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Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

  section a(1a—2c)


一、 revision:make conversations about the following: what is …doing? he/she is….

二、 learning aims:

1. knowledge aims

(1)key vocabulary:ufo, alien, land, baber shop, cut hair, museum of  flight….

(2)key structures:where were you when the ufo arrived? i was in….

                what was he/she doing when the ufo arrived? he/she was….

(3)listening practice

2. ability aims: to train abilities of listening and speaking.

3. sensibility and value:to be interested in communicating in english.

三、 learning by yourselves:

1. find out the following phrases on p18—p19。

1)理发店_____________2)在图书馆前边              3) 洗完澡出来           4) 沿着街走___________

5) 起飞_______________6) 从飞碟出来         _7)理发              8)航空博物馆__________________

2.finish activity 1a.

3. listening practice: p18 1b.

4. make  new conversations with your deskmate just like the following:

where was the girl when the ufo arrived?       she was in front of the library.

what was the girl doing when the ufo arrived?   he was standing infront of the library.

四、discussion:  1) 过去进行时


2).in front of    in the front of

(1) my sister is sitting _______ the classroom to see the sun.

(2) my sister is sitting _______ the classroom to read english with her classmates.

3)when 与while的区别

(1)when the ufo took off, the boy was taking photos=while the boy was taking photos, the ufo took off,

(2)when the alien got out, the girl was shopping=while the girl was shopping, the alien got out. 

(3).when the ufo landed, the boy was walking down the street.

=while the boy was walking down the street, the ufo landed



(4)your own problems:_______________________________________

五、consolidate and improve:

1、 listening practice: activity 2a    

2、 talk about the video

3、i am a reporter.

have an interview in group first,  then write them down and have a report.

name where were you at 10 last sunday? what were you doing at 10 last sunday?2页,当前第112

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?




六、 summary: what did we learn in this class:

七、 test in class:


1. 当飞碟来时你正在哪里?

________  _______ you when the ufo  _______?

2. 当飞碟来时你正在做什么?

_______  ______ you _______ when the ufo ________?

3. 当飞碟来时我正站在图书馆前面。

i _______ _________in front of the library.

4. 一个外星人从飞碟中出来。

an alien ______ ______ _____ the ufo.

5. 外星人参观了航空博物馆。

the alien _______ the _______ ______ _______.

ii、watch a video, write down some words or sentences you may see or hear:



