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clap how

clap how
1.clap your hands,one,two,three  
open your eyes,one,two,three 
  close your moush,one,two.three 
  2.t: good afternoon,everyone.c:good afternoon teacher  
  t:how are you today ?  c:i am fine ,thank you  
  t:nice to meet you  !  c:nice to meet you too! 
t:look at me ,are you ha y?  c:yes,ha y! 
  t:ok,let's singsing and danting !(歌舞展示) 
  3.t lease count out !cne,two,three------- 
  t;look at me ,the children is very good,let'play a game,who want to play ?? 
   c:yes,i want to play 
  t:let's divide into two grou ,three are red team and green team ,which team first arrived  
is the wi er. let me see ,who's no .1? 
  c:i'm no.1. 
(教师在黑板上画好山分两路爬山,用红绿磁铁代表两队,然后拿出卡片问,what is it?学生回答,老师根据学生回答的情况移动磁铁) 
  t:let's play a second game , 
  (拿出卡片,问how  many ---- are there ??)  
  t:ok ,the children is very good !lastly ,let's singing and danting 。