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Unit6 The National Day holiday第一课时

unit6 the national day holiday第一课时常州市花园小学 王美华一、     content and purpose1.     phrases: cook food, collect eggs, milk cows, pick orangers, plant trees, water flowers, taste oranges, pull up carrots2.     sentences: what did you/he /she /they do?            i/he/she/they  --ed….3.      掌握一般过去时中规则动词加字母ed后的发音规律。二、     steps:step1:leading1.two students perform (play the saxphone and dance)t: there are many teachers in our class today.now i will ask …and…to perform and welcome the teachers.when they are playing the saxphone,the teacher askst: what is he/she doing? s: he is playing the saxphone.she is dancing.t: it’s wonderful.thank you.boys and girls,what did …do just now? he played the saxphone. she danced.2.give the two students some presentst:i want to give you some presents.but it’s not easy. boy,your present is high.how do you get it?girl,there are three boxes ,you should choose one and open it .how do you get your present?t:what did they do just now? he lifed up his arm and jumped.she opened the … box.step2:presentation and practice1. 一般过去时介绍。介绍规则动词过去式加字母ed 的读音规律。2. 动词加字母ed 的读音归类练习。helped,cleaned,climbed,listened,visited,washed,watched3.          what did you do ? i  --ed ….. t: yesterday,i surfed the internet.what else did i do?i cleaned the room.   what did you do yesterday? ask and answer 4.          look at the presentst: what did you do at the beginning of the class,…?  s:i danced…..t:you danced beautifully,so you’ve got the presents. the present are very special.they are all from gehu farm.i visited the farm last week.5.          national dayt: last week,it was the nationgal day holiday.the national day of our country is on the first of october….6 .  show some photos of the farm.what did we do on the farm?what did he do? he milked cows.what did she do? she picked peached/apples/oranges.what did they do? they planted trees.ask and answer.7.  say a rhyme.8. talk about the photo.what did they do? he/she  pulled up carrots/collected eggs/ tasted oranges/ planted trees.9.新动词过去式加字母ed读音归类练习。step3: consolidation1.     play a game:listen and guesst: what did lian wenwei do on the national day?listen to the recorder and guess.2.     do a surveyt: what did you do on national day?please ask your classmates.ask: who did you ask? what did he/she do?3.     listeningt: who are they ? what are they saying?listen to the recorder.then,answer my questionswhat did yang ling do on nationg day?  where did helen visited?what did they do in the morning? what did mike do in the afternoon?what did helen do in the afternoon? does yangling want to visit the farm?4.     say a passage about the pictures.what did helen do on national day?step4:assign homework  what did your father and mother do on national day . write about it.