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Unit 3 Can you play the guitar?

unit 3 can you play the guitar?
unit 3 can you play the guitar?  (section a)
(二)语法知识:情态动词can 的用法
(三)语言运用:talk about abilities   谈论能力
1. can you dance?
yes, i can. /  no, i can’t.
dance   v. n.
what a beautiful dance!
2. i can’t sing.
  can’t = can not
  sing n. v.
3. what can you do?
i can paint.
 ²        ²        paint 使用绘画颜料绘画.
 ²        ²        draw 用铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔等素描或绘画
4. what club do you want to join?
i want to join the chess club.
 ²        ²        join   v.
join the army / party / football team 
  he wants to join the music club.
  she joins us for dinner.
  join in   参加,加入某种活动
  may i join in your conversation?
 ²        ²        what club
  what color is it?
  what kind of movies do you like?
what time is it now?
  what sports do you like?
5. can she speak english?
6. can you play chess?
  play basketball / volleyball / soccer / tennis
7. tom can play the guitar but he can’t play it very well.
 ²        ²        play the guitar
 ²        ²        well
8. are you good with kids?
 ²        ²        good   adj. 修饰名词或作表语。
      well   adv. 修饰动词或形容词。
  he is a good student.
he can’t play the guitar well.
 ²        ²        be good with =be friendly with   与……相处得好
be good to 对某人友好
be good at  擅长……
he’s good with me.
 my teacher is good to us all.
  he is good at math.
  i am good at swimming. 4页,当前第11234
9. can you help kids with swimming?
 ²        ²        help sb. with sth. 在某事上帮助某人
      help sb. (to) do sth.
tom often helps me with my english.
  maria often helps her mother do the housework.
 ²        ²        kid
 ²        ²        swim   v. can you swim?
n. have a swim   游泳   let’s have a swim.
swimmer 游泳者   go swimming 去游泳
  10. we need help for our beidaihe school trip.
情态动词can, could, may, might, must用来表示说话人的看法,态度等。
  can 的用法:
1. 表示能力
  she can sing that song in english.
  i can swim.
2. 表示请求或许可。
  can you help me?
  can i see your id card?
3. 用于否定句或疑问句,表示推测或可能性。
  today is sunday. he can’t be at school.
 ²        ²        情态动词can的肯定句变否定句在can 后加not,缩写形式为can’t
i can speak english. →
 ²        ²        can的一般疑问句及回答
can 放于句首,构成一般疑问句。
yes, … can. 或no, … can’t.
can she dance?  yes, she can.    no, she can’t.
  若是表示请求的问句,可以回答:ok. / all right. /sorry, …
  can i use your pen?   all right. here you are.   sorry, but i don’t have one.
(三)语言运用:talk about abilities   谈论能力
a: make a survey. ask your classmates what they can do, what they can't do and what club do they want to join. then fill in the chart.
name can do can't do what club
lin tao skate swim skating club
b: make a report according to the chart above.
lin tao can skate. he can’t swim. he wants to join the skating club.
(   )1. i want ______ the art club, because i can paint very well.
  a. join    b. to join    c. joining   d. joins
(   )2. he can’t ______, but he can _______ the guitar. 4页,当前第21234
  a. sing, play    b. sings, plays    c. singing, playing  d. sing, playing
(   )3. my father and i like to _______ very much.
  a. play the chess    b. play chess    c. plays the chess  d. plays chess
(   )4. what can you do, lin tao? ________.
a. i like sports              b. i want to join the music club   
c. i am well                d. i can play chess.
(   )5. ——can you play the guitar?   ——no, i ________.
a. don't   b. am not   c. doesn’t   d. can't
(   )6. can you help kids _______ swimming?
  a. with      b. for      c. of     d. in
(   )7. little tom can draw  ________. his drawings are very ________.
   a. good, well     b. good, good     c. well, good    d. well, well
1. ——can you play guitar?   ——no, i can’t. ___________________
2. jane can play the piano and she can’t play it very well. __________________
3. can you help her at her english?           _______________________
4. sally can plays chess well. _______________________
5. what club do you want join?  __________________
my name is alan. i have a brother and a sister. my brother’s name is paul and my sister’s name is helen. i can sing and dance, but i can’t play the guitar. i can play basketball but i can’t swim. paul can sing but he can’t dance. he can play the guitar. he can also swim and play basketball. helen can dance but she can’t sing. she can’t play the guitar but she can play the trumpet. she can swim but she can’t play basketball.
name sports he / she can play
1. helen has _________.
a. one brother     b. two brothers     c. one brother and one sister
2. alan can sing, but he can’t ______________.
a. play basketball     b. dance      c. swim
3. paul can swim but he can’t _____________.
a. sing      b. dance      c. play the guitar
4. helen can’t play the guitar and she can’t _______. 4页,当前第31234
a. sing      b. dance     c. play the trumpet
5. alan and paul can ______.
a. sing      b. sing and dance   c. sing, dance and play the guitar
6. paul and helen can ______.
a. sing      b. swim      c. dance
7. alan and helen can’t ______.
  a. play basketball    b. swim      c. play the guitar
soccer,  chess,  guitar,  dance,  sports,  sing,  musician,  basketball
  1. b    2. a    3. b    4. d    5. d    6. a    7. c
1. play guitar → play the guitar    2. and → but    3. at → with
4. plays → play    5. want join → want to join
  name sports he / she can play
alan basketball
paul swim, basketball
helen swim
1~5  b c b a a  6~7 b c
  musician, dance, sing, guitar, sports, soccer, basketball, chess
