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Unit 7 Travelling in Garden City

unit 7 travelling in garden city
the first period
language focus:
using pronouns to show quantities
e.g. most , some , none , all

key points:
1. words of direction
2. what will travelling in other places be like in 10 years` time ? 

learning procedure
before class
put the following into english
1  XX年后   _________              2  喜欢乘公交车旅行  ____________
3  空调车    _________              4  在过去           ____________
5  停车场    _________              6  女公交车司机     ____________
7  向售票员买票_______              8  在…处收集       ____________
9  不得不    _________             10  其中的大多数立交 ____________

in class
learn the new vocabulary items in look and learn
(1) review irregula verbs
(2) review the present perfect tense
(3) listen to the tape and do ask and answer
(4) look and learn
(5) answer true/ fales (on p46)
(6) read and recite the text

i. fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given verbs
in the past, many people(1)__________(like) (2)_______(travel) by bus. all passengers(3)________(have)to(4)______(buy) tickets. there (5)__________(be) a bus conductor in each bus.he(6)___________(collect) money from the passengers and (7)_______(put) the money in a bag. there(8)_______(be) only single-decker buses. none of
them(9)__________(be)a double-decker bus.there (10)_______(be) no air-conditioners in the buses.
nowadays,some passengers(11)_______(not buy) tickets from the conductor. they(12)_____(put) their money in a fare box or (13)_________  (use) a public transportation card instead. and most buses (14)________(be) aie-conditioned. most of the bus-drivers(15)______(be) men, but some of them (16)________(be) women.

ii. choose and complete.
1.in the past,____________(all/ none) of the bus-drivers were double-decker buses. ________(none/ most) of them were air –conditioned.
2.in the past,_________(some/all)of the bus-drivers were  men._________(none/ some) of them were women.
3. _________(all/ none) of the passengers had to buy tickets frome the bus conductors.2页,当前第112
4. nowdays,_________(some/all)of the buses have a fare box.. (none /some ) of the passengers use a public transportation card instead.

after class
complate the sentenses with the given words in their proper forms
1. ___________(conduct) colloct money from passengers.
2. it is comfortable to stay in an _________(air-condition) room.
3. there will be ________(few) buses in the future than now.
4. it is _________(interest) to take the double-decker bus.
5. there will  ________(possible) be  more flyovers in shanghai.
6. perhaps we need to park our car in a car________(parking).
