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ar [ɑ:] farm  far  farther  park  …
  [ɔ:] quarter warm
air[eə] chair  hair  hairdryer  pair  airport
ear [ɪə]dear  year  ear  earphone  near  hear   
   [eə] bear   pear
   [ɜ:] learn  early
ere [ɪə] here 
   [eə] where  there 
   [ɜ:] were
ea [eɪ] great  
  [e] head  sweater  breakfast  ready  bread  headache  heavy
  [i:] speak  peach  beach  each  please  read  reading-room teacher 
teach  eat  seat  tea  teapot  meat  ice- cream  easter  mean
[ɪə] really  idea  theatre
ee [i:] see eighteen three  green  sweet  tree  halloween  need  street  sweep  weekend
er [ɜ:] her  hers  term
  [ə] brother  daughter  father  mother  sister  teacher  number  tiger  after  flower
or [ə] doctor  visitor  mirror  calculator
  [ɜ:] work  worker  word  world
  [ɔ:] for  forty  morning  short  sport  fork  horse  new york  order  more  before
ir , ur [ɜ:] bird girl birthday shirt skirt  third  circle  thirsty  thirty  sir  first 
turn  purse  nurse  hamburger  surf  thursday   hurt
igh [aɪ] night  bright  right  light  fight  high  height
   [eɪ] eight  weight
oo [ʊ] cook   foot  football  classroom  bedroom  bathroom  look  good  goodbye  book   bookcase   storybook4页,当前第11234
  [u:]  food  school  too  zoo  cool  room  broom  noodle  tooth   toothache  afternoon  soon  balloon  spoon  moon  cartoon
ou [ʌ] country  countryside   touch   young   cousin
  [aʊ] cloudy shout about house housework blouse ground mountain sound trousers mouth mouse  around loudly out
[əʊ] shoulder
[ʊ] should  would
ow [aʊ]how   down   town   brown   flower   now   cow
[əʊ]row  know  yellow   bowl   window  follow halloween  tomorrow   show  glow  grow   blow   slow  low   snow  snowy  snowball  
th [θ]mouth  think   thin   thank   theatre   bathroom   three   third thirteen  thirty   thirsty   anything   something
  [ð] brother   father   mother   the   this   these   that   those  they  them  their  then with  there  than
ed [d] listened  played  answered … (元音、浊辅音结尾)
  [t]jumped helped liked  milked  cooked  picked  washed watched danced  stopped(清)
  [ɪd]tasted  collected  visited  wanted  planted   started  (t ,d 结尾)
只有一种发音的组合:ai, ay [eɪ] 如:rain ,play
                    al    [ɔ:]  all , walk talk       half [ɑ:]除外
                    oa    [əʊ]  coat ,boat
                    ch    [tʃ]  chair , china        school [k] 除外
                    ck    [k]  duck , clock        
                    sh    [ʃ]  shirt , shoes       加上 sure [ʃ]4页,当前第21234
一般情况开音节发本音   如 辅+元+辅+e 结构
              a[eɪ]  cake ,face , table ,grade,…     have[æ]除外 
              e[i:]   these , he, she, be, we…
              i[aɪ]  mine , ride , time, …        give ,live[ɪ] 除外
              o[əʊ]  nose ,those ,hope ,…      whose[u:]除外 。
其中‘o’后是m, n, v, th 不受规则影响,发[ʌ] love, some ,come,glove ,brother,mother 
             u[j u:]  cute ,use 
闭音节一般不发本音  如 辅+元+辅 结构 
               a[æ]   cat ,black ,glad,…
               e[e]  bed , left , help , … 
               i[ɪ]   big ,milk ,think ,… 
               o[ɒ]   hot , stop , clock,…
               u [ʌ]   bus , sun ,but ,…         put , pull[ʊ]除外
a前是辅音[w] 时,a发[ɒ],如:want ,what, watch ,wallet, wash
a后是字母ss , s, f , n 时 一般发[ɑ:] grass ,class ,ask ,after,…
i后是ld, nd结尾时, i 发[aɪ]  如 find ,kind , child ,behind ,…
长元音:[ɑ:]  [ɔ:]  [ɜ:]  [i:]  [u:]   
短元音:[ʌ]   [ɒ]   [ə]  [ɪ]  [ʊ]  [e]  [æ]
2、双元音:[aɪ]  [eɪ]  [aʊ]  [əʊ]  [eə]  [ɪə]  [ʊə]  [ɔɪ]
[p]、[b]、 [t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ]

       a       b      c      d4页,当前第31234
1.(   ) farm  farther  warm  dark
2.(   ) hair   year  where   airport 
3.(   ) bear  dear    near    hear 
4.(   ) great  sweater ready  bread
5.(   ) speak  sweater  please  read
6.(   ) street  sweet  head  halloween
7.(   ) forty  short  doctor   sport
8.(   ) teacher  her  tiger    flower
9.(   ) horse  worker  word     world
10.(   ) brother  girl   nurse  term  
11.(   ) food   good  zoo   moon  
12.(   ) football  look  soon    cook
13.(   ) classroom bedroom room goodbye
14.(   ) night    eighty  high   right
15.(   ) shout  younger  touch cousin
16.(   ) countryside  cloudy house around
17.(   ) flower  grow town  cow
18.(   ) bowl  follow  down  snow 
19.(   ) those  third  thank  thin
20.(   ) mother there these thirsty
21.(   ) wanted milked washed watched
22.(   ) played  watered listened jumped
23.(   ) play  draw way  rain 
24.(   )coat boat goat blouse
25.(   )chair school watch  child
26.(   )shirt  sure show sunny
