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一. 短语句子

unit  1   will people have robots?

一切将都免费  everything will be free

使用某物做某事 use sth. to do sth.

被使用做什么 be used to do

习惯于 be used to doing sth

过去常常 used to do sth


study at home on computers

活到200岁live to be 200 years old

在一百年以后in 100 years

更少的空闲时间less free time

将会有更多 / 更少的污染。    

there will be more / less pollution.

更少地使用地铁use the subways less

拥挤 be crowded

在大学 be in college

你认为萨利五年后将会成为什么?what do you think sally will be in five years?

住在一所公寓里live in an apartment

乘火箭飞往月球fly rockets to the moon

住在太空站live on a space station

爱上 …fall in love with …

作为一名记者as a reporter

独自生活  live alone

一个寂寞的人 a lonely person/man

养一只宠物鹦鹉  keep a pet parrot

去滑冰  go skating

看上去很精神look smart

穿套装  wear a suit

在工作日期间  during the week(days)

在周末   at the weekends

穿着更随意 dress more casually

在一张纸上 on a piece of paper

赢得下一个世界杯win the next world cup

获奖win awards

做着玩 do for fun

从现在起二十年内twenty years from now

为…工作work for…

穿校服上学 wear a uniform to school

飞往月球度假fly to the moon for vocations

预测未来predict the future

做预言make a prediction

实现, 达到  come true

其中最大一家电影公司的总裁   the head of one of the biggest movie companies


in some science fiction movies

在未来in the future

如今,今后in future

帮助做家务活help with the housework = help do the housework

成百的hundreds of                       

与…做一样的do the same things as…

尽力做某事  try to do sth.

试着做某事try doing sth

使某人做某事make sb. do sth.

看起来更像…look more like…

做简单的工作  do simple jobs

一遍又一遍  over and over again

不想做某事 would not like to do sth.

厌倦  get / be bored

有更少的工作要做have less work to do

许多不同的形状many different shapes

一些…, 其他…  some…, others…

帮助做某事help (to) do sth./help with (sth.)

电动牙刷  electric toothbrushes

unit  2   what should i do?

不让…进入  keep out

想要某人做某事want sb. to do sth.

太大声播放cd片play the cd too loud

与某人争吵 argue with sb.

过时的,落伍的be out of style

时髦的,流行的  be in style


write sb. a letter = write a letter to sb.

打电话给某人call up sb.  = call sb. up

一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game16页,当前第112345678910111213141516



sth. surprise sb. = sb. be surprised at sth.

怎么了?what’s wrong? / what’s the matter?

电话谈论此事talk about it on the phone

付款pay for sth.

挣钱get some money

找一份兼职工get a part-time job

向某人借某物 borrow sth. from sb.

把某物借给某lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb.

向某人索要某物 ask sb. for sth.

青少年论坛teen talk

为某人买某物buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.

请家教  get a tutor

与…一样the same as…

不昂贵be inexpensive

与我一样的发型have the same haircut as i

需要帮助 need help

发现,查明find out

其他的每个人everyone else

做错事  do wrong

心烦, 沮丧be upset


know what to do = know how to do it

把某物忘在某地  leave sth.+地点

运动服sports clothes

邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.

生某人的气 be angry with sb.

考试不及格 fail the test

通过考试pass the test


be the same age as sb. = be as old as sb.


get on ( well / badly ) with sb.

把某物归还给某人return sb.sth.= return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb.

与某人打架have a fight with sb.

给某人建议give sb. some advice

请你做…,好吗? could you please do sth.?

课后活动  after-school activities

足够…adj. + enough

从…到…  from…to…

直到…才…  not…until…

迅速地吃晚饭have a quick supper


it’s time for sth. / it’s time to do sth.

格林一家the greens


fit as much as possible into the kids’ lives

处于太大的压力中under too much pressure

抱怨(做)某事complain about (doing) sth.


take part in after-school clubs

没什么新鲜的nothing new

好象要做某事  seem to do sth.

看到某人做某事see sb. do / doing sth.

一位三个孩子的母亲a mother of three

了解know about

把…送到…去send … to …

各种各样的…all kinds of…

把…和…相比  compare … with …


find / think + it + adj. + to do sth.

为某人计划某事 plan sth. for sb.

