohol
3. in china, people sometimes celebrate their lunar birthday rather than their solar birthday. chinese people also use twelve animals to symbolize the year in which one is born. the animals represent the twelve earthly branches, and they are the rat, the cattle, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and the pig. 4页,当前第21234
(   )1. march 20th is ________ birthday.
   a. i     b. my    c. mine   d. he
(   )2. september 5th is a __________.
  a. year   b. month    c. date   d, age
(   )3. _________ is your birthday, john?
   a. where   b. what   c. when   d. how
(   )4. ________ is your mother?   she’s forty.
  a. how old    b. how        c. how much     d. what age
(   )5.there are ________ months in a year. the ________ month is december.
  a. twelve, twelve    b. twelfth, twelfth   c. twelve, twelfth      d. twelfth, twelve
1. j____________ is the first month of the year.
2. there are twelve m__________ in a year.
3. children’s day is on j_______1st.
4. s___________10th is teachers’ day
5. ---w__________ is your birthday, william?  ---it’s n_____________11th.
6. the fourth month of the year is a__________.
7. september is the n________ month of a year.
8. is december 5th your b_________________?  no, it’s mary’s
9. bruce is eleven years old. w_________ is his birthday?
10. how o______ is your sister?
1. your /birthday /when /is /? _________________________________________________
2. birthday /16th /her /is /july /. _______________________________________________
3. old /12 /years /i’m /. ____________________________________________
4. is /karen /old /how /?  __________________________________________________
5. birthday /when /paul’s /is /? _______________________________________________
6. a: _______________________________? 
b: my birthday is october 8th.
7. a: how old are you?                   
b: _________________________________
8. a: when is jenny’s birthday?            
b: _________________________________
9. a: _______________________________  
b: she is 11 years old.
10. a: ______________________________  
b: his birthday is march 29th.
四、阅读短文,填空并判断对错t or f
hi. my name is tom and i’m ten years old. today is january twelfth and my birthday is march the fourteenth. i have one brother and one sister. my brother’s name is mark. he is two years old. mark’s birthday is in november. my sister’s name is gina, and she’s thirteen. her birthday is in november, too.4页,当前第31234
7. tom has a brother and a sister.
8. tom and mark are brothers.
9. gina is mark’s sister.
10. gina and tom were born (出生于)in november.
  1~5  b c c a c
1. january   2. months   3. june   4. september   5. when, november
6. april   7. ninth   8. birthday   9. when   10. old
  1. when is your birthday?
2. her birthday is july 16th.
3. i’m 12 years old.
4. how old is karen?
5. when is paul’s birthday?
6. when is your birthday?
7. i’m 12 years old.
8. her birthday is july 16th.
9. how old is karen?
10. when is paul’s birthday?
  2. january twelfth   3. march fourteenth   4. one brother and one sister
5. 2   6. 13   7. t   8. t   9. t   10. f
