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Module 2 Plans

module 2 plans

unit 1 we’re going to have a picnic.

function: deciding on what to do
recycling: simple future tense: be going to
language: when are we going to eat?
           we’re going to eat at half past twelve.
           what are we going to do?
           we are going to walk around the lake.
vocabulary: duck, noisy, picnic


step 1 warm-up
1. sing an english song.
2. ask the children: what do you like doing in your spare time? the children may ask: i like doing…, such as, playing football, playing table tennis, watching tv, reading books, playing the piano, listening to music etc.

step 2 introduction
1. t: what are you going to do this saturday? ss: i’m going to…
  t: when are you going to…? ss: i’m going to…at seven / in the morning.
2. do you want to know what did daming, simon and simon’s mother do during the weekend?

step 3 presentation
1. put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. listen to the dialogue carefully and ask several questions.
2. play the cassette and circle the new words.
3. play the cassette and ask some questions.
4. teach the new words in different ways.
5. play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.
6. practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

step 4 finish a task
1. finish activity 4.
2. investigate the students and fill in the investigate table.

step 5 homework
1. read the text in role.
2. learn sb activity 3 by themselves.

unit 2 it’s going to rain in harbin.

function: talking about the weather; make out a plan.
language: it’s going to rain in harbin.
           it’s going to be warm and sunny in dalian.
           what are you going to do on thursday?
           i’m going to watch tv.
vocabulary: rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warm
chant: what are you going to do today?.


step 1 warm-up
1. review unit 1.
2 sing an english song.

step 2 introduction
1. watch a real weather forecast.
2. what’s the weather like in…? it’s…

step 3 presentation
1. what’s the weather going to be like in harbin tomorrow? what’s the weather going to be like in beijing tomorrow? what’s the weather going to be like in dalian tomorrow? what’s the weather going to be like in xi’an tomorrow?2页,当前第112
2. play the cassette and ask the children several questions.
3. write down four skill words and teach.
4. play the cassette and repeat.
4. finish activity 2. ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.
    step 4 chant
1. ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.
2. play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.
3. teach the sentences of the chant one by one.
4. play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together.

step 5 homework
1. read the chant
2. finish activities.