在一方面  on the one hand

在另一方面  on the other hand


need time and freedom to relax

自己做事情do things by oneself

unit  3 

在…的(外部)前面in front of …

在…的(内部)前面in the front of …

在理发店in the barber shop

睡懒觉 sleep late

电话聊天talk on the phone

淋浴出来get out of the shower

从… 出来get out of …

剪发cut hair

航天博物馆  the museum of flight

在某地降落  land + 地点

沿着街道走 walk down / along the street

报警  call the police

起飞  take off


have an unusual experience

跟随某人做某事  follow sb. to do sth.

某人感到惊讶sb. be surprised


at 9 o’clock last sunday morning

你在开玩笑! you’re kidding!16页,当前第212345678910111213141516


爬树  climb a tree

恐惧  be scared

(从…) 跳下jump down (from…)

朝某人喊叫 shout to sb.

(外来物)在树上in the tree

(本身长)在树上on the tree

骑自行车 ride a bike

警官police officer

一份报纸a newspaper

跑开, 逃跑 run away

喊某人的名字  shout / call one’s name

在车站外 outside the station

绕着…走  walk around …

想到做某事think about doing sth.

往外看 look outside

发生了什么事? what happened?

某人发生某事  sth. happen to sb.

起床get out of bed = get up

飞往…的航班a flight to …

在诊所 at the doctor’s

在汤姆家 at tom’s

生病住院  be ill in hospital

赢得金牌 win the gold medal

在历史上in history


one of the most important events


in modern american history

在这天 on this day

在…城市in the city of …

听说  hear about

日常活动 everyday activities

40多岁  over / more than 40 years old

在操场上  in / on the playground


ask / tell sb. (not ) to do sth.

一起走路回家 walk home together

沉默地in silence

(某事)发生   (sth.) take place

在更近代的时期in more recent times

世界贸易中心the world trade center

对某人来说有了意义 have meaning to sb.

不是所有的…not all…

在月球上行走   walk on the moon


become the first chinese astronaut in space

进入太空go into space

绕地球的飞行(n.)the flight around the earth

绕地球飞行(v.) fly around the earth

民族英雄  a national hero

全世界  all over the world

unit  4   he said i was hard-working.

1. 为某人开一个惊喜聚会

have a surprise party for sb.

2. 生某人的气

be mad at sb. = be angry with sb.

3. 不再  not……… anymore = no more

4. 带一些饮料和零食

bring some drinks and snacks

5. 说三种语言speak three languages

6. 一个令人兴奋的星期 an exciting week

7. 首先    first of all

8. 做家庭作业do a homework project = work on a homework project

9. 把某物传给某人

pass sb sth = pass sth. to sb.

10. 带口信给某人 give sb a message

11. 为某人捎口信  take a message for sb

12. 把某物(连续)传递给某人

pass on sth. to sb. = pass sth. on to sb.

13. 我设想(不…)

i (don’t) suppose that +从句

14. 被期望, 被认为…

be supposed to do sth

15. 努力工作的 be hard-working

16. 在某方面做得好

do well in sth. /doing sth.   ( do better in )

= be good at sth. / doing sth.  ( be better at )

17. 一切如何?    how’s it going?

18. 很遗憾于做某事  be sorry to do sth.

19. 健康be in good health = be healthy = be well 保持健康 keep in good health = keep healthy

20. 期末考试end-of-year exams

21. 收到成绩单 get a report card

22. 变得紧张   get nervous16页,当前第312345678910111213141516


23. 别紧张.  don’t be nervous.

24. 做得还行   do ok

25. 在…方面过得艰难 

have a hard time with sth.

26.  luck---lucky----luckily

27. 这学期   this semester

28. 某人做某事感到惊讶

sb. be surprised to do sth.

29.  bad---worse----worst

30. 真实的 be true

31. 一个令人失望的结果

a disappointing result

32. 对某人来说做某事是不对的.

it’s not right for sb to do sth

33. 抄别人的作业 copy others’ homework

做你自己的作业do your own homework

35. 和某人打一架have a fight with sb

36. 养成一个坏习惯  start a bad habit

37. 克服它 (某事)   get over it(sth)

38. 改变某人的生活  change one’s life

39. 对某人来说听起来像是有意思的事  sound like fun to sb.

北大毕业生the peking university graduate = a graduate from peking university

41. 当一名志愿者 as a volunteer

42. 在一个为期一年的项目中             on a one-year program

43. 在中国乡村地区 in china’s rural areas

44. 对某人来说是一种新的经历

be a new experience for sb.

