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探索尼泊尔革命(Quest Nepal revolution)


comrade ranju is standing on a sunlit hilltop in western nepal, telling me how she'd come to kill more than a dozen paramilitary policemen in one night. dressed in fatigues, she's tall and strong for a 19-year-old nepali woman, and her straight black hair is scraped back severely from her forehead. for the past three years she's roamed these mountains as a soldier in the maoist army, whose brutal tactics have spread terror throughout the kingdom.


what's happened to nepal, that young people like ranju are killing each other with such fervor? and what future does the nation have, now that its ruler, king gyanendra, has retaken absolute control, ending 12 years of government by political parties? this past february, supported by the royal nepalese army (rna), the king declared a state of emergency, briefly closing the international airport in kathmandu, cutting off telephones and e-mail, and placing politicians under house arrest—all in the name of fighting the maoists. in response, the rebels called a nationwide strike and continued their campaign of violence. the himalayan kingdom seems poised on the brink.


enforcing their hold on nepal's countryside, rifle-bearing maoist rebels patrol the western village of turmakhad. once known as a peaceful hindu kingdom blessed by the peaks of the himalaya, nepal has collapsed into violence. maoist troops and supporters control many of the country's rural areas, gaining success through a mix of intimidation, guerilla-style attacks, and the promotion of a class-based revolution modeled on the principles of mao zedong, the former leader of communist china. government troops loyal to king gyanendra hold the cities. since the insurgency began in 1996, nearly 13,000 nepalis, most of them civilians, have died.


an armed government soldier has become a common sight in durbar square, historic center of nepal's capital city of kathmandu. in february king gyanendra clamped down on political rallies and protests in the city, further weakening what little democratic culture remained. with the united states and other countries advising against travel to nepal because of the security situation, tourism has plunged, denying one of the world's poorest nations a vital source of revenue.


everything changed seven years ago for til bahadur gurung when maoists paid a visit to his shop in the rural gorkha district. the rebels shot him four times, paralyzing him for life. his crime: serving as a local government official in a rival party. gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in kathmandu (above) tended to and supported by his wife, manmaya. such attacks remind observers of the tactics deployed by the khmer rouge in cambodia and the shining path in peru, two other mao-inspired revolutionary groups that sought to exterminate members of the political and economic establishment.

自从七年前,毛派分子来到他位于高卡区乡间的商店之后,提尔.巴哈度尔.古荣(til bahadur gurung)的一切都改变了。叛军开枪射击他四次,导致他终身瘫痪。他的罪名是:在对方政党中担任地方政府官员。古荣现在大部分时间都待在加德满都的两房家里(上),由太太曼玛雅(manmaya)负责照料与扶持。这类攻击让观察家想起柬埔寨的“红色高棉”与秘鲁的“光辉道路派”所使用的战术,这是另外两个受毛泽东启发的革命团体,极力想消灭政治、经济团体的成员。

members of a rebel platoon strategize by candle and flashlight in a village where they stop for the night. in maoist-controlled areas, families are expected to feed and shelter soldiers, as well as to volunteer members for political indoctrination sessions. insurgent forces regularly kidnap, torture, and kill suspected spies and opponents. human rights organizations have documented similar violations by government troops that have created a culture of fear across the country.


wearing the red star of the maoist movement, a group of female civilians huddle against the high-altitude cold as they head to a rebel-ordered women's assembly. behind them rises the bombed-out ruins of a police station, a sign that government officials are not welcome in the area. that the women are wearing jewelry identifies them as less than hard-core cadres. the most committed rebel supporters disdain jewelry as a symbol of oppression.
