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牛津小学英语6A Unit 7 教案

六年级学生刚学了u6 holidays对christmas已有所了解,但对西方国家的受礼知识知之甚少,对形容词性物主代词知之甚多,只是尚不知其名称。就大多数小学高年级学生而言,智力差异并不悬殊,,本课希望通过小组活动引导学生在集体中捕捉自己的亮点,人性最深切的要求是渴望别人的欣赏,尽力发扬他们内在的精神力量去弥补自身的不足,增强集体荣誉感,这节课作为第一课时力求从生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。
教学内容:1. look,read  and say  
知识目标:1.能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组a wallet , ,a watch ,a calculator , a hairdryer, a teapot , a skateboard  .  
2. 初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , yours,ours的用法。  
3.能听得懂、会说和会读 1  whose … is it / are they ?  
                                 it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .  
2    open it for me,please.  
3    you’re welcome.  
技能目标:  能运用所学交际用语进行围绕送礼物这一主题简单得体地交谈。  
情感目标:  感受西方人圣诞节的快乐,并积极地参与送礼与受礼的模拟氛围 感悟给予就是幸福。  
教学重点: 初步掌握名词性物主代词her , his , mine , ours , yours的用法。  
初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?  
                      it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours . 
教学准备:实物(皮夹等),礼物(笔记本等),cai 等  
step 1 warming up  
 a listen to the song “ merry christmas”  
  b  greetings and free talk  
t :what  date is it today?  
  what holiday is coming soon?   
  what do people usually do at christmas?   
  what did you do  last christmas?  
  did you get a present last christmas?  
t: sorry, you didn't  get  one .here's a present for you.  
s: thank you very much.  
t : not at all.  you're welcome.  
t:you'd better open it at once. open it, please.  
s(当场打开)it's a watch.   
t: do  you  like it?   
s: yes.  
t:say out loudly.ok?  
s:it's a nice  watch.  
t: good job .在西方国家有个风俗,收到礼物一般当面打开,并表示感谢,当面表达喜爱之情,夸张一点不算过分.  
step2 presentation 1  
t: boys and girls ,  there are a lot of  christmas presents  on the desk . let’s see who can catch the new words ,who can get the present.  
t: open it for me ,please  
s:all right.  
t: thanks.what is it? i like skating. i can use it to skate.who can have a try?( show the word and a skateboard on the screen  skate.board )   3页,当前第1123
s: read out.  
t: great. it’s for you , it's yours. yours means your skateboard .   
the skateboard was mine just now ,it's yours now.how to read the word? (show two words  nine/mine   on the screen.what does “mine” mean?  
s: mine means my skatboard.  
t: clever , this is   my watch, we can also  say it's mine .my purses we can say they're mine too.  
 teach the word “hairdryer-hers,teapot-his” in the same way .  
t: well done. open  it for him/her please.what is  in it?  
s: 计算器 和一个皮夹  
t:who can read out? show these words on the screen.cat-excuse-late- doctor  
同法教wallet show those words watch-litter  
t: let’s play a  game “i say you say”    
i say this is my wallet , you say it's mine.  
eg:that's his skatboard. it's his.  
 these are our  calculates.they are ours.  
s work  in pairs  
3. 教学名词性物主单词。  
 t: today i take some presents with me . they’re for you .  
  i ask a student to help me  
 t:s1, come here ,please. whose notebook is it ?  
 s1: (惊讶地) it’s my present .  
 t: yes, it’s your present, it’s yours . (板书:yours )  
1. 观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。  
2. 用两首儿歌来表示他们的不同:  
a.一变(my – mine),二留( his – his ,),剩余加“s”。  
 step4     presentation2  
t: everone did good  job just now .everybody was great .(show everybody on the screen)  
now let’s  listen  what  jim’s family got last christmas?open your english book please.  
s listen while reading the book.  
read after the cai  
t;jim is telling david about his family’s  christmas presents. match the people  with their presents.join the dots.  
s read while matching .  
ask and answer about the exercise  above  
talk with a volunteer   
t: whose watch is this?   
s1: it’s dad’s. it’s  his.  
ss talk show.  
  ask the students to  read first then answer the questions about the passage.  
t: you can talk to  your partners in the group of four.  
(设计意图:创设各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习、互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神)  3页,当前第2123
q1 where  were jim’s family? how about the presents?  
q2  what  present did jim/dad /mum/grandma/grandpa get?  
q3 whose  wallet/skateboard/ teapot/ hairdryer/ calculator  is it?  
ask the students to read the third time to fill in the blanks.  
jim’s  family w--- in  his grandpa’s house last c---- d----. e---- was e-----.there were  many p----- under the christmas tree. jim g----a c-----and a s------.grandpa  g----grandma a t----and s-----.because she l-----d-----.the w---and the  h----- were from g-------.how h---   they were!   
(设计意图: 着重检测学生综合语言技能和语言应用能力、能从文章中获取主要信息并能摘录要点、能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述。)  
then check .  
t: well done.how happy we are.everybody here  is happy .  giving   is happy!(show on the screen) 3页,当前第3123