45. 海拔XX米以上

2,000 meters above sea level

46. 使某人做某事   make sb. do sth.

同意某人的决定agree with sb’s decision

48. …和…  both … and …

49. 经历不同的事情

experience different things

50. 在…和…之间没有不同点

there is no difference between … and …

51. 无能为力can’t do anything about that

52. 开阔某人在…方面的眼界

open up one’s eyes to …

53. 外面的世界  the outside world

54. 给某人生活一个良好的开端         

give sb. a good start in life

55. 给某人的生活一个好的影响         

be a good influence in one’s life / lives

56. 某事结束  sth. be over

57. 回到…return to …= go back to…

58. 在做某事之后  after doing sth.

59. 从事…(的工作)   work as…

60. 做完某事  finish doing sth.

61.保护 “地球母亲” care for “mother earth”( = take care of = look after )

62. 处于危险中  in danger

unit 5 

1.过得开心  have a great time

2. 组织聚会活动 organize the party games

3.  让某人进入     let sb. in

4. 不让某人进入  keep sb. out

5. 半数的学生     half (of ) the class

6. 为聚会制定的规则the rules for the party

7.  把他们带走   take them away

8. 从其他学校带朋友来

bring friends from other schools

9. 叫他们离开 ask them to leave

10. 在聚会期间   during the party

11. 学校大扫除  school clean-up

12. 环游世界travel around the world

 =  travel all over the world16页,当前第412345678910111213141516


13. 上大学  go to college

14. 挣许多钱  make a lot of money

15.  因…而出名 be famous for…

16. 作为….而出名 be famous as…

17.  受教育   get an education

18. 成为一名职业运动员                   

become a professional athlete

19.  似乎像…    seem like…

20. 将能够     will be able to

21.  靠做某事)谋生 make a living by doing sth. = do sth. for a living

22. 做你爱做的事情 do sth. you love

捐钱给慈善机构give money to charities

24.  一直关注着你  watch you all the time

25.  到处追随着你follow you everywhere

26. 给生活带来麻烦 make life difficult

27. 靠体育运动来谋生ports for a living = make a living by playing sports

28. 一份危险的工作a dangerous job

29. 受伤 get injured

30. 做某事很困难a difficult time doing sth.

31. 事实上 in fact

32. 与….对抗, 反对  be / play against…

33. 加入俱乐部  join the club

34. 成为一名律师 become a lawyer

35. 移动电话 mobile phone

36. 进行足够的锻炼 get enough exercise

37. 吃太多的午餐  eat too much lunch

38. 看太多的电视  watch too much tv

39. 嘲笑某人  laugh at sb.

40. 将发生什么事?  what will happen?

41. 正在发生什么事? what is happening?


1. when is a good time to have the party?       什么时候是举行聚会的好时间?

2. please give me a chance to explain.          请给我一个解释的机会。

3. if you don’t have an id card, the teacher won’t let you in.   如果你没有身份证, 老师不会让你进入。

4. if you bring food to the party, the teachers will take it away.   如果你带食物来聚会, 老师把它带走。

5. if you bring friends from other schools, the teachers will ask them to leave. 如果你从其他学校带朋友来,老师会叫他们离开。

6. he is famous as an actor. 他作为一名演员而出名。

7. beijing is famous for the great wall. 北京因长城而出名

8. do you know if he will come?  你知道他是否会来吗?

9. if you become famous, people all over the world will know you.  如果你成名了,全世界的人民将认识你。

10. if i become a lawyer, i will be able to help people. 如果我成了一名律师, 我将能够帮助人们。

11. he makes a living by selling newspaper.   他靠卖报为生。= he sells newspaper for a living.

12. if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们 将去公园。

review of units 1 – 5

怎么了?   what’s the problem?

踢足球   play football16页,当前第512345678910111213141516


为了…   in order to do sth.

以下的三件事 the following three things

提高英语 improve english

开窗  open the window

unit 6 

你滑了多长时间?我滑了五个小时。/ 我从五个小时前开始一直滑到现在。  

how long have you been skating?      i’ve been skating for five hours.

i’ve been skating since five hours ago.

在滑冰马拉松赛中in a skating marathon


get the first pair of skates

我正在山顶学校滑冰马拉松比赛现场向您报道。i’m talking to you from the hilltop school skating marathon.

