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6A Unit 7 At Christmas

第二课时一、教学目标与要求:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:mine ,yours ,hers ,his ,ours ,theirs2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写:whose … is it /are they ?it’s /they’re mine /yours /hers /his /ours /theirs .3.能三会日常交际用语:open it for me .this one is from grandma .二、教学重难点分析本课的重点和难点是:名词性物主代词的使用,建议利用讨论礼物这一情景导入教学,使学生在交际中初步领会名词性物主代词的使用方法。本课并不急于让学生掌握,让他们在感受的基础上掌握。三、课前准备1.教师准备:教学图片,有关日用品的实物,一些礼物,录音机,磁带,课件2.学生准备:礼物或学习用品,听录音预读课文四、教学步骤1.热身:师生问候,出示课件跟唱merry christmas .2.新课呈现t: last class father christmas came to our class .he gave me (us)
many presents .some are for me .some are for you .want to have a look ,dear children ?ss: ok!step 1新课教学mine ,yours ,hers ,ours ,theirs出示一个含有礼物围巾的盒子t:look at this box .dear children .t: whose present is it ?(并板书) guess!s: perhaps it’s your present .t: yes,it’s my present .it’s  mine  .(板书)t:老师再重复whose present is it ? it’s my present .it’s mine . .now open it for me .(随便让一位学生打开,并板书) please .oh ,it’s a scarf . i like it very much . this one is from father christmas .t: scarf  scarf  whose scarf is it ? it’s my scarf .it’s mine .(分别让每组读一遍)师扬起礼物让学生再巩固刚才的板书t: do you know your presents at once ?  ss: yes i do .2)t: look ,these presents are for you .this present is for chen yan .chen yan ,come here ,plese .t: hi ,chen yan,this present is for you .s: thank you .t: here you are .it’s your present .it’s yours .( 说两遍,第二次写板书  ) let me open it for you .s: thank you .oh ,it’s a toy pig .it’s beautiful .i like it very much .t: me, too .let’s chant . pig pig whose pig is it ? it’s your pig .it’s yours .t: 指着玩具问 chen yan ,whose present is it ?s: it’s my present .it’s mine .t: 启发坐着的学生,问  whose present is it ?  ss: it’s her present . it’s hers .(板书 )t: 重复 it’s her present . it’s hers .open it for her .(板书 )t: 教说 it’s your toy pig ,it’s yours (面对陈艳)t:(扬起小猪布娃娃问全体学生) whose pig is it ? ss:it’s her toy pig .it’s hers .(适当表扬 )t: let’s chant. pig pig whose pig is it ?it’s her pig .it’s hers.t: look at the next .look at this present .whose present is it? guess .oh,it’s for 于昕璐  and 狄怡佳  .come here, girls .this present is for you . it’s your present .it’s yours .girls: thank you .t:whose present is it ?引导学生说 s: it’s our present . it’s ours .(板书)t: 师再问一遍,并板书  whose present is it ? it’s our present .it’s ours . 再引导学生     open  it for us .t: ok. i’ll open it for you at once .s:wow, it’s a storybook.t:yes,this storybook is your present .it’s yours .t:扬起书,问坐着的学生  whose present is it ?  ss: it’s their present .it’s  theirs . let’s chant . (storybook storybook whose …    )        t: 引导学生说 who is it from ?  ss: it’s from father christmas .step 2     教学  his出示课件点击盒子,打开它,看礼物是什么,给谁的。(一块手表,给徐辰)进行练说his   step 3学生四人一组,每人那一件物品放在课桌中间,练说whose …   is it /are they ? it’s / they’re my /his /her /your /  …   .it’s they’re mine /his /hers / yours /ours /theirs .step 4 play a game 出示课件,寻找物品的所属,事先把图片发给学生,看图练说句子。如:(图仿教育参考书p67)whose skirt is it ? it’s yang ling’s skirt .it’s her skirt .it’s hers .whose skateboard is it ? it’s mike’s skateboard . it’s his skateboard .it’s his .whose wallet is it ?it’s  grandpa’s wallet .it’s his wallet . it’s his .whose teapot is it ?it’s grandma’s teapot .it’s her teapot . it’s hers .whose hairdryer is it ? it’s mum’s hairdryer .it’s her hairdryer .it’s hers .whose watch is it ? it’s dad’s watch . it’s his watch .it’s his ..whose calculator is it ? it’s jim’s calculator . it’s his calculator .it’s his .whose comb is it ? it’s nancy’s comb .it’s her comb .it’s hers.whose mirrors are they ? they’re su hai’s and su yang’s .they’re their mirrors .they’re theirs . chant skateboard ,skateboard .whose skateboard is it ? it’s his skateboard .it’s his .wallet ,wallet .whose wallet is it ? it’s his wallet . it’s his .teapot ,teapot .whose teapot is it ? it’s her teapot . it’s hers .hairdryer ,hairdryer .whose hairdryer is it ? it’s her hairdryer .it’s hers .watch ,watch .whose watch is it ? it’s his watch .it’s his .calculator ,calcilator ..whose calculator is it ? it’s his calculator .it’s his .comb ,comb .whose comb is it ? it’s her comb .it’s hers.mirrors ,mirrors .whose mirrors are they ?they’re their mirrors .they’re theirs .老师总结以上名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词(出示表格)物主代词名词性物主代词mineyourshishersourstheir形容词性物主代词myyourhisherourtheir名词性物主代词后不能跟名词, 例如:it’s mine .形容词性物主代词后一定要跟名词,例如:it’s my pen .step 5(出示图片) c  look and saystep 6 填写有关名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词。finish exercise:用适当的物主代词填空1.this is ____(my)book.  ____(your)is in the bag. 2.the classroom is         (our).3. are these watches ____(her)?    no. ____(her)watches are at home.4. they aren’t ____(his)teapots.    they are ____(their).5. the big mirror is         (his). 6.that is not ____(my) comb. it’s ____(her).7.is this calculator _____(your)?8.this hairdryer isn’t my sister’s. it’s _____(my). 五、作业:1.熟读课文2.向朋友和家人赠送礼物,并尽可能练说两种物主代词。 [page]教后反思:本课的重点、难点是名词性物主代词的掌握及灵活运用,同时能与形容词性物主代词区分,教材只出现了我的my,我们的our,你的your,你们的your,他的his,她的her所对应的名词性物主代词,mine ,ours.yours,his,hers,没有出现“他们的their”所对应的名词性物主代词 theirs。只在p61 h sing a song  my shirt’s black 中出现theirs, 但我为了能让学生学到一个完整的体系,就引伸开来,把“他们的”也渗透了,因为综合练习中有填theirs 。新课程强调从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与与合作的学习方式。在创设情景的教学中,引导学生开展各种练习活动,拓展学生的思维,达到了较好的教学效果。