为慈善机构筹款raise money for charity

是第一个 / 最后一个做某事的

be the first / last one to do sth.

整整五个小时 the whole five hours

三年半three and a half years = three years and a half

集邮 collect stamps

谢谢你做了某事。thanks for doing sth.

送某人某物 send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb.

实际上  in fact

用尽空间 run out of room

遍及…all around…


on my seventh birthday

动物雪球 snow globes with animals

其他任何人  anyone else


start a snow globe collectors’ club

顺便说,顺便问一下by the way

告诉某人某事 tell sb. about sth.

放风筝fly kites

最普遍的爱好the most common hobby

组织一场才艺表演 organize a talent show


my hobby is collecting old coins.

做完某事finish doing


need extra english lessons

对…感兴趣be interested in sth. / doing sth.

…的首都 / 省会  the capital of …

一个有着多彩历史的有趣的城市 an interesting city with a very colorful history

欧洲影响  european influence

有俄罗斯的风格  be in russian style

了解很多关于…  learn a lot about sth.


more than /over a thousand years ago

受到某人的欢迎be welcomed by sb.

中国 / 西方历史chinese / western history


for a foreigner like me

越…,就越…。 the +adj.比较级(+主语+谓语), the +adj.比较级(+主语+谓语)

远离…  far (away) from…

XX年奥运会the olympic games in

在…方面有问题   have problems with sth. / have problems doing sth.

unit 7 

你介意(不要)做某事吗? / 请你(不要)做某事好吗?行,不介意的。would you mind (not) doing sth.? no, not at all.

调大声 / 调小声 turn up / down the music

开 / 关(电器、煤气等)turn on / off

打扫庭院 clean the yard

立刻、马上right away = right now = in a minute = at once

洗碗  do / wash the dishes

穿着那条旧的牛仔裤wear those old jeans

走出浴室get out of the bathroom

我不会太久的。i won’t be long.

穿上put on

脱下take off

看起来很可怕 look terrible

在开会be at a meeting = be having a meeting

完成任务 finish the tasks16页,当前第612345678910111213141516


去看电影  go to a movie

帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.;  help sb. with sth.

做饭 make dinner

学校开放日 school open day

制作海报 make posters

没问题。that’s no problem.

抱怨某事 complain about sth.


give sb. a terrible haircut

错码  the wrong size

钢笔不能用了。  the pen doesn’t work.

= there is something wrong with the pen.

服装店  clothing store


order a hamburger with french fries

我无法忍受i can’t stand it.

排队等待 wait in line


have a long telephone conversation

到处跟着我 follow me around


could you please (not) do sth.?

变得生气 、恼怒  get mad

回到…go back to …= return to…

恼怒、生气 get / be annoyed

某人发生某事  sth. happen to sb.

一直、总是all the time

有礼貌  be polite

做同样的事 do the same thing

在将来、在未来  in the future

尽力(不要)做某事 try (not) to do sth.

在地铁门口  in the subway door

在门口  at the door

插队 cut in line

把某物归还给某人 return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. = give back sth. to sb.

return it = give it back

到…去的路 the way to …

半小时 half an hour


welcome to our neighborhood

做某事感到兴奋be excited to do sth.

压低你的声音keep your voice down


in an english-speaking country

礼貌的社会行为 polite social behavior

首先、起初at first

在每种文化中  in every culture

在每种背景下 in every situation

在欧洲 in europe

大声地说话 talk loudly

允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.

允许做某事 allow doing sth.

做某事来得更好  it’s better to do sth.

在公众场合  in public (places)


take care (not) to do sth.

违反礼仪规则 break the rules of etiquette

给某人一些建议 give sb. some suggestions

熄灭香烟  put out that cigarette

当心、小心be careful = take care

乱扔垃圾 drop litter

拾起、捡起 pick (it / them) up

unit 8  why don’t you get her a scarf?

你为什么不做某事呢? why don’t you do sth? = why not do sth.?

为某人买某物buy / get sb. sth. = buy / get sth. for sb.

…如何,怎样? what about / how about (doing) sth?

足够特别 special enough

不够有创意not creative enough


what’s the best gift joe has ever received?


on his sixth birthday

多幸运的家伙啊!what a lucky guy (he is)! = how lucky the guy is!

毕业  leave school

做一顿特别的饭make a special meal

容易照看easy to take care of


an 80-year-old grandmother


a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child.

如今these days


a pot – bellied pig named / called connie16页,当前第712345678910111213141516


在沙发上on the sofa

和猪一起的生活life with a pig

吃得多  eat a lot


too +adj. / adv. (+for sb. ) + to do sth.


have enough time to spend with her

整天睡觉sleep all day

夜里很吵be noisy at night

好伙伴 good company


make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb.

花钱…1). sb. spendsome money on sth.

   sb. spend (spent) money (in) doing sth.

2). sb. pay (paid) some money for sth.

3). sth. cost (cost) sb. some money

带我们外出进餐take us out to dinner

根本不…  not … at all


fall asleep half way through the movie

上床睡觉go to bed

入睡  fall asleep (adj.) = go to sleep (v.)

睡着,沉睡  be asleep    

太多礼物  too many gifts

太多钱too much money

不同种类的 different kinds of

做某事就足够了。it’s enough to do sth.

使得某人做某事 make sb. do sth.

使得某人 / 某物… make sb. / sth. + adj.   

送礼(名词词组)gift giving 

被动语态  be +v. ed (过去分词)

赠送、分发某物给某人  give away sth. to sb. = give sth. away to sb.

捐钱给慈善机构  give money to charity

胜于,而不是 (前后连接并列部分)   …

rather than …

代替…,而不是… instead(of + sth. /doing sth.)

是XX年奥运会的主办者 be the host for the olympics

以不同的方式in different ways

来自全国各地  from across china = from all over china


enter a contest by(通过)singing popular english songs

42. 唱得清晰 (v.+ adv.) sing clearly     

43. 在舞台上  on stage       

某事做得和…一样好  v. + as well as … 

母语是英语的人native speakers of english     

各年龄组 all age groups    

男子组的冠军the winner of the men’s competition  

获奖win the prize                   

鼓励某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.             

取得进步 make progress           


have fun with sth. / have fun doing sth.     

听说某事 hear of + 名词 / 代词        

hear +(that)宾语从句      

找出、查明  find out   


a way / ways (for sb.) to do sth

a way / ways of doing sth. 

感兴趣于……, 对做某事感兴趣take an interest in sth. / doing sth. = be interested in sth. / doing sth.      16页,当前第812345678910111213141516


56. 与某人交朋友  make friends with sb.

unit 9

太空博物馆 a space museum

游乐场  an amusement park

---你曾去过水上公园吗?没有。      ---我也没去过。---have you ever been to a water park? no, i haven’t.   --- me neither.

去过某地  have / has been to…

去某地了 have / has gone to…

乘地铁  take a subway

三次   three times

过得愉快have a good / great / wonderful time


many other famous disney characters

在电影中in movies

实际上in fact

全世界around the world / all over the world

主题公园a theme park

以…为主题 be themed with

看到…正在做某事 see … doing sth.

四处走动  walk around

一直  all the time

乘船兜风 take a ride on the boat

在船上on board / on a boat

行驶不同的路线take different routes

结束   end up

如此多的乐趣  so much fun

到…旅行  travel to…

英文电影 english language movies


in an english-speaking country

做某事很有乐趣。it’s fun to do sth.

开始做某事  start / begin to do sth.; start / begin doing sth.

…的理由  reasons for sth. / doing sth.

交换生 exchange student

欢迎到…来。 welcome to…

做某事的最佳方式the best way to do sth.

机组乘务员a flight attendant

环游世界travel all over the world


the most important requirement is to speak english well.

导游  a tour guide

例如  such as…

上课  take / have lessons

考虑做某事think about / think of doing sth.

英文写作english writing

放学后after school

对于许多中国游客来说for many chinese tourists

在东南亚in southeast asia

一个度假的好地方a wonderful place to take a holiday

一方面…., 另一方面… 

on the one hand…, on the other hand…


more than three quarters of the popular are chinese.

在外国in foreign country

做某事有困难、问题have problems doing sth.

在白天  during / in the daytime

醒来wake up

做某事的最佳时间the best time to do sth.


睡着be asleep

醒着be awake

在一个更加自然的环境里in a more natural environment

一年到头、终年 all year round

靠近… be close to…

远离… be far from…

选择做某事 choose to do sth.

在春天 / 夏天 / 秋天 / 冬天

in spring / summer / autumn / winter

unit 10  it’s a nice day, isn’t it?

看起来像… look like

忘记做某事forget to do sth.

他真得很棒,不是吗?他当然是。      he’s really good, isn’t he?  he sure is.

我希望如此。  i hope so.

我希望不是这样。  i hope not.

不迟于中午,在中午之前 by noon

在中午 at noon

在周末  on the weekend


this is great weather, isn’t it?16页,当前第912345678910111213141516


对我来说有点热。it’s a little hot for me.

拥挤 be crowded

度过愉快的一天  have a good day

浏览书籍   look through books

排队买冰淇淋 wait in line to buy ice cream

在电梯里 in an elevator

过马路 cross the street / go across the street

他们的价格很贵 / 便宜。

their prices are high / low.

…价格是多少?how much does / do … cost?    how much is / are …?

what’s the price of …?

告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.

你认为…如何?what do you think of …? = how do you like …?

一个球迷  a ball game fan

(…的)感谢信 thank-you note (for… )


thank you so much for inviting me.

对某人很友好  be friendly to sb.


feel like part of the group

想要做某事  feel like doing sth. = want to do sth. = would like to do sth.

某事做得艰难 have a hard time doing sth.


出现、发生come along

喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth.

擅长做某事be good at doing sth. / do well in doing sth.

在某方面帮助某人help sb. with sth.

像你这样的朋友 friends like you

更容易得多a lot / much easier

与某人相处(得好 / 不好) get along / on (well / badly) with sb.

使得做某事很…make it +adj. + to do sth.

下周比赛的票a ticket for / to …

高兴做某事  be happy to do sth.

想起某人 think of sb.

举行家宴   have a family dinner


have his 90th birthday party

查阅报纸找暑期工look through the newspaper for a holiday job

小心做某事be careful to do sth.


the traffic is very busy at this time.

至少  at least

二. 语法复习    i .一般将来时 ww w.xkb1. com

(   ) 1. he says he _______ us around his factory in two days.  a. shows  b. is showing  c. will shows d. will show

(   ) 2. there _______ a map and some pictures on the desk.  a. are   b. is   c. have    d. has

(   ) 3. _______ i return the book to the library soon ?  a. will    b. do    c. am    d. shall

(   ) 4. a new university ____  in our city next year. a. will found b. will find  c. will be founded d. will be found

(   ) 5. do you know when ___________ us a talk ? a. will he give b. he’ll give  c. he gives d. he is giving

(   ) 6. don’t worry ! it ________ us half an hour to fix the machine. a. shall take   b. take  c. takes   d. will take

(   ) 7. we ___ you as soon as he ___ back. a. will call,will come b.will call, comes c. call, will come d.call, comes16页,当前第1012345678910111213141516


(   ) 8. they ________ back until joy ______ back to life.

 a. won’t go, comes  b. won’t go, will come  c. don’t go, comes d. don’t go, comes

(   ) 9. if it __________ , our family _____________ boating tomorrow.

 a. don’t rain, will go    b. isn’t rain, is going to go  c. doesn’t rain, will go    d. doesn’t rain, shall go

1. what ______ you _______ (do) the day after tomorrow ?    2. there _____ (be) an important meeting in two days.

3. jack says he _________(not be) free until tomorrow.  3. both of us ______(spend) our holiday in beijing next year.

ii过去进行时       用动词的适当形式填空。

1. while we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

2. i __________ (telephone) a friend when bob __________ (come) in.

3. jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

4. we __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off.

5. she _______ (not want) to stay in bed while the others _____________ (all, work) in the fields.

6. while mother ________ (put) cathy to bed, the door bell ________ (ring).

7. as i __________ (walk) in the park, it __________ (begin) to rain.

8. even when she _____ (be) a child she _____________ (already, think) of becoming a singer.


1 he came to our village two years ago.=he          our village since two years ago.

2 he left home three days ago=he                    home for 3 days.

3 i bought the watch 2 weeks ago=i          the watch since 2 weeks ago.

4 it is 5 days since i borrowed the book=i               the book for 5 days.

5 the film has begun= the film                    for half an hour.

6 i got to know him 10 years ago=i             him for 10 years.

7 there is a factory=there              a factory for 20 years.

8 our school opened in 1960=our school                 since 1960.

iv现在完成进行时     16页,当前第1112345678910111213141516